>Women are ALL leftist degenerates!
>*Woman agrees with traditional, conservative, pro-white viewpoints*
How do we solve the manchild problem?
Purgin' Virgins
Other urls found in this thread:
women aren't meant to have political views, they're meant to have babies
Women, like all humans, are self serving.
When they're young it's better to adopt a liberal policy that lets them do whatever the fuck they want. When they hit the wall at 25-30 their options diminish to the same level as the average man and suddenly fiscal conservatism and marriage look like pretty fuckin good ideas.
It's not a problem with manchildren or women. It's a problem with people and selfishness.
Women are a cancer and artificial wombs are the cure.
When women start being women again and want to be homemakers when they're under 30 let me know.
lol this weak bait again
Women aren't the problem. The laws are the problem. If women can breach the marriage contract unilatirally and still keep the upsides of the contract men won't accept that contract because they aren't retarded.
By posting a shit thread on pol about it clearly
Relentlessly push people to discipline, for race and family. Sup Forums is a shill infested cesspool
>meaningless pretentious sarcasm
>zero content or creative thought
Well done. Have another bump OP.
mgtow is faggotry. Grow some balls and lead your woman
You realize it's the complete opposite
The jews want you enslaved to women because women make 90% of all consumer purchases
Give your money to women and women give it right to the jews, they love you good little beta slaves
>Hurr durr jews want you to get married, have a white family and children
>You should hate women indiscriminately
Who established, financed, and organized the anti white feminist movement that was able to infiltrate the legal system to change those laws in the first place?
What's your point? The laws are there until and they change I'm not taking any chances. Not losing 50%+ of my assets, future income and children because "I just don't feel the spark anymore".
>I'm not taking any chances
Then you should make sure that you find an honest woman, or seek a woman who makes more money than you. Dishonest people struggle to trust others.
>Wah I give up it's not fair
This is anti white. You are anti white.
i m ugly so i go my own way anyway
Based. We need an overhaul of the (((jude)))diciary.
>honest woman
Not all women will take advantage of these laws but all women can take advantage of them. Not to mention how much women change after having a child.
>seek a woman who makes more money than you
Divorce rate for when the woman earns more than the man is over 75%. Might not lose my assets but would probably lose the kids.
>Wah I give up it's not fair
>This is anti white. You are anti white.
All those white cucks who passed these laws are anti white.
Good luck with that.
>family courts completely infested with feminists
>feminist organizations backing women with free lawyers
>most public defenders work against the husband and convince them to take retarded deals they should never take
All you have is reasons to quit. Because that's what you want to do because it's easier for you. You're not even looking for ways to make it work. You're not even trying.
All you trad-cons are the same.
>I tell you that the current laws are fucked and that no rational man would take such an unballanced deal
>"you're not even trying, you need to just do it, you're anti white"
MGTOW = great at criticizing feminism. horrible at solving problems.
It is not an issue of "THE JOOOOOSZZZZZ". Stop being a fucking idiot.
This is an issue of borderline autistic men and burned out middle aged guys teaming up together to say, "I quit."
Not everything is a conspiracy. Sometimes bad ideas take root. MGTOW as a criticism movement against feminism is good. MGTOW as a solution to feminism is bad.
>Advocating for white genocide because it's been made financially convenient by the genocidal society
You should understand why people are going to take exception with this. It should not be hard for you to understand the problem here.
Daily reminder that most people who are against 3rd wave feminism completely agree with 1st and 2nd wave feminism
Daily reminder that egalitarianism was called feminism 50 years ago
Daily reminder that all those unwilling to take rights away from women (just some like voting and no fault divorce) will be unable to save the West/white race
>It is not an issue of "THE JOOOOOSZZZZZ"
JIDF catchprase. It is absolutely reasonable to suspect jewish collusion in the popularization of this "ideology." MGTOW is spreading freely, but White Racialism is not? There's money and power behind MGTOW. That's why it's "a thing," and "secure the survival of the white peoples" is not.
>individualistic life philosophy
>horrible at solving society's problems
That's probably because it ain't a political movement, bruh
The goal is not to "take rights away from women" for obvious reasons. The goal is to preserve the existence and security of the white peoples. And it should be phrased as such. Making it about men vs. women at all, in the first place, is the result of divide and conquer psyops. You're a fool to not see that.
Men Goying Their Own Way == Jews
I'm glad that your solution to retarded laws is to do nothing and hope you don't get fucked but I'm not going to do that.
Your solution is to do nothing, by literal definition. Millions of whites make marriages last 50 years, even today. Why can't you? What are they doing that you're not? That needs to be the focus here, as well as infiltrating the legal system to make marriage and children financially viable again. MGTOW is contributing to more problems for the white race, not solutions.
>expecting Sup Forums to not be in the denial stage
>expecting Sup Forums to not be in the bargaining stage
Sup Forums is full of tradcon cucks that refuse to fathom the reality of their condition as Men under the gynocentric system.
They will learn the hard way, just like their brothers and fathers will.
And you're solution is just try and hope you don't get fucked over? That's retarded. Why should any man risk his entire life and existence on a minimal chance it'll work, for next to 0 gain?
Not one single Tradcunt can give me one decent reason to give a shit. It's always "MAN UP! SACRIFICE YOURSELF ANYWAY!" or calling me a loser. Neither of which will bring back MGTOW or stop its growth.
more for me
mgtowery and faggotry should be encouraged.
The concern here is that you are only concerned with yourself and your money. The future of the race does not cross your mind at all. In that, you are most definitely worthy of criticism and insult. Stop playing the victim. We're not "oppressing you with microaggressions."
Well you might want to save the white race but I want to save western civilization. Western civilization was 100% built on male authority. Men will work/fight/die for what is "theirs" - their family, their country, their civilization. What ownerhip in this context means is that men have authority over these things but also assume responsibility for those things. It's the only way that society has been able to function. Signing the current marriage contract won't save the west. Only the restoration of male authority can save the west and by extention the white race.
The guy's actually very articulate, despite the clownish appearance. Take a peek.
Hey I have high expectations of people. I try to explain to them what the issue is before it's too late. The more people are trully red pilled the softer the landing will be once the fall happens.
lol enjoy living the miserable life chasing materials and dumb ONS or being a social outcast with no friends.
all because you were too obsessed with the jews while missing oppurtunity to marry the christian girl
>you might want to save the white race but I want to save western civilization
Race comes first. Racial preservation IS the culture.
>christian girl
You mean the 30 y/o roastie trying to pray the 100 dicks that were inside her away?
>regretting the fact you did not marry
The fact that you're serious makes it really funny.
Does he talk about preserving and protecting the existence and prosperity of the white peoples? Does that come up at all?
Maybe you should listen to him directly rather than expect me to do produce a written report of what he said.
Lazy cunt
You can't save the white race without taking some of women's rights. It's impossible. Telling men to "man up" won't work. They won't do it. Male authority is the only thing that has been proven to work.
It's bullshit like that which is why I don't trust you MGTOW losers. You're all talk and no substance. Porn addicted fucking degenerates.
>Western civilization
My ass. Get the fuck back on /manchild9k/
>fat neckbeard
"we REFUSE to have relationship with women"
white women aka suffragettes
If he has the cash, the shark will smell the blood in the water, and you know it.
naaaaaaailed ittttttt
And you're a beta numale who is too afraid of taking women's rights away and would rather spend his time blamin men for not manning up.
>blah blah blah "male authority" blah blah blah "we need to 'strip women of rights'"
You are anti white.
Also you're the one who has offered no solutions here. I told you what the problem was and what my proposed solution was. All you had to say was: "Yea it's bad but just deal with it".
i dont undertsand you, french user, murica in some parts is truly down the shitter.
but rural france has a lot of traditional christian women?
Remove the demasculating and estrogen mimicking chemichals in Western environments. The same chemichals are intentionally placed into your environment because they don't want anyone to develope properly because that would mean you could fight back.
You're a hypocrite and a detriment to the white family. You;re exploiting an anti white genocidal legal system to further deteriorate relations between white men and women. You deserve prosecution for crimes against the white race. You deserve to be jailed with the feminists.
Women are all the same.
I know it sounds like an unbelievably bitter exaggeration of the truth, but it's not.
Do not sign any contract that will make you officially married to someone, because even if 15 years down the line she decides she wants to "try and do better", you'll still get dragged in court, and punished in a cruel and inhuman fashion.
Damn they all look ready for the BBC
You are retarded. "White family" has been based on male authority since the Roman times. The solution is so obvious and yet you refure to see it. Your version of what to do is "just keep telling men to man up". That's not going to work. Men won't get married because you shame them into it.
Also by what you've said you'd be in jail too since you seem to agree with 2nd wave feminism making you a feminist.
It's easy, if you to want marry and have children do it if you don't want to then don't do it, in other words...leave me the fuck alone !
>If you're not Men Goying Their Own Way(tm) then you're a feminist!
Feminism and MGTOW are the same thing: jewish, anti-white, divide and conquer propaganda. The survival and prosperity of the race comes first.
after all, what idiot would want to marry a twunt who has done this: youtu.be
The math behind the previously mentioned vids is HILARIOUS! youtu.be
you wanted substance, here you go bitch. :D
>bitter, pitiful, angry, rapidly aging ex husband pretending to be happy while railing on women over youtube while venting about being screwed by the bimbo he married by thinking with his dick
>People actually follow this guy
What a bunch of losers! Sad!
I still haven't heard any solutions from you. I'm not saying that every non MGTOW is a feminist but certainly if you agree with 1st and 2nd wave feminism you are by definition a feminist.
You are arguing with us people who wouldnt of had kids regardless. What you should be doing is complaining how this 90% white country turned brown via immigration. We did the best we could electing Trump for our time and you go make 5 more white kids and hope for the best.