TRUMP NO!!!!!!
TRUMP NO!!!!!!
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wtf wypipo need to apologize for enforcing laws that disproportionately affect PoCs!
did you hear me pol??? APOLOGIZE NOW!
So ICE has tightened security more to hunt down illegals? I'm down for it. This will be good.
Don't let your memes be dreams.
i really hate this chick it is one show i can't even watch because how hysterical she gets about made up things
>has unshackled the previously never-shackled
these tears sustain me
Jeeeeez, you'd think that the people writing this headlines would have better than an eight grade education.
ICE is an organization of peace
I hate this stupid fucking bitch so much.
Deport this retarded Canadian immigrant back to Canada!
Government-run healthcare is so great according to her yet she left Canada lol.
>previously never shackled
So he did absolutely nothing. Just letting ICE carry on as normal.
>terrorize immigrant communities
Illegal aliens are not immigrants. THEY ARE ALIENS. TRESPASSERS.
If they're here illegally they have a reason to fear the immigration agents. They didn't immigrate legally.
Why do comedians have to be so political? Can't they just make jokes and make people laugh?
>immigration officers are "terrorizing" illegals
Well no shit the beaners should be fucking terrified now that they're finally being allowed to do their fucking jobs
I have no sympy for the illegals, no sympy at all. They get a free ride and have been treated too well for too long. I married an American girl and when we went over there I was accused of making a Green Card marriage and was the subject of a massive investigation. We did everything legal and got treat like shit by the goons of the Obama administration, yet they opened sanctuary cities for murderers and border jumpers.
She's still kind of hot desu
>immigration laws being enforced is "terrorizing" to illegals
More like Drumpf am I right, feller?!
She's a joke, she almost has it. Why so women have to fuck everything up so badly? Someone tell the bitch to make jokes and not be one.
Fuck off retarded chile.
Get laid kid.
I guess if you have a fetish for the California Raisins, she would be your girl.
post yfw kate's law passed house today
If they were never shekeled why do they care?
ICE to meet you.
He's still not on track to deport as many people as Obama did, look it up and weep cuckservatives. Obama deported more illegals than all presidents in the last 100 years combined.
Who would win?
Because the numbers are down over 80% you fucking tard on top of that, states like Cuckifornia are trying to block him. Just wait until he stops federal funding to them, it will be soooo nice, I can't wait.
Flame Nazi, freeze Nazi likes the ugly Mexican maids, easily distracted.
Take Sam B back and please stop exporting your citizens to our country.
Because she's neither a comedian and funny. What she does is commentary with an audience.
It's become to go-to for non-talented people in the industry.
>never before shackled
They aren't killing invaders, they're very shackled.
I watched my mother flick through some channels, stopped on this show for about 30 seconds, literally recoil in disgust and turned the TV off before going on a ten minute rant about how there aren't any funny women comedians any more and how she's sick of hearing people complaining about Trump this Trump that and that he hasn't even done anything to warrant all the attention he gets. Do you think the media is aware of how repulsive they appear to normies or is their head too far up their own ass?
Forgot my pic.
Technically, most criminal law literally is terrorism.
Because the principal purpose of criminal law is not to lock up offenders, it's to frighten the population into compliance with a threat (of disproportionate fine / incarceration) so they don't become offenders.
Fear is the weapon of choice, for both legislators and ISIS.
So it's perfectly coherant that "enforcing the laws of the land terrorises immigrants".
The question one has to ask is not whether it *is* terrorism, but whether it's justified terrorism.
And a Mexican-free America (or a Shia-free Euphrates) are prizes worth any price.
I actually agree that we shouldn't be deporting Mexicans.
I'd rather dedicate ICE resources to deporting Canadian retards like Sam B.
The Obama administration changed the definition of the word "deportation" in order to be able to say that. They routinely caught people in the act of coming across the border and then returned them to Mexico -- as had always been done in the past -- except that no prior administation had ever labelled these types of routine and immediate repatriations as "deportations". Obama did.
>8 years of Obama
>6 months of Trump
More spics are leaving than coming in now. Deporting them is one thing, creating a culture that is toxic to them is a much better solution.
If you have an infestation in your house because you're a slob, do you just spray every month, or do you solve the problem?
Except that's not true, because they were shackled. Catch and release is still going on.
is this fucking retard serously pissed off about deporting criminals who arn't allowed in the country in the first place
i bet if the problem was white canadians sneaking over the border, she would be all for ice sending them home
Jimmy fallon surpassed colbert in ratings. yes, people do get tired of regurgitated rants for some time.
How does one unshackle those who have never been shackled?
But terrorism is meant to spread some kind of ideology. Frightening people into not breaking the law isn't spreading any ideology.
Samantha Bee might be the most talentless, annoying person ever to be given a tv show.
Hot like a steaming pile of pig shit.
>terrorizing migrant communities
>police also terrorize pedophile child molesters
>osha terrorizes unsafe businesses.
>DMV terrorizes drivers
I dunno that nigger that does the daily show might be worse
>"Terrorize immigrant communities".
The end point of the left conflating legal and illegal immigration for years. ICE can do jack shit to legal immigrants. It's that fucking simple.
If the communities are "terrorized" by ICE they're full of illegals and they FUCKING SHOULD BE.
The most astounding part is that the US has the retarded law where you are a citizen by birth. So even with anchor babies and automatic citizenship in the second generation you have so many illegal immigrants there's still this widespread fear?
I guess it's a big problem then.
wtf I love trump now!
Trump is an unqualified retard of a president who makes America look bad to the rest of the world.
Still gonna vote for him again in 3 years just to see the liberal shit themselves.
I hate this cunt so much
Have you been to a DMV lately?
Isnt this idiot supposed to be a comedian? Or is she some political activist?
checked your ID digits
Is this a new pasta?
My ex-wife used to terrorize me with the threat of no sex.
Tell me why do you unshackle a man BEFORE putting him in shackles?
terrorize ILLEGAL immigrant communities
stupid bitch
How can you shackle a man unless he's unshackled?
nice same numbers
At least it's ICE as in immigration police and not ICE as the drug
Imagine 40 million beaners on ICE
terrible taste jesus christ. Looks like the swamp hag had work done
Sounds like it could be a new Disney on Ice show.
Fuck 2 scoop trump, terrorising people who break the law what the fuck?
You know what to do lads.
Is this what Mohammed meant by 72 raisins?
Fuck me, he was a trickster
illegal immigrant communities
Yet somehow under Trump, there's been a change? Hmm.
Her husband opposes integration of their daughters elementary school (translation: NIGGERS ARE FOR POOR WHITES ONLY)
Virtue signaling liberals who don't practice what they preach.
Terrorizing lawbreakers by using proper procedure.
Fuck the left.
>The end point of the left conflating legal and illegal immigration for years.
drives me nuts
Seriously though, I wish one of use could hack the TV signal in LA and do a fake alert about ICE coming to get immigrants and let the city eat itself alive.
This lovely retardation reminds me of meme related. Calm down now before you get an aneurysm.
its propaganda
"ICE UNLEASHED" as if they were a pack of rabid dogs with poison fangs. Fuck Samantha Ree - so over these loons.
Hahahaha, the comments. Blockedbypopehat seems nice, Francesca seems like a stupid bitch though.
don't forget to mention that Bee fought against black kids being bussed to her kid's school
Lol what a colossal lizard faced horse cunt
Illegal immigrants dumb bitch
Wow, what a strange sentence. I don't know if she is saying he is great or ig he's evil and terrorizing.
Sup Forums children live in gated communities. are they gonna call ICE on their mommy's landscapers?
so a law enforcement institution is now actually doing its job
They should and then their parents should make them do the yard work, teach them to earn their keep and value a hard day's work.
This is parody right?
I know! Let's raise the minimum wage so high no one can afford to higher them and they leave.
I know! How about all those millennials who can't find work? Crazy idea, I know.
The answer to that is robots.
Democrats were pissed when republican took away their slaves last time looks like they're ready to get butthurt again.
Weather forecast is calling for an ICE storm, motherfuckers.
>immigrants are, and ought to be, regulated to cleaning shitters and busing people around
so progressive
hol up senpai
When we say that illegals do nothing but clean toilets and be nannies, it's racist, but when they say it, it's okay? It really makes me think...