This is honestly how I feel everyday.

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how do i stop being angry at twitter jews

So ths is the new attack... Act indignant that the president doesnt allow himself to get fucked in the ass by the press. Do they really think a trump supporter or regular american gives a fuck if the press is upset that the president isnt willing to take their abuse?


In the interest of brevity, you can fill in the rest.

If Trumpf is BTFO, why is he still the president?

its 4D chess right trump dick suckers

this is a mutated form of the humble brag.
>i won't respond to the president, except by saying i won't respond

nobody take this fat fuck seriously, even the trumpoid redditors that infest this board jumped ship

...if only you could convince the rest of your faggot brethren to do the same and not post at all...

Please distribute accordingly...

Never thought Id see the day a republican didnt say "yes massa" when the fake news tells them what their policy should be.

Good he's not even worth a trump tweer roast

You feel like a pathetic loser everyday? Boy that must suck.

Never imagined the day I wouldn't have a comeback to a 70 something year old man's tweet at my wife.

Shut up, paki.

No, this is straight up gangsta schlonging, no 4d chess involved.

>Media exec

hahaha you fags can't help yourself but tweet about the Prez. That's all you do: Tweet about the Prez and suck cock&ballz all day long.


Drumpf supporters are jokes, everytime a person says "I support Trump" you know the person's IQ is below 100 and that their opinion isn't worth shit because they're not in a position of power.

>honestly bro

Omg tht is like totes me irl


are the kikes finally going to fuck off Trumps twitter mentions?

>im too humble to respond to trump but not humble enough to keep it to myself
most progs fall in this zone somehow, weird

>their opinion isn't worth shit because they're not in a position of power

The fucking irony hahaha



Trump is the inevitable outcome of capitalism run amok. Total corruption in the face of rule of law.

So you are implying you are in a position of power? Progressive sanctimony is mocked by having Trump as a president. The progressives have formed the system by which Trump was able to attain office. You guys are awesome. People would rather have a silly billionaire reality star than a Washington politician. You guys are a joke, mocking a joker.

A fucking turbo-kike media demon acting indignant? No, this isn't even checkers you fucking stupid nigger.

>wtf he called her bloody mika WTFFFFFFFF indecent


Trump owns you. 60k tweets under his facelift tweet says it all. You are obsessed with Trump.

>Being this assblasted

Why do progressives always use the words "feels", "totes", and other smarting words of faggotry? Please stop acting like teenage girls. It is like you fuckers read tiger beat or something.

Cry more, faggot. Keep defending a Screen Actor's Guild member, you embarrassing retard

He hit'em where in hurts, grabbed'em by the 'insecurity'.

What kinda fucking name is "Kornblau"?

>This is honestly how I feel everyday.
You've been screeching autistically and bleeding from the asshole since November 9th of last year because your retarded zombie whore from hell lost an election rigged in her favor.

Please stop pretending you've had a revelation to hate Trump, faggot. If you despise America so much, LEAVE.

And communism is the answer? That is like curing the flu with a shotgun to the head.


Can we genocide all the verified medi shit stains already?

Fight the power man

there is no crying on pol. quit being a bitch op.

>can't repeal obamacare
>can't build the wall
>muslim ban fails at every step


Well conservative states are going to get more cucked while blue states won't have to suffer, so yeah, the jokes are the people who voted for him.

The ass hurt of these fucking hypocrites...keep acting like this is beyond the pale while everyone has been watching them sling shit since before he was elected...they can dish it out but they cant take it and they think by acting so indignant because of this is just going to make people hate them more

Typical faggot commiecrat

>irl you disagree with me then you must be retarded
>Not bothering to take into account that person's background, financial circumstances, experiences with government-run institutions that might cause them to differ in opinion

I know you think you're ubermenschen asshole but really you're just a self centered piece of dog shit. Please jump off a highway overpass into oncoming traffic

>trying to defeat a bully by being a pussy
Trump is gonna eat this guys lunch.

He's so insecure that he has to respond. Did Obama tweet about Fox News calling him a commie Muslim? You're just as pathetic as your "daddy" Trump.

I love this timeline.
They sit and suck each others' dicks to make themselves look good while the person they profess to hate laughs and calls them fags from the oval office.

>Respond to him anyway


Obama didn't have to respond because he had hundreds of thousands of willing lap dogs to do his trolling for him. Not to mention the big five shit lib news organizations. Go dive in a bowl of dicks with your mouth open faggot.

And that shows how you are in a position of power how exactly ? How hard is your life living with severe retardation ?

Jew and thus irrelevant. This is why the star of david was so powerful, it opened up people to the fact that such a small minority have such a big and toxic effect to society.

>if you kill your enemies, you're insecure
justin pls go

>only white people support trump
>white people are not in a position of power

Now you know how half the nation felt the previous 8 years

oh wow you're a special kind of dumb, you know the poor people in southern states that voted for dump are going to suffer the most cause of his policies? so they are indeed retarded, while there will be few if any changes at all for folks living in blue states.

Right. Now show me your sources. Show me your qualifications. Who do you work for? Are you in a qualified enough position to reliably answer this question?

Until you can answer all these questions (HONESTLY. I know that's difficult for liberals) with a yes than your opinion isn't worth shit you fucking Marxist.

>tweets negative Trump stuff daily
>act like he's above it all

That NBC shill should suck a Hillary's cock.

Decent shout that lol

Smelly dumb drumftard scum #resist

then what is spicer but trump's lap dog

>Not being able to identify the most clearly shill reply ever

I'm pretty sure someone using that kind of vocabulary wouldn't even know how to greentext, user

The south doesn't count though.

What a simpleton faggot analogy you've concocted.
Obama never had his fake head being held up by an actress while panels discussed it's value to discourse on national news segments in the first 6 months of his presidency.

Obama also had a party that was willing to do anything and everything he wanted...he was a diety to them.

Trump has gotten this far by being trump. No help. No assistance from even his own party.

Why should he change now.

You are just witnessing how a real man takes on adversaries both foreign and domestic and leads a country in a way Obama never could have.


By whining and slinging insults like a 4th grader?

Fucking Lol

>implying that press secretary doing their job is a lap dog instead of fulfilling obligations of their employment...


>so retarded that he thinks that parody twitter account is actually Sean Spicer.

Either way, you're a fucking donkey.

Your scholars, social critics, and leaders have long ago lost all credibility. They have bought into anti-human and anti-science notions like gender fluidity. They live by quasi-religious and eschatological political/social models, and can no longer be reasoned with. You fuckers infiltrated everything like viruses, and now we have to pick up the pieces of your warped mind games. You set groups off against eachother as community activism and use ideas like critical theory to literally deconstruct and/or pervert traditional norms and standards. Progressives have lost the war. Even if they win, it will be their own undoing. The hubris will bite them in the butt sooner than later.

Like obama and the media?

Melania's cyber-bullying campaign is doing great, I see.

I'm not liberal,
I'm a progressive ;)

Please show me where did ever Obama tweet insults to people

Yes, he went on rants about Fox News all the time

Certainly better than faggot hillary who would have made it her mission to screw us over

>poor people in southern states

The problem here user is that it doesn't matter whether you're poor or not. That is not the deciding factor for dems. What is the deciding factor is whether you fall in line with every other cuck who believes the lies. As far as liberals are concerned the poor can suck a dick. If you guys were as much of the charitable saints you claim to be then all of you who are in a person to give a significant amount of money to the poor should be doing just that (ie hollywood, celebrities, high-powered liberal execs, strapping DC politicians). Show me more than a load of BS with nothing to prove you actually care (you really seem to like giving to the Clinton foundation tho dontcha)

For people who say they really care about the poor you seem extremely reluctant to do anything about it

>inb4 you care about pointless issues like whether having a penis determines that you are a man


Nigga just close your eyes like turn off the screen or whatever smdh

Not that I'm ever able to to so

>verified nobody

We all know what that means.

listen Ahmed. Fuck off to your human corpse kababs and sex trafficking rings ya fuck.

Is this a joke? Go watch the Obama correspondents dinner that Trump attended. Obama insulted people all the time, the media just never blew it up into a huge deal so low info people like yourself never heard about it

I know of it and he did no such thing. Kys conservacuck

Tfw libs now think everything is 4d chess but trump took the day off to play checkers

>I know of the dinner event where Obama hurled lowblow insults at Trump for 20 minutes straight
>he did no such thing
pick one flip flopper

>viral clip with Obama mic drop
>"Well Donald at least I will go down as president"

Obummer would never insult anyone.

Hope It's not beneath his dignity to put a gun to his temple and pull the trigger

Every time these people respond to something Trump says, or tweets by stating it is "beneath" them in any way, it just further exposes how elitist they are.

These snobs just can't help themselves.

what theyre actually saying is Trump isnt allowed to defend himself

Why does he feel like he is "sooo impotent" that he needs to respond at all. Dude should just roll his eyes and go on the next subject. Kornblau is just another pathetic wanna-be looser. Attacks the President in 900000000 ways but gets "offended" when the Pres fights back with the same tactics.


Virtue signaling!

>all these bitches talking shit getting butt blasted when Trump personally responds to them
Maybe they should say it to his fucking face or keep their mouth shut.


The death of the elite is glorious. They want a queen; we want a leader. We won, they lost.

They shouldn't be responding period because it doesn't involve them lol.

Wanna be important bystanders are so fucking pathetic.

>Well conservative states are going to get more cucked while blue states won't have to suffer, so yeah, the jokes are the people who voted for him
If this was true, you should be enjoying this then.
Pro-tip: You're not
Pic related is you

> blue states won't have to suffer
Illinois would like to have a word. July 1st they go bankrupt.

Slide thread, sage

Imagine being this much of a pretentious faggot
I can't wait until these shills and their (((financiers))) and their counterparts in the media and deep state start getting thrown in FEMA camps and executed for treason and sedition

>Progressive: a term used to describe cancer, emphysema, leftism, or anything that slowly destroys anything it touches.