2018 US military budget to be extra 97 billion $ bigger

Curtesy of our good friend McCain

>1.4 billion $ more for defense of East Europe
>500 million $ of "lethal assistance" to Ukraine
>navy of at least 355 ships, starting construction on 13 new ones
>purchase of 94 F-35's, 24 more than Trump asked for
>15000 extra infantry and 1000 extra marines
>2.1% paycheck incresase for everyone in the military
>500 million $ extra to Israel's missile program


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Americans are so fucking retarded Holy Jesus
Russia spends a fraction of what America spends and still is a respected military superpower, they took Crimea and nobody dared to do anything.
America has 19 trillion debt, 100 million people on welfare, decades old infrastructure, the most expensive healthcare in the world, an obesity crisis, the highest prison population in the world, they're trying to save everyone else when they can't even save themselves.

the us military is basically a welfare program

20 trillion $ by end of July.

Sounds like a huge waste of money if you don't have where to use f-35. Won't it come to that were they never going to use f35 because of risk losing it?

This. More military spending = more jobs.

Oh and that's more than enough money for the wall.

Insane amount of tax dollars go to the military.

Hilarious considering one of your biggest states is about to go bankrupt.

is the US military the most evil organization to ever exist?

(((( McCain ))))

I hate this nation so much. Cannot believe so many support this insanity.

Lethal assistance to Ukraine especially pisses me off. Trump is a complete Jew servant now. They are going to keep escalating the bullshit civil war in Ukraine in hopes to get Russia involved so they can finally get war with Russia. This is so disgusting and criminal.

>America has 19 trillion debt

Is there any danger of the debt ceiling ever shattering and burrying us all?

I have to admit that economics are a weak point for me. I just don't see how the US can on like this forever. The bubble has to pop sometime, right?

I miss Reagan's 600 ship Navy.

Yeah they could spent 25% as much and still be #1, very silly for them to have such a massive military and things like the f-35

i'd like to see r/the_donald trying to justify this kind of policy

>More military spending = more jobs.
There are better ways to run a welfare program that don't involve wasting manufacturing capacity and material resources. Imagine if we took all that money and brought a fiber to every home.
McCain needs to hang in international court like the Milosevic he is.

Russia mostly just sits on a big pile of nukes, and thats the only reason they dont have a government thats a complete puppet to the globalists. If the US messes with them or is dragged into war with them, they blow up half the world, and the US blows up the other half.
Yeah. At some point its going to have to be realized that (almost) every dollar in existence is just some debt owed to the Federal Reserve that the banks just printed outright or is some number they made up. All currency is worthless numbers, and when the debts cant be repaid, those numbers will disappear and everyone will be worth whatever material goods they posess.

as long as people hold things like homes and cars that have intrinsic value and we remain the sole military superpower it really doesn't matter.

>we remain the sole military superpower
You're just the sole military supernigger.
>inb4 the empire is a good goy dindu nuffin

who's going to come collect that debt you retard? It's not like I'm defending what's in the OP but saying we are the sole military power is a fact.

now go get the graph with the wrest of the spending on it dumb ass.....

>sole military power
They don't need to "come collect" anything. There are other ways to wage war. We need China more than they need us. They alone can embargo the US and dump their trillion dollars in Treasuries on muh free market to completely BTFO the petrodollar and really fuck the empire's shit up.

I dont support either Putin or globalists, but I think that if ukrainian military went on offensive and cleared Donbass it would be great.

The banks will probably try anything they can to take away people's material goods to try to pay off the debts. They'll succeed wherever people don't have guns, unless large parts of the army or something is willing to protect people from the collectors. They'll succeed everywhere if they can bribe politicians into declaring war on the people or certain areas they will deem to be in rebellion, and if they do, slavery will come back, but most people will be the slaves, working for nothing to pay off the debt (and long past that). If they can't do that, they will sic their PMCs on us.

In other words, there will be a literal war by the banks against the people.

Posting in a shareblue thread

The USD shell game shrinks after each new military defeat with corresponding reduction of geopolitical influence.
You are down to 17% global GDP.

Then leave commie. I don't respect a lot of things the government does but I'd never say I hate my country

I listened to some analysis how if they supplied you with these it would make major difference.


>The banks will probably try anything they can to take away people's material goods to try to pay off the debts
wat? Seriously? What use are a bunch of cell phones going to be to foreign creditors? The only thing foreign creditors would be interested in are land and homes.
All the more reason to know where the banksters are at all times.

we should have relied on drones, assasinations and controlling border so Russia cant supply humanitarian help. Many redpilled ukrainians know that government is not interested in ending the war

>they're trying to save everyone else when they can't even save themselves.

They are not saving anyone that buys influence and control that forces our economy to stay on top.

>This meme again

meanwhile i can't get my torn meniscus repaired cause I dont have an extra 8000 dollars lying around.

>Discretionary spending
Is about 15% of the total budget. That is funding that can be changed from year to year. Meanwhile non-discretionary spending which makes up the majority of the actual budget has programs like medicare that cannot be reduced without an act of god in congress.

>that buys influence and control that forces our economy to stay on top.
how is it spending half of your entire budget on the military help your economy stay on top?
what makes America stay on top are big companies that creates jobs and goods
the military creates only more and more spending, you have to pay welfare niggers forever to just be there, they create nothing of value
you have a military this big just to protect jews
your country is struggling with a lot of problems and you think it's a great idea to spend even more money on useless war machines while your population struggles.
take that flag off, National Socialism is about the people.

>how is it spending half of your entire budget on the military help your economy stay on top?
>what makes America stay on top are big companies that creates jobs and goods
How old are you?

Do you not understand the degree to which corporate America uses China? It's even profitable to send chickens to China to be processed and sent back here. Even small consultancies use China to assemble hundred-lots of electronic devices under contract rather than do it here.

>1.4B for defense of Europe

Fuck that. You dickless cunts are on tour own!




The cost of Medicare and Social Security dwarf the size of our military budget.

Estonian pays its 2%. It's only fair we rebuild Jägala for them.

I said it before and I'll say it again. Republicans are the party of gibsmedats free stuff. How do they pay for all this?

Eurocucks caring about the US defense budget bugs the shit out of me.

This is good for the US, and doesn't effect your faggots in Euroistan.

> John McCain died peacefully at home
> early Friday after being knocked in the head by
> a foul ball while watching his beloved Arizona
> Diamondbacks play. His last wishes were that
>"President Comey destroys all human existence."
>In lieu of flowers, please beg for war with Syria

it does affect people in other countries actually, but in a good way. please spend more on defence.

Any right wing retard or military industrial complex shill want to tell me how they're paying for all this?

that sounds possible honestly

>implying the money ever existed

>increasing spending with huge debt and rising interest rates
Good luck.

By issuing Treasuries on our behalf, naturally.



We're going to have to spend 2x what we're spending now if we keep pissing off all of our allies.

Jews and saudis must be defended OP.

So $97B added to the deficit per year? That's how the GOP roll

This vessel is on its way from picking up its latest load of youthful immigrants from Tripoli...

>the party of limited government

wew lad

It's bipartisan, my dude. For some (((reason))) we can't just print the money. We (((have to))) borrow it from rich cunts.

wow, t-t-thanks guys.

jesus fuck what a nation of spineless retards you really all are.

It's Republican

Currently wildfires ravaging Arizona, so he can rake in more (((emergency funding)))

Stpo projecting, spineless retards.
I will be very happy to see you jewkrainians forcibly brought back into the Russian borders.

She's making her way up towards Italy right now, if you leave now you can welcome your new friends!

I just wish your nation would be left the fuck alone.

That does not account for all spending. Just discretionary.

The reason military spending is accepted is because it acts like a welfare system.

It keeps tons of people employed in the US while also coming up with technologies like GPS which can later be given out to the rest of the world.

Good goy. Always bleed for a government that wants you dead. All because of muh flag


World reserve currency

You do realize that modern economy is driven by debt, right?
The world is in $200 trillion debt, which is why our world economy is alive right now. The cash is going around and around and around "in the system" so to say. Everyone that has read economics 101 knows that shit.




arguing with a nigger on the internet

not even once

nice try leroy

Post yfw most of this additional budget will go to SDF and other terrorist organizations trying to depose Assad and Trump will do nothing to stop it.

the last thing ukraine needs is to escalate this fucking shit show... which is why the retards in the us are now trying to do exactly that. kiev regime is a joke, supported entirely by the state dept

Do you even know what a "strong dollar" means?

>Monetary policy
>US political system

Pick one (1)

so really money is becoming a joke and 200 trillion worth of goods and/or services was just given free and everyone just said meh


it means American strength

u retards want a weak dollar?

Fuck off, with that anti-Milosevic bullshit, jihadi faggot.

Almost every war since the 1500s has been a war of bankers against the people.

what would you know beach flag

America needs to redo basically everything to emerge into the future.


mccain is clearly senile, yet still runs around in the us ((democratic)) system saying insane things.

>what is fiscal policy

go back to fucking emus spastic

It could get worse. Since Saakashvili now has your citizenship he could become pm/prez. Imagine that.

Or maybe Yulia will come back eventually.

u mean princess leia

Nice. 2.1%? I hope that goes to military working military federal jobs.

You've got a lot to learn retard

sakashvili has staryed his own political party. why not, the place couldnt get more absurd anyway. poor yulia, thrown to the dogs completely, once that georgian retard left odessa. the us treated her appallingly, whole thing was a total farce.

How much gibs to Turkey white cucks?

>Assad & Russia lover detected

I have no opinion on Milosevic. I do believe McCain should go through the same process: rendition to the Internation Criminal Court followed by a fair trail followed by hanging, if he lives long enough, and I hope that all heroic measures would be used to keep him alive to experience that glorious final outcome, cost be damned.

us and china are the only ones trying to establish order in a world that is on the brink of chaos. Be thankful

Now filtering troll fagflag

Basically the same thing as saying f the police. Retarded

>triggered & must maintain the safe space
kek no one will miss your input

There's a reason successful people say the pledge and sing the national anthem and fly American flags in their yard. Maybe work harder?

>There's a reason successful people say the pledge and sing the national anthem and fly American flags in their yard
>Maybe (((work harder)))

Ok, with you on the McCain shit. That guy wants WWIII.