Socialism Is Best Government

Just look at Denmark & Sweden.

It is actually, but only in societies with higher IQ, so it won't ever work in USA.
It is also the reason that there much more upward mobility in Denmark and Sweden.


Pic related.

Sweden and Denmark are neoliberal; the Nordic model was unsustainable, and scaled back in the 90s. It exists in name only.

Both countries have less progressive taxes than the US, lower marginal corporate taxes than the US, school voucher systems and Obamacare-style healthcare.

There is not one country in western Europe that has a government run, single payer healthcare system (except for Spain.)

If constitutional monarchy = socialism, then sign me up!

>Just look at Denmark & Sweden.

for now

>burger meme


Meme or not it still infuriates me to no end, and by the way to people who know better it's a meme but you have A LOT of people who believe that un fucking ironically. Seriously most of your Democrats do. I don't know how you can stand these people honestly... and they always claim to be the party and ideology of intellectuals but take it from an outside perspective they are the worst retards in the political spectrum. Honestly I don't know how you cope, if I was in burgerville I'd be carrying a notebook 24/7 jotting down every single dumb ass thing some libtard claims and either write them down so I can laugh about it later with friends over a drink or refute them on the spot.

I've posted this in a fee threads but if a society can meet production needs AND distribution needs to get products to its people I see no downside

Yes you have, all modern societies have elements of capitalism and socialism

Shut the fuck up liberal you don't know shit about shit. Fucking kill yourself. This is a capitalist society and either we're having a semantic argument in which case you should look it up in the dictionary or you're some Berniefag who took his word for it.

PPS: OP (who should kill himself for being this fucking dumb) didn't say 'elements of x' or 'aspects' etc he said 'Socialism is the best government just look at Denmark and Sweden'

I'm not a liberal senpai, all contemporary societies have infused socialist and capitalist philosophy.

Some more than others. You should pick up a book once and a while and stop being so angry

This is correct. Denmark social democracy was rolled back in the 90s. You have similar healthcare, pension systems, and education systems to the US.

And look at Venezuela. Picking two countries that are especially suited to this policy, and who have no foreign policy responsibilities, is not a valid argument.

I'm.. I'm not going to argue with you I have no idea what you're trying to say because that text is so vague it can be used to describe pretty much anything.

>are mitten for sale during the winter and schools provide a pencil during an exam, well this society clearly has elements of both capitalism and socialism therefore my point is valid!

Seriously, go read the dictionary definition of socialism. Actual socialism, even elements of actual fucking socialism is horrendous.

If you are going to use ven as an example you need to examine its entire history. Venezuela was colonized by Spain and left to fend for its self. Throughout history capitalism has primarily benefited those that do the colonizing but does not benefit those that have been colonized (this is evident across Latin America Africa and Asia). These countries essentially tried to force a western model of economics on a country they were simultaneously draining of resources.

For these people capitalism has represented only exploitation and oppression. Looking back at the history of revolution in most colonized countries these revolutions have taken some form of leftist or socialist perspective. It was seen as an alternative to capitalism. It was especially attractive after the victory of the USSR in WW2.

Unfortunately these countries that have attempted socialist philosophy (USSR included) were already struggling lands reeling from colinization and could not meet the production and distribution demands socialist theory requires.

Marx intended for communism to take hold in a country that was already an industrial power.

The last paragraph is innacurate and my bad. I mean to say the USSR was not a strong industrial power not that it was suffering from colonialism

>Marx intended for communism to take hold in a country that was already an industrial power.
>Marx intended for communism to take hold in a country that was already an industrial power.

Your meme doesn't disprove or actually depict anything I said as wrong.

But that's exactly my point. There is no "best government", because each country has a different history and culture. Thus arguing that Socialism is the best because it works in country A, doesn't in any way mean it will be the best for country B.

Actually it does because between your last post and mine the only element (as you like that word so much I thought I'd include it) that was based in reality was my meme.

Oh yeah totally

white IQ is higher in the US then Sweden.

The only reason Scandinavia has so much wealth is because such wealth was built off of it's free market past. Look at Sweden. It used to have the highest rate of economic growth in the world until recently. Now it is merely a husk of what it was, ripe for the taking for mudslimes.

His point was there are a lot of low IQ non-whites in the US, that's why it could never work here.

And also because denmark is like the size of ohia
