New thread.
the bot (insprirobot) seems to be mostly redpilled. even drops some black pills
New thread.
the bot (insprirobot) seems to be mostly redpilled. even drops some black pills
Other urls found in this thread:
Some people clearly do
Previous thread.
>what did it mean by this???
tfw to smart to inspire
i guess
fucking inspired
This is not Sup Forums material, and is against the rules. Fuck off.
Fags btfo
Top Kek
I really didn't need this after my girlfriend and only social contact outside of work left me today.
Wow. This one is actually deep.
saving that shit
big H told me about that one
Red pilled again
inb4 this gets moved to bant
Women BTFO
Fuck off chicken flag
WTF, I love this thing.
White Man Wake Up
Just as I suspected
AI is trying to communicate
Good advice desu
really makes the sputnik go beep beep
MGTOW for life
I literally got this on my first try
Another truthbomb about the jews.
Well, fuck me.
Holy fuck I just got this one.
Buddha pill
Y u so wize A.I?
sounds like an uphill battle
This one seems like a threat to me.
Tfw when slutty duckling
So true!
well thats just wrong
Blue pilled af
A random phrase generator is AI nowadays
At least """"AI"""" is proving to be an excelent source of memes
>when there are no mods anymore
feels bad man Sup Forums is dead
"Know your place"
but potion seller, I need your strongest potion
What's the dollar for?
I guess happiness leads to death.
what did he mean by this..
Unironically dank as fuck. Saved.
It knows Sup Forums has no heart