the south doesn't need to rise. little jew-penis feds won't tread on us!
>fight war
>lose horribly
>over 150 years later
>still mad
who do you know here nigger?
>affirmative action
>ghetto nigger zones that arent safe
>demographic shift
we need to secede
Booth was a moron.
>Lincoln was going to ship the blacks off
>even though he specifically said he wouldnt without their permission
fuck off Lincoln kike. no yankees allowed
>be burger
>ancestors move to texas 50 years ago from Ireland
Laughable ! Americans; a nation without a culture, past, or national unity.
And native to the soil
nobody does this retard. the vast majority of Texans have been here for centuries.
>want to leave country because it is going to shit
>150 years later
>its completely shit
You know its usually the opposite
Its the north that is full of immigrants that dont have ancestors that fought in the war
>it isnt even an ethnicity based on a pre-historic peoples with a language developed over the decades.
Not a nation senpai.
>fight war
>lose honorably
>150 years later
>still got the spirit to carry on fighting
There, I fixed it for you
Arkansas reporting in
a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
"leading industrialized nations"
actually it is.
but anyways, who said anything about a nation retard?
Mississippi reporting
Fuck this rain t b h
here. Grandmothers ancestors left Arkansas after the civil war.
>thinking about moving back to Arkansas because of the spic invasion of Texas
good for the crops
Fucking kek
Y'all bitch about the civil war wasn't able slavery yet say Wilkes was a hero
It's ok.
Only parts of the state with real work though is NWA or Little Rock.
we have too many yankees moving here. in 50 years we'll look like michigan.
Louisiana checking in
>lost war
>got assraped honorably
>150 yrs of crybaby tears
>still ready to bend over for another ass raping
fixed for u assclown
In truth let's say there is a civil war your uppity asses would weaken the US for a foreign invasion. If you hate it get the fuck out you commie loving American hating Hicks
Actually, they were just at a severe disadvantage in terms of resources. All the food was grown in the north and the south was all commercial shit like tobacco and cotton.
If the South mamaged to win then the North would've been the biggest military failure in recent history.
Oh wait, we almost lost anyway.
The whole country has been assraped for 150 years dipshit
We (The North) literally sacrificed our own lives so slaves could live free. Now their successors spend their lives bitching about m'oppression and how racist America is when half the glorious nation fought and died so they didn't have to live in chains. Oh and Booth was a theatre fag who couldnt even fall 10 ft without breaking his ankle.
you realize all of pol hates him for ruining the fist blaxit right?
Daily remember that Quebec will side with the South in case of
>uppity asses would weaken the US for a foreign invasion.
The Federal government is supporting a foreign invasion
I don't think anyone would call the Union's victory "honorable." They had more men and used them like lemmings, winning battles by just making the Confederates run out of bullets from so many kills. Immigrants fleeing famine were conscripted before they even knew there was a war and sent to die for the Union. And even with all that, they kept losing until they started targeting women, children and other non-combatants. Literally the worst scum of any American military in history.
No they won't QC is faggot central
A getting burned by Sherman, cause we were too lazy to toil
he killed Lincoln.
what does he have to do with slavery?
Are really That scared of some wetbacks I'm talking about Russians or Chinese
Tfw you realize Lincoln had slaves
>>Lincoln was going to ship the blacks off
>>even though he specifically said he wouldnt without their permission
yeah ok.
all of Sup Forums is retarded
They have already taken control of our largest state
Please tell me why I should still support the Feds
You /Quebec/ here?
lmao you were throwing your soldiers at confederates like we did in the winter war, and they still did a lot of damage to you
>We (The North) literally sacrificed our own lives so slaves could live free.
If it makes you feel better the war was not about slavery
divide and conquer shill thread. saged
proof or kys
kill yourself yankee scum
I'm just saying not to uprise to weaken us
>ywn raise the blood stripe flag as you rebel against Madame Clinton
Wait why did he kill him then
Essentially any time people from the north talk shit about winning against the south they really don't want to be reminded of the fact that...
A) They came within an asshair of losing
B) The only reason they did NOT lose was because of a courier being drunk on the job, and Robert E. Lee not having an asshair of respect for Union leadership
and C) Talking shit about winning against an agricultural society that you vastly outnumber in population as an industrial society is like bragging that you won a knife fight with a submachine gun.
Seriously, don't talk shit. It's embarrassing.
Where do you think all of the immigrants went?
>to weaken us
who is "us"
because Lincoln started the civil war which killed hundreds of thousands of people.
he saw himself as Brutus killing Ceasar, and he was 100% right
Daily Reminder:
>Slavery impeded the Southern economy
>Lincoln wanted to send the slaves back to Africa
>We're now stuck with a nigger problem because your fucking chimpout
look up any Southern state, it is majority English ancestry
>Lincoln was going to ship the blacks off
>even though he specifically said he wouldnt without their permission
fuck off Lincoln kike. no yankees allowed
>commie lovers
Pick one. Fyi Lincoln was the first communist president
Still doesn't change the fact that you fucks poisoned this continent with pavement apes.
The man so afraid of confederate soldiers, he had to fight widows and railroads
Ted Kennedy let in far more undesirables
Blacks in the South are still pretty much under control
charleston. atlanta is already a yankee city.
Republicans have always been part of the two-headed snake of the International Communist Conspiracy
>lose horribly
literally Ulysses was a butcher who murdered thousands of Americans.
>atlanta is already a yankee city.
Not if we liberate it and put the Northern transplants to the sword.
>We (The North) literally sacrificed our own lives so slaves could live free.
Remember when Lincoln proposed the 13th amendment that said that the people could keep their slaves in an attempt to stop the South from seceding.
You're 100% Right
God i fucking hate yankee degenerate faggots, and im a eurofag.
>Prosperous South wants to leave because everything is going to shit
>Lose war for its independence
>Your Yankee oppressor doesn't do shit to improve your situation for 150 year
>While his entire government becomes puppet for jewish corporations
Keep telling yourself that
Because Lincoln was a Faggot.
The south had every right to secede which Lincoln ignored and greatly increased the power of the federal government. One of if not the worst president.
Atlanta-Quebec axis when?
President Lincoln wanted to deport the blacks, the Confederates wanted to breed them in captivity and expand Afro.-plantations across the country.
>using sodomite language while being the actual sodomite
Hell is for ever!
>be Lincoln
>your fag lover Col. Ellsworth is the first Union officer killed in combat by a fucking Ancap hotel owner of all people after they tried to take his flag down he went full Recreational McNuke™.
>Lincoln was going to ship the blacks off
>even though he specifically said he wouldnt without their permission
fuck off Lincoln kike. no yankees allowed
Look, I love the south, and the war was every one's fault...but killing lincoln fucked us up would have sent the negroes we are stuck with huge problems due to them being cancer
>Lincoln was going to ship the blacks off
>even though he specifically said he wouldnt without their permission
The south is obsolete white trash.
Dank picture
you're a faggot. Booth killed a great republican president.
u mad
>i've never heard of liberia
>thinking the Republicans were good back then
kill yourself kike
It's Hell. It's for ever.
Hell is for ever!
Hell is for ever!
so why do we have a black problem then?
could it be because they didnt want to voluntarily do that?
kill. yourself.
> t. someone who knows nothing about history
You cant /thread your own post newfag
>muh jews
user., you're boring. Zzz...
you sound like a small, bitter man. Who hurt you?