This is what liberals actually believe
This is what liberals actually believe
This is what atheists believe
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yeah why arent we still evolving?
Being politically right wing has nothing to do with being a dumbass who doesn't understand evolution, it means understanding personal responsibility and free will is a thing.
Because we are perfectly adapted to our environment
Even though we aren't very good swimmers, climbers, runners, can't fly, if we eat the wrong berry we get explosive diarrhoea and die, we can't eat meat without cooking it but can't survive off vegetables alone, and need so much of it we can barely survive in the wild without farming.
Atheist here. Evolution is a lie.
fuck off shill. evolution has never been proven on the macro scale.
Yes because only a brain dead sheep can accept evolution as fact
Ahhhhh it's better than "intelligent" design. Why again do we have an organ that doesn't serve a purpose but can randomly explode and kill you?
Evolutionists believe lizards turned into birds, specifically T. rex morphed into a chicken over millions of years
Right, creationism makes so much more sense and BTW they are not from the same genetics tree
>if we's evolved frum munkeys, den why dere still munkeys?????
Nigger logic
So God can detonate fags like you for laughs.
Ever organ serves a purpose, I don't need my middle finger but it serves a purpose.
I hereby /thread this.
>not figuring out yet that Darwinian evolution is a lie and the truth is somewhere between the two theories AT BEST.
I'm white, I don't have any apes in my family tree, I've got apples
nothing has its all theory
We are still evolving you retard. Evolution takes thousands of years.
The truth is God made everything, why do you think we all share the same DNA? Because we all have the same creator
Read some biology books leaf
Why didn't this animal evolve after 65,000,000 years?
Slide thread. On the level of space being fake and that we should ignore the jews because the real problem is that they won't tell us about the flat earth.
I'd rather believe a bearded man built a magic boat and shipped off two of every animal to a different land or something than succumb to this garbage:
>muh gramma ain't no munkey, take that evilutionists!
it didn't need to
evolution is real. pic related dipshit
You athefags have yet to answer that question, by the way.
It's environment didn't change enough in order to force adaptations.
Why not?
I read the bible
We didn't evolve from monkeys, we share a common ancestor with them.
There's a reason niggers look like apes, it's because they evolved from apes.
im growing an extra dick cause im so horny!!! gotta love evolution!!!
Yeah, evolution is bullshit.
All of the redpills have led me to this conclusion:
Evolution. Is. A. Lie.
It's a new level of redpilled; in order to unlock this Level, you need the following pre-requisite Redpills:
> God is Real
>Jews are trying to hide him
>Demons are real
>The Earth is Flat
>Race is not a social construct, we are different sub-species
>Most scientists are NWO Jewish shills pushing lies, like Bill Nye or Degrasse.
After you have these pre-requisite redpills, you will unlock "Evolution is a lie" redpill tier.
So you're telling me, 65,000,000 years ago. When the earth was double the temperature it is today, when the Earth looked like this, when this fish was living was somehow perfectly adapted to OUR environment today? But atheists also believe that a one degree increase in temperature is catastrophic to the environment?
If you don't understand evolution and natural selection you're genuinely a retard. I got taught that shit when I was 15
You need to open your eyes, the kikes don't teach evolution in school because they believe the Torah which says God created all life. The kikes only push evolution on the goyim
Wake up people
Explain this Atheists
First question yes, and secondly, I'm not another autistic "we's burnin the world an sheeeeeit" kind of guy.
serious question: do you find it difficult managing some semblance of a life when you're constantly being this stupid?
You need to stop blindly accepted whatever the (((media))) tells you. Think for yourself for once
Explain this you science denying retards
wow, i actually thought this was going to get support. turns out /pol really is retarded...
this always get atheists massively butthurt, they can't explain without using emotions and logical fallacies.
God is responsible for evolution. Once you peel that bandaid off your fedora won't smell as bad.
Stop blindly accepting your (((bible))) and claiming that I'm the brainwashed one while you literally worship a jew on a stick.
And before you say it I understand it's (((BBC)))
>evolutionists believe in the heritability of traits and that the enviroment influences desirable traits
>humans morphed into different species (races) over the years and that some inherently have better traits like intelligence as a result
No God said that his creation was good, it's perfect evolution implies it's not good it needs to keep changing. That's false it's blasphemous
> Dinosaur bones and oil are just lil gifts that god left for us to find in the treasure hunt of life
> [Dialogue not available: You need to unlock one or more pre-requisite redpills to continue]
The bible mentions dinosaurs
So if humans didn't evolve did they just randomly appear as fully grown adults?
Whole Latin American and half of Africa is Christian. Red cross and Caritas are Christian organizations who import niggers to white land. You can't possibly be that retarded to not know the difference between different species, but then again you don't know the difference between an Indian and Canadian. Typical Christian scum, racebait, but then import 100% of all niggers since slavery times.
God made Adam and Eve
The injun is an animal
They were evil so they didn't make it onto the Ark during the great flood?
Some dinosaurs did we know that for sure like the crocodile, but it doesn't really mention it, dinosaurs were alive during the biblical times though we know that for sure
Two people can't just randomly spawn out of nothing. You're a retard.
>The bible mentions dinosaurs
No, it mentions dragons.
Dragons, not dinosaurs.
>Dinosaur bones
Those bones are fake.
They never found any dinosaur bones before the 1800s, coincidentally when they were trying to prove evolution.
They never existed, it's a hoax by the Jews.
Did you know that the dinosaurs in museums are "replicas" and they hide the supposed "real bones" from the public?
The dinosaur bones in museums are made of resin, they are created in a computer and manufactured.
We're descended from a common ancestor. Some other user already told you that and you ignored him, so you're probably trolling you dumb nigger
God didn't spawn man and woman from nothing, man was made from dust woman from from his rib.
>Two people can't just randomly spawn out of nothing. You're a retard.
I agree, atheists are retarded. Everything can't just randomly spawn and form itself out of nothing.
Darwinism taken to its logical conclusion plays a very important role in all right wing political positions. The idea that god created all, especially if he created all "equally", is inherently anti-hierarchical, Marx-like levels of collectivist bullshit. .
water is in earth. but that doesn't means it's clean or drinkable.
>They never found any dinosaur bones before the 1800s
>Some other user already told you that and you ignored him
Dinosaurs are dragons
There's A LOT less species than we think, because scientists just get some bones together and assume that this weird one belongs to a new species and imagines a whole new dinosaur, and a few decades later is found out it's just a mutation. Look it up, there's not as many dinosaurs as we first imagined
There is no such thing as a micro-macro dichotomy on something inherent to living things.
You are all retarded & indoctrinated by institutionalized religon
Religion/Evolution/Creation should play no part in politics. That it does is the most retarded shit.
>If you believe in God you clearly believe in all this other irrelevant shit too then hurrr
Just shut the fuck up.
Yeah all mankind is equal, any man has the potential to be as smart as his peers if he studies hard
Sure there's some retarded people but they aren't the norm
He was literally the first person to give you a (You)
Yeah this is true, too many people believe in lies and man made doctrine spread by the church
>institutionalized religon
I thought that when I was 14-17, then I decided for myself that atheism is all a gigantic load.
>institutionalized religon
Wrong, only (((evangelicalism))) around the 1950s onward started the whole anti-evolution campaign.
You are indoctrinated by institutionalized fake "science" from the Jews.
You always accepted what they brainwashed you in school with, without ever taking the time to find out if what you were forced to recite is true or not.
When you start to find out the Earth is Flat, their lies begin to blow away.
>what is macro and micro biology
gj retard
>onithuric birds existed before and during the existence of dinosaurs
>retards still think modern onithuric birds evolved from dinosaurs
People were anti evolution since Darwin introduced this lie to the public
>Molten rock and metal cool in a hollow chamber
>A cube forms from it
Wow must be designed that way.
There is not a single link between one kind and another. So basically you are just a fucking sheep believing everything you hear.
That's why different races have different average IQs...
Wrong, only people who fundamentally embraced the notion of equality thought evolution was flawed.
There might be a few southern communities or examples you can find where people rejected it but most intelligent (110+ IQ) people embraced it, from scientists to theologians.
The catholic church made no qualms with it and accepted it as truth in the 1950s, and that happened with a very conservative, not a liberal pope.
A division established because the means of study differ due to the scale, not because macro and micro life are two completed divided entities in which a faggot like you could argue that evolution doesn't occur in one of them.
Alright, I'm gonna explain this in such a way that ANYONE can understand it.
When an organism has an offspring, that offspring has traits from the parents. This is how we can take wolves, and eventually get pugs. We do this through artificial selection of certain traits that we want. These traits come from random mutations in the DNA, such that it affects both the genotype and phenotype. Natural selection does the exact some thing humans do, an animal's enviroments "chooses" the traits of a species because only members with those traits survive.
This goes on for hundreds of millions of years with some minor fuckups, like the cambrian extinction, and eventually your dinosaurs become birds.
>Yeah all mankind is equal, any man has the potential to be as smart as his peers if he studies hard
>this is what anti-evolution intelligent design retards actually believe.
The Earth has corners, it's literally a flat plane that is immovable.
It's rectangular in nature; it's a realm.
Secondly, Dinosaurs are fake, a lie by the Jews in control.
They are made up and they make fake fossils out of resin and put up fake bones in museums to fool morons who believe these lies.
Dinosaurs aren't real, dummy.
They were made up.
There's only one race, the human race you're a dumb liberal though of course you don't understand this
You can see evidence in microevolution.
Yet you believe that everything in existence magically spawned out of nothing and then you call someone who believes the same shit retarded... i mean how fucking stupid are you?
oil is 83% carbon and 17% hydrogen, it does not take millions of years to produce the synthesis, nor does it have anything to do with fossils.
There's outliers but it's something special we are equal it doesn't mean we are all 100% the same that's not what equal means.