Give me the toughest red pills to swallow.
Give me the toughest red pills to swallow
Other urls found in this thread:
You will forget everything, and everything will have forgotten you.
That you're in a dream manifested by your own reality
You died a long time ago user
Traps aren't gay
Nuclear bombs aren't real.
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
This should be saged
Women care about money above all else
Semen actually tastes great.
The jews arent the problem you are
>Traps aren't gay
This is your hardest red pill: Germany will never be great again.
>select all images with a bus
Here's the big enchilada:
90%+ of this site consists of miserable single white sociopaths who's interests consist of talking about blacks online all day (but never a word IRL) , and jerking off to homo erotic shit and anime porn.
Lol user. Nice.
Some transsexuals actually have brains more like the opposite sex. This reinforces that gender is biological so ((they)) covered it up by promoting that gender is just what you feel like and that there's unlimited genders
The holocaust is also a lie but that's not a real redpill
Sauce or you're a typical lying cracker
Wait what?
Reptilians etc
Left vs Right
Globalist vs Nationalist
Really aren't important. The only fight that matters is Spiritual vs Material
read the entire feed
Redpills for weeks
Jews want to kill all non-jews and are actively planning and executing this agenda.
And here is proof in detail 100% of this agenda -
Fillipinos are the most powerful race in the world.
The West is already dead, this is the decaying stage.
i bet it inst good for you stomach
If you actually care about that you have nigger-tier thinking. Also not even true, if you're a good person and act according to the inherit moral law you will positively influence the people around you. Those people are likely to have children who they will influence and in turn be influenced by you. You absolutely matter and some influence on this world will carry on past your death no matter how infinitesimal .
Women can't be allowed to vote due to their nature.
You may think it's not tough, right? Then consider this: you most likely live in democracy and half of the voters are women. You just can't undo suffrage and feminism. You may think you will be able to install authoritarian gov't in your country, but... How real is that thought? And, more importantly, will that happen before the collapse of the West?
Modern media and false realities that come from overconsumption of it (television and internet) is a poor replacement for the real world. The dopamine surges cause addiction, and the compression of time coming from extensive usage is why people complain so much more about days, weeks, months, years passing so quickly.
Neo-nazis will have to work together black men to fight degeneracy
Our fathers were weak men. Raised up in the times made great by the men before them.
So essentially get off of social media to prolong your perception of life?
Communism and National Socialism both had the same goals more or less. Based on changing what it is to be human instead on trying to find a way of working with human nature.
The real redpill is that no ideology has a good answer and we need to create a new one, one that works with human nature and nature it's self to get the max out of ourselves as a species.
That's kind of beautiful dude.
There are only two genders.
Womens' sexuality must be controlled by the larger group, society, or religion.
Hipsters are degenerates.
another bullshiting centrist moral relativism cuck claiming dick cutting merchants aren't a problem
asian sand tribe wasn't a problem, you wuz lululul
Nothing you do matters your owned at birth and stamped with a number.
Your literal life is to further consumerism and procreate other shits to further the consumerist cycle as well as to play pawn to any elite wars that may come up.
The United States tried to free itself from this but has been undermined at every chance all the way back to the founding of this nation.
niggers from nigger Africa sold their ancestors to the white man.
The jews really do rule world and are the ones that control the majority of the American media consumed
Yes. Neil Postman spoke about this extensively with television, and the same applies to the internet.
Germany truly is lost.
Conspiracy theory sites are backed by elites to make them look more powerful.
Sorry guys, the future is gonna be Social (ist) Jewstice For All.
Everyone has been screaming for it, and by God, they are gonna get it
I wanna thank BLM, and the Natsoc useful idiots most of all...this never would have been possible without you.
Thanks for actually seeming to believe that making rich whites/blacks take care of their inferior subordinates, will somehow help society.
I dunno how you guys did it, but Kudos.
Soon, they will all be forced to respect our Authoritah!!
Voting Dem is the FINAL, TRUE, red pill.
You can't argue with effectiveness. Progressive gun control, has done more to destroy black communities, than CRACK!!
We've got George "The Golden Gasser" Soros himself, funding BLM while blacks kill each other, and Hamas to kill guys better get in on this shit. Everyone knows we're the REAL racists and Nazis.
Don't forget to vote Democrat brothers.... SOCIALISM FOREVER!! There are something like 20 Haitian families, homeless, just so I can drive German Engineering. Get in on this shit...we pretend to be on their side....AND THEY BELIEVE IT!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Do you actually BELIEVE it is red pills you have been taking by the handful?
Peel off the label, I think you will find out they are 'berry blue' or some shit.
Greetings from the future, fellow Democrats!!
We're keeping the dream alive.
We're creating human/pig hybrids...even AJ knows this now.
We do this for the pigman!!
This shit is nuts
Toughest would be hard determinism if it's true.
If not then it's that the good old days are gone, and the moral right has no solution to future technology (outside of neoreaction).
We live in actual pretty good and peaceful times.
Most of the problems and "happenings" you jerk off to are nothing but yourself trying to make your own boring life more interesting and projecting your own misery on the rest of the world.
Rampant immaturity caused by the ways the internet presents information to the brains of the young and easily led is the primary reason for the shittiness of our world at the present time
This. NatSoc vs AnCap vs Communism vs etc is all a useful distraction. Politics will drag you from spirituality to materialism, from obsession with spiritual purity to obsession with worldy statistics about meaningless collectives. The red pill is the first step towards an existence without pills where you're own being becomes universal truth. Pills are a consumerist substitute for meditation.
Any actual links? I'm not making a Twitter account.
Micks rule the world and use the Jews as a smoke screen.
Gay marriage and fidelity is the only effective counter against gay promiscuity and corrosion.
It's our responsibility to overcome the shit they throw at us and we've utterly failed in that. We are the problem because we need to become strong enough to overcome the problem you culpable faggot.
How old are you?
humanity was a mistake.people are dumb egoistic greedy and deserve to get scammed by jews bankers politicans and you name it
Replace that with the TV and you have a pill. The internet is interactive and content is voluntary. TV is static and controlled. TV has obliterated people's perception of time.
death is the only absolute of the universe
Warning, this knowledge is a curse and it cannot be unlearned
what ways
this is true but how do i fix it
Marriage is a token and fidelity can only be accomplished by those involved. Non-solution.
You're a slave to the banks, literally even with documents and in 50 years 9/10 of the whole population will be eradicated.
without memory, non-existence has a physical form.
The void already engulfs you
He's not particularly wrong.
Read this mate.
No joke. It changed the way I see everything
Techno-Buddhism. This is all a simulated reality. When you die your compassion score gets compared to your previous one and you go back or forward depending on how you did.
When you reach the end your empathy levels get so high your pragmatic sense of separate self dies, and you transcend past the transforming machine elves and other dualistic entities of the DMT plane and onto the next.
STS9 is average meh
All mythology is true but was only a metaphor for the archaic state if the solar system and the anomalies that our ancient ancestors witnessed and all religion is based on this, the story of Kronos (Saturn) .
You can read the thread without having an account... I don't have one either
Yep, the TV started it, the net ramped it up 100-fold
>rational wiki
Says I can't view without an account.
Every thing you've worked for and done will no longer exist when you die
She was never yours, it was only your turn
gonna check it out
>check his followers
>1 follower you know
>it's fucking Barack Obama
what the fuck?
There is no one true "red pill". It is merely a metaphor for thinking skeptically/critically and coming to honest conclusions based off those initial thoughts. As long as you are open to alternate viewpoints and theories that's all that's required.
So that and that yes, Jews really do rule the world.
Unless you do Civil Engineering and designed a bridge or some shit.
We live under and with in the firmament
...or more than likely you become worm food and cease to exist.
> toughest red pill to swallow.
Jesus Christ is real and there is a battle happening for your soul. Most people will never care about this nor take it seriously enough until the day of judgement arrives and it's too late.
JEWS RULE! No one? Ok tough church
its probably not going to get better
your whole life is predetermined
flat earth
Please don't appropriate Mexican culture. I understand if it wasn't intentional but you need to be more aware.
That's good stuff. Final Fantasy 7 Egg in there.
1.) Jews did not do 9/11. 9/11 did the jews.
2.) If you heil Hitler hard enough, you'll gain an extra copy of chromosome 21 and that'll give you the ability to teleport to Nazi Germany's last redbout inside of Antarctica.
3.) There's an Aryan woman deep inside the Earth with hips four feet wide. When the End Times come, she will become a living ark, using her uterus to hold individual organisms destined to survive.
4.) If you fart hard enough in the bathtub, it'll be funny.
You will die alone and in agony
That OP is a faggot an always will be.
Really though, without being a full blown nazi, the jew pill really is a hard pill to swallow but it really is true
No it isn't. You have the power to make decisions you fucking dumbass. We all get tempted into various things - sometimes we give into those temptations, and if they are bad ones, then we usually feel the consequences. We make choices. You have the power of agency. Stop being such a fucking faggot.
Not the hardest to swallow if you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. The hardest part is remembering it in your day to day life and staying true to the course laid out long ago. Not all spirits are from a place of Truth.
God created Jews to test our faith.
6 million is a divine prophecy, Jews are trying to jew god without paying the price.
Yes user, they're trying to jew an omniscient diety.
God is dead because he chose to be evil. We should be living in a paradise existence otherwise.
Jews were right all along
The Jews are God's Chosen and we should serve them faithfully.
Everyone, save for a rare 1 in a billion hero, goes to hell, for a virtual eternity of torture worse than anything that could exist on Earth. Then you start over as a dwarf inside minerals, then a fairy/whatever in plants, then animals, then you get to try being human again, which you'll fail again and go back to hell, and this happens 3,000 times until you get happiness, but if you never jumped off the wheel of life by undergoing immensely painful trials (like jesus/buddha/blabla) before then, your eternity in heaven will be a fraction of what it could have been, and you'll basically just be like a happy little ant that can't create or fully appreciate it
Shitty system, gay ass torture-god with your torture universe. what the fuck brah