Whats the problem with the indians?

whats the problem with the indians?

white girls hate them and i dont know why

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They're perma-awkward, smell like curry, rapey as fug, and look at the fucking clothes they're wearing in that pic.....

geezus gotdamn xist

the problem is that they are ugly

> mutual female friend
> bad experience while dating an Indian
> says India is the worst when it comes to treating women
> she's moving to India as soon as she graduates, because India has 'mystic' feel to it

isn't India like perpetual 90 degrees and humid as a street shitters ball sack? How can they be walking around in sweaters and coats?

The body odor must be immense.

1) their smell
2) their desperation
3) their general attitude towards life
4) their weak status
5) their ugly genetics
6) their lack of etiquette


We keep sending all the rabid dogs there to wipe these fuckers out but even zombie dogs hate the stink...

gender segregation breeds autism
autism breeds sexual frustration
sexual frustration breeds rape
rape breeds Indians
the cycle continues

They're creepy as fuck. I use a live camera app called Bigo and anytime a women or kid is live it's always the pajeets and muzzies who make gross sexual gestures and advances on them. They don't have any shame.

Have you guys seen those Facebook posts they type on teens


Their technological and social progress was heavily accelerated by the British Empire amd not everyone was affected by it yet. The (tiny) minority who are semi-advanced look down on the others who are basically at Africa level or that weird rapey in between stage.

they're fucking gross and ugly as hell not gonna lie

becouse they combine all the weaknesses of all other races?
they are brown, small, lazy and stupid, on the other hand they have a lot of potential, since they are caucasoids. After 50000 years of living in colder climate they would become Whites.

take a nigger, dilute it with a beaner, stir in a bunch of curry, marinate it in feces, and you get the pajeet

The only country with a whole wikipedia page about rape.
They have no shame, no education, they stare at you it's so creepy, why the anglo went there.

Video when they try to live rape french women:

It literally smells like shit. I hope that is mystic enough for her.

Their women, on the other hand...

Loves white guys. Show some interest in any of them, married or not. You'd be surprised.

Indian men are so small so their pussies are always super tight.

I don't k now. But I hope they go to war with cheena

Even Indian women hate them. I met one when I was in France and she said they could not respect boundaries, had no concept of romance, seriously smell, and are generally pretty uneducated.

They're vermin. They need to go back to Shitsville.

Every western woman (and this is coming from a woman) has had very uncomfortable encounters with someone from India online.

They message you and say things like
"My luv u r the pretty in tha world i luv u want 2 see my cock 4 pretty girl

reply pls

pls reply

stuped hore i kill u"

It's gotten so bad that woman will share the most ridiculous screenshots of the things they say between each other and laugh about it. They do not know how to attract western women, so when a white girl sees a message from some random Indian dude that you have no mutuals with they ignore it or laugh about it.

Indians are grotesque. No human can find them attractive. Maybe abbos are uglier, but they are even *close* to human so it doesn't really count. Indians are just ugly as sin.

So, in 50,000 years we'll be gone and they can finally inherit the earth like Europeans.

FUN FACT. There are more men than women. Which means it has become impossible for men to marry. The problem is so huge that there are now villages of entirely men.

That's actually true.

I'm from Saudi Arabia (tho Filipino, not a filthy Saudi)

And this applies 100% to Saudis too.

Seriously, if you want to meet literally the rapiest people on earth, go to any place in the Gulf.

It doesn't stink like India, is quite rich, but holy hell they are the rapiest people on earth, probably because their women all wear ninja suits. A lot of our Filipina women go there as "maids" (slaves) and jesus some of the stories from there...

I'm an Ameripoo. My Indian relatives post the weirdest comments on my Facebook posts to the point where I've now blocked them from seeing my newer posts.

Well, South Indians (Dravidians) are descendants of aboriginal people not unlike the abbos, so that makes sense. Indians from northern states are more caucasoid, but both the northern and southern populations have mixed so much over the centuries that it's hard to tell nowadays. I'm mixed, more North Indian than South Indian but I don't know much beyond that.

Indian guys can be pretty creepy/beta. I've seen them at the club just starring at white women in the corner not doing anything. Huge turn off. Plus the jew hasn't programmed women to like them, like they have with niggers.

google "why do indian men stare" for amusing results

Because they're not white.

just look at them...


Sir I find all your comments quite offensive. YOu Britishers are low life scum. India will rule the world along with China. Anglos will be cast into the sea. Our cuisine is better than awful anglo butter, garlic and salt. We are not perfect but all American tech companies are run by Indians. Jaguar is indian, All your steel is indian. Anglos live in past.

Because girls are smothered at birth.
Females are expensive to marry off with dowrys


My gf hates them, she works with a bunch of pajeets. She says there rude and "sexist as fuck" but she is a woman so their probably not that bad.

Nigel my son...

You can colonize the world and try to make it british.

Or you can stay as a poor island nation with pure european dna and culture.

....later on Sup Forums

yes im 1/4 chinese and 6/8 black but i am more british than you will ever be...


smell like poo, look like poo, sound like poo.

no wonder no one likes them.

because those retards abort their girls. retarded ass poos in loos