Why is Nazism on the rise especially with the youth?
Why is Nazism on the rise especially with the youth?
Other urls found in this thread:
it's cool
punk rock, it's just edgy teens being edgy teens
whites are getting tired of getting shit on and silenced because of their "privileges"
Because jews are kikes.
We've reached the point where the youth have never actually met someone who was in WW2, so its ok to joke about it.
They tried the shitty answers from the left, and it didn't work.
Edgy faggotry.
Primarily the refugee crisis and SJW's. If liberals were less high and mighty, and had a better plan than letting all refugee's in, this probably wouldn't be happening.
Remember you can always count on a pet or a child's first response to something to be genuine!
Hitler did no wrong.
Praise KEK!
It's counterculture
Because the left calls everyone they don't like a Nazi.
Just like with Sup Forums, it's edgy, contrarian and the ultimate youth rebellion. If the mainstream culture was right-wing, then Sup Forums would definitely been more left-wing.
Because they unapologetically had principles. They were evil but uncompromising. Certainly is a relief for people fatigued by trying to navigate shades of gray.
That's pretty pathetic. You decided to do a 20th century LARP because lefties hurt your fee-fees? At least try not to act so disingenous.
Because today, white youth are the largest target from the media. We're constantly told we're racists and nazis until we turn into racists and nazis.
its not Nazism its just a conservative counterculture to the millennial sjw faggot shit, its just labeled as Nazism because anyone who doesnt agree with the left is a nazi, even people who are on the left that dont fully agree with the left are called nazis
With the internet, things can be archived, researched, and connections drawn. The mask isn't off, but it slipped. People are seeing the authors of articles and protests and donors and organization leaders and it's all (((them))).
I remember someone once told me just read the author of the article and look at their last name.
It happened the first time because the Jews pushed degenerate behavior and like some sub-conscious defense mechanism it turned on.
They did it too fast again.
It's not
It's a bunch of fucking NEET larpers who sit in their basement posting Nazi memes thinking they are on the cusp of a revolution just like Antifa
Shit's fucking pathetic
Because KIKES beg for people to stop talking about the USS Liberty.
All the while in their Hollywood and TV media and news channels have a 24/7 anti white agenda and documentaries/movies about WW2 Slavery and anything else which KIKES started. Then they wish to then BLAME white man for them boating niggers across the Atlantic. Blame white man for KIKES declaring WAR on Germany!
>we want to be edgy
Its based AF faggot
You boomers and millennial left us with a shithole
what other options do we have? durrrrr
I'm a leftist.
that sum it up well
Are you a baby sitter?
Sup Forums
yes be pic related instead of standing your ground a let the kikes and their pets walk over you
fuck off faggot
Using the word based means im larping
>See this retarded shit is why we are in such a shithole
What a cringey faggot.
You are trying too hard
And again, Anime
nazis are shit just like the muslims and communists
I'm pointing out how stupid he looks. What am I trying to do exactly?
sure thing jamal
People feel lost and have a desire for order and meaning in a seemingly chaotic and meaningless world. Add to that teenage rebelliousness, that thinks the most hilarious thing ever is going against what is considered the status quo, which today is liberalism and calling everything Nazi.
So basically teenage rebelliousness (which in todays youth extends well into the 20's), meaninglessness and hopelessness.
>Thinks I'm some apologist white.
>The Jews!
>Invectives because his feelings are hurt
I hardly let anyone walk over me and I don't have to be some tryhard fake nazi to accomplish that. Your cause and your rhetoric are equally asinine. What a joke.
It's not. The only reason you hear about "nazis" is because the left only knows about one "bad guy" in history and that's Hitler. Your real concern should be
> "Why is Marxism on the rise especially with the youth?"
Pretending you aren't from leftypol.
Nazism never worked because the West never gave it a chance to succeed. 8)
Yeah Jamal. You are wise. Jamal.
No. Pretending to be you're some Schutzstaffel Ubermensch is LARPING. And gay af bro you guys are sad.
If you say so internet guy whom knows nothing about me.
>That feeling when your grandpa sometimes whistled Erika when mowing the grass
>That feeling when he reveals to you and no one else in the family what he really did during the war
>Lived to 101, got away with it all
>Confederate flag
I bet you still think you're fighting the union huh?
whos really larping here
Shill slide thread post info, do not reply do not engage.
Because the Nazis look cool and were right about most things.
The only thing that kept Nazism from taking off during earlier periods of racial tension in America was young people having parents or grandparents who fought in WWII and would shame them for using the symbol of an enemy nation.
What did he really do user
stormfaggots have been propagandizing in every place that lets them for years
Their propaganda is simplistic and easily absorbed and regurgitated, it's perfect for vapid children in their angst phase in an era in which nothing much is taboo, and they have nowhere else to go to rebel during their youth.
It's basically the perfect way to attention whore for snowflakes who don't fit in with other trends.
My friends grand parents were SS scientists.
I don't know if they did any of the crazy Jew dis info stories that they like to spout.
Because the feminazis and Black Lives Matter are against whitey.
>Call everyone a racist sexist bigot
>Call your political enemies Hitler
>Claim Nazi's are on the rise
>Meanwhile spread communism
>Everyone who is against the communism is a Nazi
Congrats, the left has manufactured a rise in Nazis and will hopefully be gassed accordingly.
I really need a desktop quality version of the lower pic
>Deflection for days
Disregarding that - these flags don't really mean anything to me I just periodically change them and i think it's great that most of you get triggered by them.
Also I'd rather take Robert E. Lee than sissy krauts.
Because of edgy memes and Sup Forums
yea we should just join the libertarian movement that died off a long time ago and accomplished absolutely nothing
None of us fit in anymore. We are the great white male. Who's taxes are given to shitskins and 3rd worlders.
BTW niggers started slavery and the KIKES were the one who predominately carted them over.
Shame whites had to set you niggers free and then let kikes and their useful idiots years later institute nigger lover programs for your failed fucking race.
But lets talk equality and privilege.
How about it nigger?
>sick hugo boss fash
>muh pure ideals not at all corrupted
>nasty ass early battles that told the world to suck a thick german shaft
>I am young and I will rebel and shit
Gee, I don't know. Some website maybe?
>Also I'd rather take Robert E. Lee than sissy krauts
Yeah seems like you're the real larper.
It's not tho, leftists policy is still rated as more favorable according to various polls.
Lack of morals to protect us from our sworn enemies.
Aesthetics for one.
Eh you are most likely just a confused bitter person who doesn't understand why it's normal to care about your fellow man.
Taxes lmao
I don't yhink the National Socialists were evil, just survivalists.
You know the Marxist Commies even to this day covet that aesthetic. Its a lot to admire in one timeline.
Dismissing the legitimate discontent of many people with identity politics and other SJW tier fuckery is what lost the leftists the American election.
Slavery has been around since 3500BC you trog. It wasn't really a novel idea.
Also whites would have succumbed to disease, famine, elements, and beligerents in the new world if it wasnt for the natives that cared to take pity. It's kinda funny how those who write history tend to romanticize certain things.
Because it pisses people off and the young are always attracted to things that piss people off. Liberalism fought the establishment till they became the establishment. Now people are taking up Nazism, even if it is just a token effort, to challenge it.
This. SJW shit is past reasonable levels and approaching Marxism.
White Privilege is racism and Marxism wrapped up to look like "science"
You do know BLM has openly stated they're anti-white, You do also know they are growing rapidly.
>Im sure if white people just say a few nice things to them they will return to normal and care about us fellow men.
Going off your watertight logic I'm probably a Jew who singlehandedly conducted the Manhattan project.
What is this a fuhrer for ants?
Exactly I'm just relating and speaking the language spoken to me for the last 35 years.
Is it not the language you people understand? Weighting and measuring people by the supposed history of their past. Funny the history isn't even accurate its dis-info'ed. White man didn't have to invent slavery. Slavery is a nigger tradition. Further NOTE Jews are not Christians and a real Christians wouldn't even buy a slave unless they thought they could help them. Most white farmers in the Americas did want to use them but help them since they were there. Almost every Jew home in the Americas then did have a slave. If every white person is a slaver owner! Then every nigger is a low IQ thug! Only difference is statistics mostly confirm the later!
If you need me to turn it up for ya let me know?
I'm not a leftist, don't care about the election, nor do I care for your warped reasoning.
It's just cringey seeing you nerds act like some holy armada of righteousness and know for a face 90 percent of you just jack off and shitpost. Get over yourselves.
The realization the good guys lost in '45 and without ethnocentrism we will not exist in the future.
ive seen that eagle it's in the royal war museum
Idk, have you tried maybe looking back to see what kind of place germany was before Nazis took over? Maybe we can tell if there are any parallels to be drawn.
oh shit
No you're just some retard.
Maybe you can find you're statue in some landfill somewhere. Then you can dress up in you're confederate outfit and salute it.
Is the white genocide happening or not. Please answer I am trying to b woke.
this to some degree
Being a nazi is like being an atheist. It's a phase for most people who just want an immediate solution to the thoughts they have.
No one wants to go years in intellectual limbo, so it's easier to circlejerk to Die Flut Kommt and some other videos, not really be all that well versed in literature, but still call yourself a nazi.
tl;dr Being a Nazi on Sup Forums is babby's first kneejerk reaction and isn't that well thought out.
Because life is more than being born and working till you die to keep the pockets of some fat faggot packed.
Calling me a larper while ignoring your own glaring logic faults seems to ne a talent of yours. Just an observation.
Please continue to be mad. You have my permission now.
So you believe that White Privilege exists?
It's pretty obvious it does my dude.
I did not state that you cared for the election or that you are a leftist. Please read my post more and project less.
You clearly see what you want to see.
Despite all the shitposting that comes with this medium once can witness here a great many unpopular yet legitimate points, concerns and complaints which people hold but do not state openly in public.
By all means though, continue to bury your head in the sand.
So name me one privilege that I can give up to my black brothers.
Pic related id disrespectful to the Fuhrer and the symbol
Should be gassed
Loaded questions are as pointless as this thread. Take a page from the stoics and focus on something you can actually control.
Yes it is on a daily basis and it starts with the nations my people built being flooded with riff raff!
They want to change the people and the demographics of the voting system. It is a literal war on whites and our nations from with in.
Sup Forums doesn't like to admit it but yeah it's very true.
most users on here are pretty trashy.
Jared Taylor himself spoke about how when he was younger and interested in racial differences, the only people he found like him were incredibly weird and odd, as he says it took a weird and odd person to look in the dark and dusty corners of libraries like he was.
With that said, Jared Taylor is 1 in a 1000. Sup Forums just has the weird and odd people and a huge amount browse /r9k/, don't lift, and don't read regularly.