Why tf are you letting this happen? Why tf are you letting these sodomites disrespecting Jesus (sa)? That's why we're taking over your lands bunch of lazy asses. I swear this would never happen in an Islamic nation.
Pretty sure Jesus would have been pro-LGBT if he lived in 2017.
He preached the laws who said that gays must be put to death.
Talking about people taking over land
These people are hypocrites, what did you expect?
why don't they do that at a mosque?
Christ knew lesbians were the most boring of fetishes and declared them worse than lala men eating the poopoo.
He'd probably get a whip and chase them off, to be honest. Desecrating temples was a no-no, last I read.
>american reading comprehension
I'm Islamic dumbass.
because islam is a totalitarian religion and christianity is not. in fact christianity is much the opposite. the gates are always open and people can leave as they please without being honorkilled.
the christian does not engage in wrath or vengeance over such episodes, we instead feel pity
Jesus was a humanitarian and a progressive. He spoke against those who used religion and old books as to control people. Instead he inspired people to care for their fellow man.
>why don't they do that at a mosque?
Because we'll probably behead them?? And you should do as well
Nope. He wouldn't treat them badly or scold them, but DEFINITELY wouldn't condone it.
"""Pretty sure"""
Mosques don't have statues.
>because islam is a totalitarian religion and christianity is not. in fact christianity is much the opposite. the gates are always open and people can leave as they please without being honorkilled.
it should be noted that western's christianity is cucked nowadays.
i love him so much
He said that he who had no sins was to throw the first stone.
You gotta be glad he forgave the woman instead of stoning her, alone, to death.
100%, jesus was a degenerate communist
Jesus was a near ascetic who promoted absolute devotion to God through temperance, self-restraint, obedience and poverty.
He would absolutely not promote the hedonist, worldly lifestyle that comes from lustful activities, including homosexual sex. Sexual self-restraint was a big part of his teaching. "Making yourself a eunich" for the kingdom of heaven.
People who say, "Jesus would support this" or "Jesus would support that" usually have no knowledge about the spirituality of Christianity and think Jesus was just some guy going around saying things about "peace" and "love" and that is all that Christianity is.
terrorist spotted. do the world a favor and neck yourself
why would I? france is half muslim
if you do not desire our presence and the blessings we bestow we will not protest, we will kindly depart and leave you to your violence and misery
wtf? just pay your jizya & leave
pop quiz: who is america's oldest ally? france. if that ever happened, the USA would slaughter your "caliphate" so fucking fast and hard your meat would be considered halal from all of the blood spilled.
Yeah I'm sure there was an "old woman" there saying shit. No reason they would like or anything, who would do such a thing? Remember when using the "little old lady" was a positive thing? Now old people are evil and the enemy.
I think you mean false idols. That's what that is
all idols are false.
>if that ever happened, the USA would slaughter your "caliphate" so fucking fast
yeah it was a prank lol ^^ don't worry islam isn't winning here we'll remain a minority
mecca is an idol appropriated by islam. mecca isn't even islamic, its the amalgamation of three old gods
you would extract some pathetic tax on christians to help fund your miserable nations
yet is it not the muslims flocking to the christian nations to taste the crumbs of our abundant wealth?
>le mecca meme with the three old gods
yo i'm so tired of dumb christians who can't read the quran, Allah swt literally DENIED the existence of these three bitches
>"They are not but [mere] names you have named them - you and your forefathers - for which Allah has sent down no authority. They follow not except assumption and what [their] souls desire, and there has already come to them from their Lord guidance."
Mecca is islamic in the way that Muhammad sa BTFO'd pagans and destroyed all of their idols.
it was a joke chill, you're ahhl-al-kitab and as a muslim I have to protect you
>implying someone who flies the sicle and hammer is a christian
>implying allah is real
>implying a giant box with a rock in it isnt an idol
i drew you a picture
What can you do, go ape on them, then what? Get arrested for hate crime?
Stupid mongrel, just because you rape and beat people doesn't mean normal people do.
Dumb scorpion. There's no such thing as gay, just natural sex (man + woman) and unnatural sex that God doesn't allow (the sinful one: man/man or woman/woman, or human + beast).
That's what he taught you dumb sand digger.
Islam is heresy, it doesn't come after Christianity or Judaism. Mohammeds a dumb mongrel that makes Ghengis Khan proud.
Your day's coming mongrel, get out of France for your own safety.
I agree.
real tough coming from a flag that has never won a war
i am protected by the word of God, but thank you for the gesture
>yo i'm so tired of dumb christians who can't read the quran
I don't need to read a dumb retarded sandnigger "book" written by caravan jumpers and pedophiles. Go fuck your holy mother you sandnigger.
Jesus died for their sins, in this case being degenerate
>Islam is heresy, it doesn't come after Christianity or Judaism.
Says le heresy cult who doesn't even follow the Bible anymore lol. Tawhid is the only true form of monotheism.
>Just unnatural sex that God doesn't allow
Leviticus 20:13
And I know dumbass, except that you're deliberately letting these sinners disrespect Jesus (pbuh) so instead of whining about heresy go protect your idols.
no problem, all united under the abrahamic God, the real God.
good job mexico, not only 1 is fake but also the picture where the women have chains comes from a shia celebration
Your also retarded.
He preached that god loves all his children, but he's equally wrathful and will punish those who disobey him (proper parenting).
Also, Jesus was willing to beat and chase tax collectors out of the temple.He would probable do the same with faggots near a church (They'd probable like that shit though)
Sure thing.
Nice meme
Once again the queerfags who rush to the defense of Islam at the drop of a hat are attacking Christians.
On topic, though, these people are merely expressing their first amendment rights. They're free to be as idiotic as they want. They'll get their punishment when they're being ass-raped by Moloch for all eternity.
Hey faggot kill yourself. Dont put words or actions in God's mouth if you don't know him you degenerate bastard.
Grab em. Here; have my daughters because clearly you are all fags
>hates the sign of the covenant
Go eat some pussy cheese frenchie
130 million died under communism, I guess it counts as winning when it's your own people.
Why do you love Islam? So the left and Islam will merge, hmmmm.
How many gays and atheists are you going kill, what will you do trannies? Or are you turning a blind eye and letting your muslim buddies deal with that. Funny how the sodomites were on your team too, even fight for you, oh well.
You don't even know what the Bible actually says, it's adorable.
The old and new agreement connect to each other in prophecies and history.
It says clear as day that nothing comes after the New Agreement (Christians), the Old Agreement is dead (Jews) since Jesus came.
So what does Islam call your agreement? New++? Is it an agreement at all or some stoned guy tricking sand diggers?
Because the same Bible you claim to know says no killing, no lying, no man-on-man sex, no sex with animals or children and guess who disobeyed all this and preaches against it: Mohammed.
The poor guy has no love in his heart, no wonder Commies love him.
On the brightside you're the sodomite and atheist slayers, so it's not all bad. But you overstep your boundaries by attacking everyone else. You have to go Ahmed.
Get a job
communists have killed more muslims than anyone else. read some history.