He's doing more for the white race than any of you "channers" and fucking NEETs. He's out there, in the real world, doing more than fucking POSTING ON THE INTERNET. He's actually speaking IN PUBLIC for white interests, which is a thousand times more than any of you can claim. I don't actually care if he is Jewish, he's an honorary aryan at this point. Get your shit together NEETsocs.
Stop talking shit about this man
is that richard spencer
Back behind the paywall, Mike.
He's an alcoholic loser. When is the white genocide happening again? Any day now right?
Is he even human?
> jewish
he married a woman who had 1 jewish grandparent. ffs.
>any of you "channers" and fucking NEETs
nice false flagging kike
most of the people who hate this guy are paid shills so whatever
>he married a woman who had 1 jewish grandparent
well, technically my wi- ...I mean, her father was Jewish, so she wasn't even actually Jewish, since her mother wasn't.
I can understand not liking this guy for clinging to a kike wife.
But the people who say Vanguard America and TWP are controlled opposition just because they don't actively disavow TRS over it? Faggots. Especially 8ch.
is that bill white?
>Faggots. Especially 8ch.
so much THIS thank you
Mike enoch is the man. He is single handedly saving his white race, while we type away. Way cooler than any of us. Imagine the hotpiece of ass he gets each night.
exactly. who cares? even if her mom was jewish, mike is still white and still right. we owe trs loads for putting the movement on the forefront
I don't think so
this desu
I mean Jews are pretty much white at this point anyway. They look white to me, I mean, as long as they support ethnostates I don't have a problem with them. Zionists are actually implicitly white at this point.
kike Enoch is alright, hopefully he'll be more forth coming in the future about how he ended up with a Jew wife and learn to be funny about it
Need a quick rundown on his wife
mikes not jewish!!!
technically she wasn't jewish since her dad was jewish, but w/e
>we owe trs loads for putting the movement on the forefront
What movement?
>speaking IN PUBLIC
>doing more for the white race
oh shit guys! he speaks in public!
definitely! All the stormie fronter 1488ers are too retarded to understand that jews are as white as you or me.
I like TRS, they aren't perfect but until you faggots come up with something bettter fuck off.
Seriously, FUCK STORMFAGS and FUCK 1488 LARPers. They're fucking cancer and they work for the Jews -- especially the anti-zionist ones which are the real problem. Zionists are pretty pro-WN and implicit imho.
white movement! think what he's done. He pretty much elevated alt right to where it is. If it wasn't for him, hrc would be in office probs.
Speaking of LARPing, take down that flag you fucking Bolshevik kike cunt. Zionists are pro-''''WN'''' for their tribe, not the West.
>if you hate this man, he wins.
Seriously, fuck the shariablue character assasination threads.
>If it wasn't for him, hrc would be in office probs.
Definitely, and he doesn't really mean it when he disavows Trump, he's just saying that to 14D chess the 1488 infiltrators and LARPers.
Abraham Lincoln was a "stormfag" by today's standards and so was virtually every American around in the 18th century.
Non-"stormfag" America is only as recent as 1965.
I know can you be any more OBVS shariablue? Only fucking shariablue would hate a man as obviously BASED as this one. Even makes me feel kinda gay sometimes, but just implicitly for maymays and such.
I don't doubt it. mike isn't a retard. He knows more about geo politics and white history than all of us combined probably. He does great work for his people and works hard to bring us the real scoops and entertain us. Long live based white Mike!
These threads with a shopped image of Enoch or Richard Spencer saying they are controlled opposition never actually gets anyone to stop listening to their stuff.
You have on the one hand one group that has listened to TRS for years, and you have another group that was told that they're all CIA Mossad agents but have themselves never listened to the show.
These threads don't accomplish anything for either group.
>fuck the shariablue character assasination
He definitely works harder for white interests than anyone even actual white guys, which tells you that he has a true aryan soul. You know Hitler was part Jewish and Berber too, so maybe that's an important trait in a leader. Purity spiralers and 1488 faggots BTFO!
No respect for a no good kike.
You are the problem, Not the solution
he's not jewish moron. get it through your thick head
Fuck off Chaim, Mike Enoch is whiter than you are.
>implying anyone but shills counter signal enoch
>Jewish Nazi
you can't make this shit up
Has he done + released the 23-and-me yet? I'm behind on my Shoahs. It's not like money is an excuse anymore.
Mike is white
He's with us in the fight
Mike's stuff is always right
He's proud of his race
It's his delight
Nazi larpers are jealous of mike
Because they are sad they aren't white but a kike
>the 8cuck goonsquad are start to change their tactics by ironic counter shilling the anti TRS shills
Nothing you do will work you left of center gen x cuckolds will never understand chan culture go back to downloading the latest episode of Chapo kike cuckold house
You don't understand - a certain strain of Jews historically, and even now, actively work to weaken and dissolve the white majority. Who are the biggest 'white' immigration advocates? Jews. Who cucks us out for Israel's interests? Jews. Who are big advocates of racial equality? Jews.
>Zionists are pro-''''WN'''' for their tribe, not the West.
That's not the point. THe point is to be consistent in our beliefs; if we want WN then we have to support ZIonism.
why do you keep posting the version of that pic that doesn't have Buchanan in it 8cuck?
exactly all peoples want to preserve themselves. I don't care if jews do. I just want whites to do the same and with mike we got a real leader we can rely on to say the truth and help guide us in this sea of degeneracy.
... the zealotry of the convert. Plus he's got plenty of anger to channel into our cause if nothing else. Poor guy though, really.
I didn't realize there were others. Are you against Zionism, do you have a problem with Israel existing? How can you claim to be for white ethnostates then?
> have to support zionism
Fuck no we don't. The Jews were in what's now called Israel for 1000 years, 2000 years ago. The Palestinians they displaced were there for /2000/ years, and 70 years ago! You want to be consistent you should support the Palestinian cause. Fuck Jews, and fuck 'Israel'.
>... the zealotry of the convert.
That's a cheap shot.
What have you done for white interests today except post online? Mike is out there fucking fighting and risking his life and safety, just like GLR
amen bro. these faggy 1488ers cant handle the fact mike is doing tremendous work. its take courage to do what he does. hes been brave since the get go.
> cheap shot
pic related. Note that I'm /for/ you, very-possibly-Mike. I just bet you've got a bit of Jewish in you. Again I don't have a problem with that.
> hypocrisy
? Wasn't talking about Mike
> What have you done for white interests today except post online?
What does that have to do with anything? Mike isn't friendly to Israel either. And again, I'm pro-Mike.
Exactly, how can white bois even compete?
Look I agree, but when has demanding shit of Sup Forums worked, unless it's a 'hey this would be funny to do' thing?
Stoped reading at "I don't care if he's jewish" stoped reading there
Who is that?
I have to say, the smear at Mike in the quote, I just haven't 'shopped out.
/Is/ Mike pro-Israel? I know Spencer is, so that's cover for Mike, but I'd be dubious if he started pushing it vigorously.
Unironically I don't know who that is, this time.
Kike Enoch?
>brags about randomly assaulting homosexuals on the street in a specific city on a specific night.
>Not a cryptojew agent provecateur
Ok faggot. Keep following e-celebs.
>Implying NEETS actually care about fascism, biological determinism, and rejecting materialism.
Leave them to their purity spiraling, they exist only to detract and not to build.
Exactly, FUCK PURITY SPIRALERS. You need a bit of impurity in everything, because its human. Besides, we're not puritans like the SJWs. We're not going to reach anyone with a purist stance; besides, Musollini even said that race didn't matter:
>from 'THE DOCTRINE OF FASCISM' by Benito Mussolini (1932)
>...Grouped according to their several interests, individuals form classes; they form trade-unions when organized according to their several economic activities; but first and foremost they form the State, which is no mere matter of numbers, the suns of the individuals forming the majority. Fascism is ...[oriented] to express itself in the conscience and the will of the mass, of the whole group ethnically molded by natural and historical conditions into a nation, advancing, as one conscience and one will, along the self same line of development and spiritual formation (18). NOT A RACE, NOR A GEOGRAPHICALLY DEFINED REGION...
>Not a race, nor a geographically defined region, but a people, historically perpetuating itself; a multitude unified by an idea and imbued with the will to live, the will to power, self-consciousness, personality (19).
And the footnote here reads:
>(19)Race: it is a feeling and not a reality; 95 %, a feeling. (E. Ludwig, Talks with Mussolini, London, Allen and Unwin, 1932, p. 75).
It's already happening. Every mixed race person is part of it. Every non-white resident is, too. Any non-white in Europe is proof of it. "Migrant crisis" literally is it.
>ahem hello again goyim.
>implying pic related isn't the norm around here
Shills are out tonight. Is therightstuff message board down or is this one of your raids?
why? is he you boyfriend or something?
>When is the white genocide happening again?
Every night in your mom's asshole after I'm done with her, if you know what I mean.
Looks like Mike Enoch with Thernovith's eyes
I guess most people aren't right wing today because they are aware of their social status and don't want to be associated with the people in the far right, who are for the most part kinda yucky and stupid, and sadly psychotic. So it's kinda ironic when some anons on Sup Forums decry presentable people like Spencer or Taylor because they don't fulfill their preferable stereotype of being a rabid disgusting brute.