Americans Only In This Thread.
Compile a list of things that you feel to be most important for the future of the United States.

-Attempt to make the cultural climate in the United States more friendly. The left and the Right are at extreme odds. The American people hate their own countrymen. This hatred is poison to the the lifeblood of America.
-Protect my first, second, and fourth amendment. Today, these amendments are dying husks, bleeding away their spirit by the day.
-Eradicate corruption in the Government wherever possible.
-Crush fake news and biased media. The media's job is to provide objective news to inform and enlighten the American people, not to indoctrinate the minds of the public with the opinions that media executives deem correct.
-Stop piling debt onto future generations. The unborn shouldn't bear the financial weight of their ancestors foolish extravagance.
-Cut all support to Israel, my tax dollars are wasted there when they could be making life better here.
-Strengthen ties to Russia. The cold war is over.
-Weaken ties with China. Their regime is an affront to the liberty we Americans hold dear.
-Cease all immigration from Islamic nations. Most Muslims are not terrorists but almost all modern violent terrorists are Muslims who come from or have visited these nations.
-Investigate Hillary Clinton. There is overwhelming reason to suspect her of heinous crimes against the American people.
-Healthcare must be reformed. As much is it pains me to say it, I believe socialized medicine is the best path.

I made this list with intent to make it normie friendly so along with others, I kept out the wish for a pure white nation.

Other urls found in this thread:


1950s America Thread!





Stop using non-renewable resources, or at least use better ones, like Thorium.





It's sooooo white

Meanwhile in Chile.

Hey Fritz, honestly, I would love an imgur link to your 50s America collection, but could you cut it out here?


There's a black guy in ur pic

Fuck him Hans, keep dumping.









I agree with all of your points. If every white man took these to heart and did something about it, we would be living in a new golden age

OP here
Well, I really wanted to get some data on what we find most important here but I really do like 50s America threads.
I'll ask again sometime later.

What is this type of artwork called?



Retro American Dream Artwork works for me








>-Cease all immigration from Islamic nations. Most Muslims are not terrorists but almost all modern violent terrorists are Muslims who come from or have visited these nations.

All Muslims need to be stopped, if you believe that all Muslims aren't bad then you're part of the problem. We can also blame baby boomers for this, they lived that white life and took advantage of the American government which put us into shit. They brought all these fucking vile scum into America ruining what America once was, a white country with white/American culture and values!

Now the youth of today will have to live with being around someone who isn't white and live in danger. I don't want my kids to be brought up in a society where they will either be BLACKED, killed or turned into a ghetto thug.

Give this song a listen, if this doesn't change your mind then you might as well join Antifa and be killed when the day comes for civil war.

PS I'm a mix of white/mexican and I identify as white.


Every so often I remember what life was like back in the 80's.
And then I remember my favorite line from the TV show "Walking Dead."
There's a scene where a character named "Bob" makes a plea for decency and humanity.
A villain says, flatly, "You can't go back, Bob."
This is what I say to myself as I walk down the street.
An alien in my own homeland.
Wishing I was back in time when I wasn't.
Continually reminding myself -
"You can't go back, Bob."

Really Sad

wew lad








I agree with all these points but the last one

Okay, let's say that, by some miracle, we got rid of all the niggers and spics, and returned to an idyllic 1950s America that functions just as the founding fathers intended.

How do you prevent the people from allowing themselves to be manipulated again, voting against their own interests (or be taken advantage of by corrupt politicians that don't listen to their will) and having the country turn into a degenerate pile of shit again? In other words, how do you keep history from simply repeating itself? This seems to me to be the fatal flaw of democracy/liberty, it just seems to inevitably lead to degeneration.

>we to all play this are like fun have see

You cant, hedonism is a cancer that spreads

Bring back real home economics for women...seriously, do you have any idea how hard it is to find a home ec text book that actually teaches all the little things that it takes to run a home? Women who are motherhood age literally did not learn this shit from their hippy mothers...and the working mothers certainly didn't teach their daughters shit about making a home....so how can women learn the intricacies of homemaking?
And before someone spouts off about how easy it is...just fucking cook, clean and care of children....there's a bit more to creating a week long menu with 3 meals a day and dessert while staying within a budget....we are expected to know how to properly feed a family good food, but we're not generally educated in nutrition....and cleaning...how often? what should be used to clean different surfaces? what's the most economical way to get X clean? just take laundry as an example, so many different fabrics and so many different types of stains...but shout isn't going to get all of them out and no one is teaching women how to do laundry properly....
You want women back in the home, you have to teach them how to care for that home, properly. And a woman who keeps a good home should be, dare I say, respected for doing so....a woman's place in society is in her home and society should respect the women that keep it.

Modern America is great though, at least for American women. They need to experience the power of the BBC to satisfy them at least a few times, then they can go marry a white boi. They will always fondly remember and long for the time they were BLACKED though.

As I said, that list was normie friendly.
I'm under no illusions. Muslims are a snare to the feet of humanity. My neighborhood here in Oregon is becoming infested with them as maggots infest a dying animal.

I have been a compassionate person for all my life and somehow, I cannot bring myself to feel hatred for non-whites. I recognized that they are biologically inferior, heck, I am mildly disgusted just looking at them. But I don't hate them.
You can't blame a nigger for committing crime just as you can't blame a dog for peeing on the carpet. The dog would not have peed there if you trained it correctly. Niggers have been free and untamed for decades not and look what they have become. Niggers are innocent as they can't help what their biology demands they do.
I don't want non-whites dead. I want them to simply leave. I don't enjoy seeing blood, I don't like death, I hate violence. I just want the non-whites to go away, never come back, and try to sort out their problems on their own.


Anglo-Germanic American masterrace. If you cant trace your lineage to the colonies get out.

>I made this list with intent to make it normie friendly so along with others, I kept out the wish for a pure white nation.

So your list is worthless lol

Two girls for every boyyyyyy


Curious your guys' thoughts on JFK, I'm torn

can someone post the webm of the latest dinner in the whitehouse? looked kinda like those pictures. a bright future maybe?

How did they make each face have its own distinct personality, its so mesmerizing.

A photo of today is everyone smiles and tries to do their IG pose.


Nice Guy, back then democrats and republicans were much closer together on cultural issues etc. I assume

she's got the mars attack look down


Is that the one with tje little green aliens whos heads explode when music is played from vinyl? I love that movie

Didn't his father buy the election for him by using the Chicago mob? I hate that the kikes killed him but he wasn't perfect.


I have no idea


Balkanization by race, followed by collective constitutions that ban immigration.

Its not just immigration, white culture went down the drain aswell

a classic


Were the 50s really as great as they seem in these images?

It looks like paradise

this is canada dummy

>how do we stop this

Simple, you forgot to add jews to the list of removed groups.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots."

White socks and sandals = Surprisingly hot.

>tfw a politician can't talk to the people like this anymore without getting their head blown off

Very common in germany

You would probably die 30 years earlier due to lung cancer or other diseases that we can treat today, but the culture seems to be way better.
Sad times


yeah back in those days people just blew their own heads off rather than going after the politicians

see: bottom right of that image



>The president of the United States playing a saxophone is what's contributing to the degradation of western civilization


>tfw little kids can't play with guns around politicians anymore
why live

top kek


>nigger music
>not degenerate

Detroy was before Henry Ford decide to crusade against the Zionist and printed 500k copy of the protocol of the Elder of Zion a great city.. so for my 2 cents advise,stop suckling on Zionist cuck or shut the fuck up and die

probably a cap gun but still

>"You can't go back, Bob."

No, you can't, but you can go forward, user.

I guess niggers have white arms now

I think the big catalyst for white liberalism was the civil rights movement... without minorities there won't be any inequality to protest about other than class inequality and that would just be the usual poor people whining about being poor

Also gotta nip homosexuality in the bud. Make it a mental illness and illegal again and quit with gay propaganda

>tfw my brother got blue eyes and I didn't