EDITION: ᚦᚦᚦ Europe Free ᚦᚦᚦ


This is a thread for the discussion of Paganism, the future of Aryan Race, Culture, Traditionalism, Jewish Question and Christianity.

ᛟᛟᛟ Places to start learning ᛟᛟᛟ

Varg's playlist "European Polytheism & Tradition"

Survive the Jive playlist "Paganism"

ᚦᚦᚦ Social Media ᚦᚦᚦ


Discord Code: w68tguT

Any questions, interested in learning, Christians on the edge, or just want to debate, feel free to join any of the groups above.

IMPORTANT! Before you have any questions, please check out the Q&A below:


ϟϟϟ Recommended channels ϟϟϟ

Varg Vikernes

Survive the Jive

European Kitchen

Forgotten Roots


Survival Russia


Fuck off kike, saged.

theres no sage anymore you shareblue shillcuck


Christcucks worship the king of israel, yet hate the jews.



What the fuck is this autistic shit doing on Sup Forums? I haven't visited this place in like 2 years, what the fuck is going on here, what's all these 'generals'? Someone explain please.

Christcucks will defend this

Tor vs God, who will win?

Good for cool looking symbols, nothing else

Not a Pagan but trying to reconnect. Took a road trip last weekend to some Pagan places, and plan on going to a Catholic pilgrimage to the first Anglo-Saxon church in England. Any recommendations on UK or anywhere else to go?

Last weekend
>Uffington White Horse
>Glastonbury Tor
>Wayland's Smithy

Also what's the consensus on Wiccanism? They seem like a lot of new-age hippies to me.

Thor will kill kikegoat

>Using Survive the Jive and Varg as a reference

You sir...are doing it the right way. Thanks.

Is there anything better in Europe than Christian buildings?

Prepare for American christcucks crying about Paganism like it is something new. We have always been pagan here in Scandinavia. Everyone was forced to convert to Christianity but where secretly Pagan and held onto their traditions. Almost all your "Christian" traditions are Pagan. Keep defending your jewish god, while larping as a crusader.

Also I just want to point out that Paganism is strangely unique in the UK. The Devil has a huge place in Christian mythology around Pagan sites here and I have a few questions for Pagans about that.

>Devil is considered to have never crossed the River Tamar into Cornwall, although a lot of places are named after him
>He regularly crosses a river (I think in Devon, near the border with Cornwall) on a bridge - the mythology made it sound like at one time it was just an accepted phenomenon
>Many of the stone circles are supposedly gatherings of people and weddings turned to stone by the Devil

So, is the "The Devil did it!" more of a Christian way of forcing people to think that Paganism was a Devil-worshiping religion, or was the Devil actually associated with these places under a Pagan name, like how there was a Pagan god presiding over Bath, replaced with the Roman one when they moved in.

Lic has a decent idea but that map is a shitshow.

wiccanism was created by some guy in the 60s. Its pretty much just there for goths and emos.

I wonder what an Islamic paganism would look like? They seem like they would mix well

Wicca don't use historical sources for their beliefs so they're probably the least genuine pagans. Their practices don't accurately represent the ancient traditions, even as a reconstruction.

There can be no such thing as Islamic Paganism, since Islam is not pagan. Then again, Islam and Christianity comes from the same place, a desert in the Middle East.

tons of tricks were used to try and convert the pagans in the british isles.

A few celtic gods became saints, the celtic calender was used on their early churches, which we now call the celtic cross.

The entire father/son/holy ghost idea came from the celts who were obsessed with the number three and had a maiden/mother/crone archetype for their goddesses.

I see Paganism as more of a racial and political movement than a religion at this point. You have Scandinavian Paganism coming about as a counter-culture movement and a giant "Fuck you!" to all organized religions, especially Christianity and Islam. British Paganism is more liberal and about tree hugging, while German Paganism is a way to hide neo-Nazism as a religion. For the most part, I mean. There's very little written about the way the religion was first practiced so there's no way of knowing aside from projecting

Wotan, id est, furor

You're right in saying that it's unique in the UK, because I honestly don't know what to make of any of that.
It wouldn't really match any druid tales to have people transform into stone circles.

Why does your flag have a christian cross on it?

Thor destroyed every frost giant

Jesus said hed put an end to sin

i dont see any frost giants

>The entire father/son/holy ghost idea came from the celts who were obsessed with the number three and had a maiden/mother/crone archetype for their goddesses.

Are you sure about this? Wiccans also interpret Hecate, a Greek goddess who has three heads/aspects in that way. She was also the goddess of magic.

Yeah, I wonder why.


Let's keep in mind that the trinity doesn't really work in Christianity which leads to some skepticism for its origin. Any time an explanation is made for the trinity (beyond it being a holy miracle that we can't fully comprehend) it is found to be inconsistent with the bible and labeled a heresy by the church.
Trinities in pagan pantheons however were perfectly understood by the pagans at the time.

I'm not saying that the Christian trinity makes sense or doesn't, I'm just questioning whether he is getting mixed up with a modern neo-Pagan belief with an ancient one. They may have stolen the idea themselves though. It's just that what he said is exactly what Wiccans say about Hecate.


yeah this is true

wiccianism is a jewish ploy to ruin paganism, the jews hate all other gods and all other races it is commanded of them in the book of deuturonomy

>join skype chat
>get kicked out immediately

kek, top pagan

This should be called "Polytheist" general.

Pagan is a Christian name. Stop stealing you savages.

what does this mean?

kek-flag - christian flag - gtfo

It's a witch recipee to transform you into a toad.

The entire skype chat got kicked.
It was pretty inactive so we'll have to rely on the discord now.

>has a pagan avatar on skype
>has a pagan mood message on skype direct from the eddas

nice boogeyman

nah, mate, just some kid trying to act important kicking people out for some mind boggling reason without them even introducing themselves, I guess

not sure why I even expected anything else

ah, I see lad, makes more sense