Other urls found in this thread:

>i cannot recall
>i plea the 5th
>i dont remember
>im not qualified to answer that question
and then nothing will happen and it will be quickly forgotten

...except she's innocent

Your vagina can't save you now...


Came here to post this. Getting bored with all this shit. Even Gowdy, I'm tired of seeing him BTFO someone and then the day ends and nothing happens. Wake me up when someone is arrested.

What happened to her? She use to be great when she was working for George Bush

Hmm 4th of July weekend with director McCabe...

This. Spineless GOP cucks will do nothing to rock the boat.

Theres already enough evidence to prosecute someone like Hillary or at least her staff yet nothing ever came of that. Can't help but feel these hearings are all for show to keep up an illusion of transparency and accountability.

Comey testimony was bretty gud. Nothing earth shattering will come of this, but it's good theatre.

Will be this, but will give the right wing plenty to talk about.... As long as trump doesn't fuck stuff up by tweeting immaterial stuff

Congress can't prosecute, fbi can but (((comey))) dropped the case. She can always fall back on his public disclosure and be free from ANY charges.

That was Condoleezza Rice. Susan Rice was the one that let Bin Laden get away.


I def feel ya on that. Im mostly disappointed in Chaffetz. Someone needs to go to jail, its been building up to much for nothing to happen.

Why would they arrest one of their own? This is all smoke and mirrors for the real crimes.


Did he really quit? Or was he forced to?

About time

Actually the DOJ decides to prosecute based on the investigations conducted by the FBI, the FBI can RECCOMEND charges but that's all. They've (trump admin) done nothing since taking over the DOJ.

I have no idea. He either got caught making a shady business deal with those South Africans or he just had enough of congresses shit. But his statement saying Obama was more transparent then Trump rubbed me the wrong way.

Fuck you for being right. Let people larp for fucks sake

Time for action by the Trump Admin.

Can't wait


She'll take the 5th.

then have the ovaries to testify in open court like all of Trumps people did.

you racists are getting desperate. anything to deflect from the russian coupe.

just wait until you drumpftards listen to cummings question her and he'll expose how racists our poilice force is and drumpf is. cummings is playing 4d chess.


kabuki theater


One and done

what type of russian coupe
was it a TVR sagaris? i really like those


sounds extremely painful

Oh, there is a paper trail. I can assure you.

>i plea the 5th
I've been meaning to ask for a while. What is the point of this? Who implemented it? I heard it recently, that you can actually choose to deny answering a question? Is it an oath bypass thing because fuck the bible etc?


>No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

>The Fifth Amendment prohibits government officials from abusing their authority during legal proceedings. It also protects individuals from self-incrimination. When an individual chooses to plead the fifth, he/she cannot be required to answer any questions or provide any information that may incriminate him/her.

suck it drumptees

>Courts have explained that the privilege of silence is designed to avoid the “cruel trilemma” of perjury, contempt, and self-incrimination. In other words, someone who might have committed a crime and who is forced to answer questions about the conduct in question has to choose between:

>lying, and thereby committing perjury
>refusing to answer so as to be held in contempt of court
>providing evidence—if not an outright admission—that could lead to a conviction

>Our legal system is founded on adversarial, rather than inquisitive, proceedings. That means that it’s the government’s burden, not the defendant’s obligation, to provide evidence of guilt.

The GOP is too cowardly to hold her in contempt. They will just continue to eat each other over disagreements with healthcare and get nothing done.

No, the truth is no one in her position or privy to the information she knows (same with hillary clinton) will ever get prosecuted because they will spill the beans on everyone else. they would have zero reason to keep secrets if they are in jail. hillary will never be touched. no one high up in government will ever be touched. trump will never be touched by the rule of law. thats just a fact. don't get your hopes up on anyone high in government ever being held accountable, they all know too much.

and same goes for Flynn. They'll do their dog and pony show in congress but Flynn knows he is untouchable. Stop buying into all this hype.

>suck it drumptees
Drumptees? Isn't this 5th for everyone? Only democrats are allowed to plea it?

So in other words they protect people from having to admit they did a crime and you find others who can prove they did.

Essentially the 5th nullifies any and all ''calling X to the stand'' proceedings, it's like an escape button.

It's really meant to protect you from the government and forcing the burden of proof on them. Unfortunately it also allows government officials to hide behind those protections creating a burden to prove corruption like in this case.

TVR is an English brand, m8.

>So in other words they protect people from having to admit they did a crime and you find others who can prove they did.

yes but congress won't do that.

think of it like this- someone on trial for murder never has to answer questions unless they want to. they can't be forced to answer anything because of the 5th amendment.

If you are in an actual criminal court and under oath you can't not answer, however if the IRS or Senate or whoever interrogates you then you can avoid anything that might incriminate yourself later.

The reasons being that even what appears to be a solid denial can later hang you in court, as explained in this

Get them all to testify.

If you're a witness in a criminal case under oath you have to answer. but not if you're the one on trial. you can never be forced to admit guilt. if you are being tried for anything your lawyer will just about always tell you never to take the stand.

>It's really meant to protect you from the government
It doesn't look this way to me. All it does is to give you an out between lie-truth. Not a fan. Either tell the truth like a man or lie like a man and if found, get owned for perjury. Maybe too many women in the channels lately. Is this ''new'' or as old as the 2nd amendment?

>they can't be forced to answer anything
So the 'swear an oath' thing is also nullified. You used to swear you say the truth and nothing but the truth, now you can also choose to not answer. With so many atheists now it makes sense, they don't believe in the thing they take an oath to.

The first 10 amendments form the bill of rights. They were created at the same time as our constitution.

The 5th amendment is easily one of the most important ones we have. It sets up multiple roadblocks for the government to have to prove your guilt, not you prove your innocence. Id prefer me have safeguards and rights over possibly jailing some other person.

No you can choose not to testify, if you take an oath you have to testify (in a court).

You never "tell the truth" because the truth is manipulated politically by tons of prosecutors who would love to hang you if it means they can get a promotion or big media exposure case out of raking you over the coals. You could be 100% innocent and it won't matter because (if you watched this here ... what if a false witness is later brought against YOU? and your previous statements are now evidence of imagined guilt. Now you are fucked.

Well I get it, it shouldn't be ''easy'' for the accuser to find you guilty just by asking you if you did it or not, but still those legal jiba jaba just seem extremely faggy to me.

correction, tell the truth without full immunity.

which I imagine is what somebody like Rice will get when she sells out the bigger fish

Bill Clinton chose to go under oath and he lied and was charged with purgery. You won't see Lynch go under oath. I'm sure what you've seen is shit like the hillary email trial; none of them were put under oath. These congressional hearings arent a criminal hearing. They could make it into a criminal hearing if they want'ed to but it would look completely different. If Lynch was charged with a crime she would have a lawyer sitting with her and she wouldn't have to say anything, and they would be calling witnesses to testify under oath (and they would have to speak) but that won't happen.

Fucking nothing burger.

Wait for the next Russian Collusion happening sweetie

>Id prefer me have safeguards
It's not 'your' safeguard though, unless 'you' are a criminal. In which case, you don't really deserve a safeguard at all, but yea I guess ''we all have rights''. If you're innocent, saying the truth would be enough.

Ok I understand.

see this:

These hearings aren't criminal. They aren't charging anyone with anything, just trying to decide if they should charge someone. They aren't putting anyone under oath. These hearings are just for show. Everyone knows Lynch won't be charged with anything. She'll get yelled at by republicans but nothing will come of it because its all so incredibly hard to prove these sort of charges and there are too many high ranking people for it actually to turn into anything.

Think of it this way. With no 5th amendment right the government could either force you into an endless series of questions designed to trip you up, or if you tried to refuse to answer; jail you for contempt of court.

With endless questions they might walk you into a corner and in a contradiction declare youve committed perjury. With the 5th you can just tell them to fuck off.

Bumperino. Tick tick tick

Because we don't magically know who is truly a criminal or innocent its better everyone is given the same due process and right to trial.

I dont know what its like to live in finland, but in America we generally dont enjoy sucking the cock of government institutions.

>these hearings aren't criminal
>and they would be calling witnesses to testify under oath (and they would have to speak) but that won't happen.
Aaaaah, alright I think I get the picture now. Seems less gay now. Cheers.

>Government can force you into an endless series of questions
Well sure, but like I said if you're innocent you can answer those stupid questions enough times until they get it or you get up and leave. Contradictions happen almost exclusively in fabricated stories.

Perhaps the 5th is an amazing thing for those who get so stressed they might tackle themselves accidentally even if innocent. In that case it's good.

Absolutely, give everyone the same due process, we just don't fully agree on what that due process is going to be. If the 5th works best for USA, so be it.

Fuckoff Trumpcucks & CIAniggers shilling the left/right politics hard tonight, Trump....trump...trump....CNN.....drumpf.....CNN....trump.....

Like all fucking night.

>Anything involving CNN is completely fake.
>Democracy is a scam.
>Trump is an actor, hired to distract you.

Fuck off Joe


dream on

It's nothing.

man so redpilleddddd

the world is a lie

the matrix

take the real redpill!!!!!

Wait... do you actually believe that? Where do you get your news, out of curiosity?

>I can't recall
>I can't remember
>am I done now?
a big nothing burger. nobody get into trouble anymore. its one big clusterfuck of criminals.

Are we still on this Russian thing? Honestly, if it was reveled that Russia worked with trump or hacked the election, then honestly i wouldn't be surprised sand wouldn't give a shot.

Did Comey roll over on her?

this Senate Committee shit is tiresome on all sides, nothing happens with these faggots, they just all get their face on tv and ask dumb questions and give dumb answers

This. It's all a show to calm people down.

wowowowow nice post, not obvious at all!!
how much did that graphic cost the CIA?

I like it, I think it's a great way to prevent the government from forcing confessions out of people. It seems worse than it is because the Congress is so spineless. They will only call people who have a reason to plead the 5th on most things, and not do the work that a regular court/law enforcement will do to prove a case. Outside of politics the 5th doesn't cause a big stir because the prosecution will just call witnesses that are not suspects (or offer deals to fellow suspects in exchange for testimony) and subpoena evidence that they will use to prove guilt. This also means the accused will have a reason to testify on their behalf, with the help of their attorney, because they know that if they just let the prosecution do whatever while they refuse to say anything they are screwed.
In short, the fact that our Congressional investigations are almost all theater makes the 5A seem more bizarre than it really is.

Obvious of what? Knowing we've been watching the most elaborate reality TV show play out, while the real politics happens in banks and boardrooms?

I know you faggots needed to step up your game due to what's currently happening in Syria, but when this whole magic and misdirection show is over and America falls jews are going to get tossed in drowning pools.

nice half truths and misdirection, glad that nu/pol/ fell for 75% of your tactics, they only further galvanize tru/pol/ to understand the truths of mind control

also 88 checked

also Susan Huma and Hillary for prison

Riddle me this you fantastic flamer, who do you support in Syria?

the prosecuted Christians

persected famalam


no I mean prosecuted by Sharia law, for their true love of God

Too stupid to know her testimony is closed door ---the post

Plenty of easier ways to deal with corrupt people like Rice/Lynch/et al. than wasting taxpayer money on them not recalling and pleading the 5th. Just do what Hillary does with her kill list

This. They should charge her and force her to plea bargain.


Holder is still in contempt.
Pagliano didn't show up even tho a subpoena was issued.
Congress is gutless. Should be referred to DOJ for prosecution.

nice, ty for the update

This is all im expecting so hooefully they surprise me.


I actually am hoping she is going to cast some blame elsewhere...
Clap, Brennan, Ben Rhodes (confirmed leaker now). Rice already made the comment that docs came to her 'unmasked'...not that I think she's innocent, but I definitely think HRC made her do some shit during Benghazi.
Flynn was fired for speaking out against Benghazi....look for some surprises, in my opinion.

hoping that this is solid intel, screenshotting you for future adulation or proof of false narrative leading, good work either way

this. its literally just a formality to absolve her of any culpability. they can say "well she testified and we got what we needed from her" after she says "i dont remember" for 2 hours straight

Just my opinions, based on some history and research. Hoping I'm right. Nothing might come from her talk now, and others are probably correct that she might plead 5th.
Flynn, best I can determine, was pissed about ME affairs and surveillance. He was DIA ffs. Ppl think he didn't know his conversations would be picked up? He was a spy for 33 yrs.
I think he set a trap for the illegal surveillance to be made public. Rand Paul is screaming for jail time for the person that leaked Flynn's name.
Ben Rhodes was outed as a leaker of classified. Have to see what happens to him.
No proof at all, but my guess is Comey and Rice (and maybe others) are going to get some folks in trouble. They were dirty also, but I think they got forced into some actions, and want to 'come clean'.
Again, just my rambling opinion.
If I'm right, tho, I expect to see my screencap when this shit is all over. Probably about 3 months before midterm elections.

hoping so bigly,

I don't know about Flynn, never considered it as a potential long con, seemed mishandled by press team, psedoscapegoated as an olive branch? I hope he's still advising Trump personally and regularly, Flynn has truth and courage in his eyes, and would share a beer with his son.

If you're interested, here's a good read on Flynn...guy who wrote this has extensive knowledge of middle east weapons and actions...