Whats your opinion of white christian polish people?
Question for Sup Forums
good toilet cleaners
The niggers of Europe, in some cases poles are even worse than gypsies and Norwegians
lol stay mad fucking retards
>tfw Jews can't get Poland
>tfw will remain white
>tfw beautiful women
>tfw racist as fuck
get rekt kikes
How am I jewish for recognizing poles are largely lower class in the UK and Europe/America generally?
I think you are just a smelly polska rat and are insecure. Neck yourself.
very decent people, one of the last sane non degenerate whites
I didn't know your wife's boyfriend let you have an internet connection in your cuckshed.
"Christian" the truth is that most of people in Poland dont give a fuck about religion. We are over 90% christian only in theory because we treat it more like a tradition but when it comes to beliving in god and supporting the church i dont think its even more than 50%. And all these ahrdcore catholfucks on the streets are all 70+ ys or brainwashed by family
Best whites, always kept down
>And all these ahrdcore catholfucks on the streets are all 70+ ys or brainwashed by family
Actualy most of them weren't even religious until they got really old. Larg part of those super-religious grandmas used to be quite degenerates in their youth. Hell, some still are lusting over young priests. Pretty fucking creepy.
Not to mention that catholicism is stronger in the countryside: the exact place where any sort of knowlege of catholic dogma is weakest. My grandmother is a devout christian who basicly believes Jesus to be some kind of folk superhero flying around ancient world and fighting devils and monsters.
Scrawny drunkards who know how to take orders well.
>taking orders well
We might when we are abroad so we get paid. But when it comes to respecting any authority you can forget it. Where two poles there three opinions and four parties.
Poles are annoying. Everytime there is a facebook comment section or pol thread they always attack other Europeans
The toilet cleaner diaspora that keeps making these attention whoring breads is embarrassing 2bh
People insult them because they know deep down that poles are superior.
Why not go back to your superior country? Why do much more people leave Poland than the other way around? Even extensive German gibs didn't make it comfy
I'm a Christian Polish person, so this is conflict of interest.
Poles are attention whores by nature. We love to be praised. We never listen to things that our countrymen say but if a forginer says good things about us we jizz our pants. Everyone needs a national vice and self-doubt is arguably our biggest one.
I don't quite understand what you're suggesting
It's looking like it's one of the few sane countries left in the world. Europe may very well perish in the next century due to unchecked atheism, homosexuality, feminism, and an invasion from the Muslim third world, in addition to rampant apathy.
Atheism doesn't seem to have that much to do with it. Czechs are dealing with it. Hell, they are even getting guns soon.
Exactly. Poland has one of the most powerful and cohesive national identities in the world. This is something Germans, British, French etc. don't have anymore.
Funny how Germany acts like they have the moral high ground these days when just 78 years ago they invaded Poland, destroyed Warsaw, murdered millions of innocent Polish civilians. Now they are letting in an Islamic migration and forcing the EU to adopt a disgusting multicultural societal model that is sure to destroy the native inhabitants of Western Europe. Fuck Germany and fuck Merkel, this century will belong to Poland as did the 16th century. In 50 years Germany will be a pathetic multicultural mess with a white population verging on a minority, while Poland will be pure and strong. Within the next 10-20 years, Poland and many others in the region will leave the EU and form a new alliance, while Western Europe falls to third world scum.
>White christian polish people
most people in poland statistically are christian, but in truth most people don't care about or dislake it,they are only christian because it is family custom,you can find in ever public bulding and house a cross, but nowhere there you can find christian value,but if people actualy believe it is zog version of christian, sort of social justice with Jesus, you will not find any geniune tradition there.
And about "polish nationalism" that is found in common people in Poland, most people oppose imigration, is not drawn from any principles, but from instinct of self preservation,they just don't want immigrants to spoil their degenerate lives, not actually protect any polish values and tradition,it shallow and vulgar from of "nationalism"
This sort of pseudo-intellectualism is the greatest threat to Poland, more so than any external forces.
Poles desire to be praised but not for anything, but for what is theirs, for what is Polish.
2nd greatest Slave after Russians and most based and righteous country, only one left loyal to our Lord Jesus Christ
God bless polacks
Poles are not Christian. 90% of Poles have premarital sex and in big cities the divorce rate is 40%. Not to mention that 90% of Poles use contraception
> pseudo-intellectualism
I see you are fast to retreat if someone wake you up from your slumber
As I live in Poland I no more than you about it and I tell you it is not some kind of white man utopia as many think of it in west
*Slavs not slave
Well, if you wanna Christian society to go africa.
Africa isn't Christian as well. They still are superstitious, worship demons, have those erotic dances, the murder rate is high, they engage in premarital sex, you have a flawed view of a christian society
Anyway, after 1968 there's no christian society left
>Africa isn't Christian as well. They still are superstitious, worship demons, have those erotic dances, the murder rate is high, they engage in premarital sex
Like people in medieval era for example? Christian society as fundamentalist christians see it never existed on a large scale. It's as achievable as communism.
All immigrants are lower class in the countries they moved to retard.
But the leading culture was christian and this allowed Europeans to create contemporary safe and wealthy states. Christianity was evolving throughout centuries and this is the foundation for our european comfort. But now Christianity has become depleted at the lowest levels of society which is unprecedented. Now you have openly worshipped pornography and promiscuity
you think people are not superstitious
> It's as achievable as communism
You contradict yourself, you give medieval era asexample of christian society, but claim that christian society doen't existed,or you want to claim that there no christian monarchy? Also fundamentalim is protestant invention, you don't need common people to be fanatics, real christian society(that is catholic) have place for reason(not in post-enligthment sense of word) and faith.
they're fun to party with until they go bald, and then they scare the wimmins away
scum lowering the quality of life for everyone
Make good tree ordainments
They usually just work abroad for several years and then retire after 8 years of work.
Pretty solid bait lad.
Probably because most Europeans are cunts to them
Were medieval christians not superstitious? Were they not downright pagans in their belief in holy unicorns and other nonsense? Were they not lustfull? The whorehouses bloomed through Europe. You long to a world that didn't exist.
most of them had mostly symbolic meaning, they were platonic ideas,they not necessarily had reflection in reality,and people being lustfull,it is in catholic dogma that humans are rooten by first sin, thus are drawn to it,why don't deny it, catholics aren't puritans.
> You long to a world that didn't exist
"My kingdom is not of this world" ~ John 18:36
*we not why
Wasn't abortion criminalized? Wasn't promiscuity condemned? Wasn't family more strict? Weren't boy-girl relations much less brutal? There was no utopia but social relations were much less decadent
As I wrote - christianity evolved throughout history and it got us to today's comfort and we will descend back in time because the transforming power of christianity has perished
>Wasn't abortion criminalized?
Underground was bigger than ever, there was no real police.
>Wasn't promiscuity condemned?
Royality and aristocracy had a free pass for almost everything.
>Wasn't family more strict?
Yeah, it was also way bigger. "Traditional" nuclear family is a 20 century meme.
>Weren't boy-girl relations much less brutal?
What does it even mean?
We should invade them again
Good idea. Every time you do this our borders move west. Polish city of Bralin goig back to motherland when?
Needs more diversity
You have done enough for Christianity, you're fine by me brother.
Fuck off and stay out
Oh yeah, the mythical underground, it surely was big in the past, I'm sure you have any legit data on that.This argument basically closes any discussion
By brutal relations I mean that sex is shown as something that is trivial, based only on pleasure and not as something emotional, and that girls are immediately associated with sex, and character traits or values are ignored. Maybe I should have used the term "vulgar" instead of brutal
Friendship ended with EU now USA is my best friend
>t. Pablo McWalmart, pure 1/32 German master race
God's actual chosen people. God bless the Polish.
Once in a while I go to a Polish church. I can't make any fucking sense out of that shitshow of a language.
But it warms my heart so much to see ordinary young families and well-behaved children going to church and having a happy, friendly community.
There was little to no police. Yeah, i'm sure that undergraund abortions were not a thing. Totaly.
Dude, had you ever read medieval literature? Views of sex were arguebly even more vulgar than current ones. For fucks sake just look at the book paintings.
Married to one. Has a PhD.
Its all they had OP. These people lived through ww2, communism, so faith is pretty huge to them. Faith and tradition keep poland stronk
>they put those on churches
Never met a polish person. I guess they're alright. No real opinion other than Poland is cool for standing up against the EU.