Heritage thread. Family tree or DNA results or both.
How White is Sup Forums?
Heritage thread. Family tree or DNA results or both.
How White is Sup Forums?
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Meta thread ish. These are quite common.
>99% British and Irish
Op doesnt respond to my work, OP is a filtly swedish queer faggot.
I did it just for you, Op. Just for you.
Have a (You) Hans. Nice heritage.
do 23&me
get back results
be 98% Western European
2% jew
now I know why I pick up pennies off the ground
I like how you live right in the middle of the two sides of your family
this is mine
Yeah. Although I also have some ancestors from Dalarna on my mothers side.
Nice. North Italians?
>femanon ANTIFA member
Italians live very long.
> North Italians?
No, the flag at the top is the Papal States flag, we are from Rome since ever.
Probably I have some Normand blood arrived to Rome in the middle ages, hence the blue eyes.
My dad once paid for a family tree research and they said that we descend from Roman patricians (but it was probably a scam, how would they know?).
Most modern Danes have Jewish ancestry, because Danish Jews assimilated almost entirely during the 18th and 19th centuries. German Jews and later Russia and Polish Jews willingly came to Denmark to escape persecution.
You want a pic of my vage?
>Most modern Danes have Jewish ancestry
>You want a pic of my vage?
Time stamped tits or GTFO
Right. Missed that.
>Probably I have some Normand blood arrived to Rome in the middle ages, hence the blue eyes
Yeah it was the blue eyes that seemed a bit weird. Not many South Italians have blue eyes.
>Most modern Danes have Jewish ancestry
>You want a pic of my vage?
No. This isn't Sup Forums.
>Bank manager
Clever girl...
>All females in the family were house wives except one police officer
Now that's a proper tree.
Nice. Lots of blue eyes too.
The one police officer just so happens to be hated throughout the whole family.
I ended up with green eyes somehow. When should I kill myself or am I honorary Aryan?
youre a cuck baby
>giving your DNA to jews
Noooo, poor granny! :DDD
I had two ancestors that were Union Cavalry Generals, they are both buried in Pennsylvania.
I'm a CW history buff, which generals?
I also have green eyes. Comes from my fathers side, probably from the Brits or Germans. Everyone on my mothers side have blue eyes.
I would like to think that green eyes are White enough.
Dirty blonde, brown eyes.
They have my last name so I am not going to say.
Congrats you are half white
Why do you deny most Danes have some Jewish ancestry? Most of us have big cheeks and "six noses".
>University professor
What field?
this is ironic right? right?
post them
> What field?
Broadly, international political economy, development finance.
I analyze international financial flows and global trade, and other bogus statistics.
I just started out, I teach in a small university in a developing country.
Should I get tested to find out what I am?
Could have abo in me from dad's side. Mum's side is probably celtic but could have anything from europe.
Maybe it's better not to know?
Rate me faggots
>all mexican ancestry is mestizo
>my dad is full on spaniard born here
>Castizo master race
Hard to say user. You should take a DNA test. Maybe 7/10 because of BLEACHing and what looks like dirty blond hair.
racemixed shitskin garbage
>slav calling me non-white
>Polish descendant Italian shitskin thinks he can make that offensive
> giving youer DNA to jews is 100% correct...and also posting your lineage on Sup Forums
Your not as user as you think and now they can trace you And no exactly who to round up...
>am Indian
Do all of you think your family is very different from other families, or are mine just that? Intrigues, mental issues, jealousy etc.
Paternal line = Very dark blond or reddish. Beard is reddish. No gingers or curly hair though. Also my father and paternal grandfather were golden blond when young - some British admixture maybe? Mother's side a mess. Every single one in my family is "wierd". Not one single normie.
yeah I know but sadly no trusty company has come here to Mexico, 23andMe is supposed to come here at the end of the year
I got spanish ancestry from both sides(we had some spaniards on my mom's side further down, also the fucking gringo there would also be european since he was a mormon) and who knows what else comes from my dad's side but it's undoubtly european
Apply yourselves
Do you suspect the Polish woman to be Jewish?
Have you been or are you in the army yourself?
Of course it is retards.
Yes, I will too.
Whiter than most Americans
Forgot the picture somehow
What country/part of the world? Do you plan on staying there, or do you want to get a job in Italy?
pretty fucking german
so close
fuck off to israel, sandnigger
Good detective work, Dick Tracey.
American as in "American essence", very American-like family.
Mostly European but I don't have direct evidence of my family history.
>probably ((((merchants))))
Get a haircut
>imperial German flag for WWII
None of them were born between '33 and '45.
That's fair enough. Forget I said anything
Mostly Polish
Polska jest najlepsza
what do you mean forgot the picture? what picture was forgotten?
At least I have blue eyes and somewhat of an "Aryan" looking face.
Can someone explain what you mean by giving your DNA to kikes, whats the big problem.
>giving your DNA to some company so they can make an obedient clone of you and kill the real you
That's why I just had my dad do it. My mom is a German, and the government already has his DNA from when he was in the army. So I can just do the math to figure out my own
They keep your dna in a database indefinitely and could sell for research purposes, since you gave them the right to use your sample. Could also be used by insurance companies to deny you coverage because of a history of certain medical diseases in your dna.
read the article supplied by this user.
Mayans don't have flags
rare, but I have you.
Idk guys I think your overthinking this, I'm 2nd generation american sand nigger, from the levant. My dad was super white, and my mom is italian colored with silky hair, I need to know if my dad was actually greek, he's too dumb to think beyond simply being arab. If I end up being majority european, I'm gonna drop this arabic meme. Any tips, like where I should do it.
I've got a great-grandmother straight from Sweden, dad's parents were both Scottish families that have been here for ages, and rest of mom's side were old-stock English. I live in central Indiana.
Pretty white.
just submit your dads dna.
Parents are divorced not an option, hes somewhere back in the motherland, or whats left of it.
then i don't know what to tell you man. I wouldn't do the 23tome thing because of what I mentioned earlier. Luckily, I already know my family history from over 400 years ago. If your name is Muhammad, change it to Muhammy.
Nah even for arabs my name is weird, my cousin got out lucky his mother was a christian arab so she had crusader heritage, his father had a white structure but super tan skin basically spic tier. He ends up coming out super aryan white, all the features pales skin, nordic body and beard, he basically gave up his arab culture and became a redneck all his white friends love him and think hes the most european looking of them all.
>t. has no fucking clue what "racemixing" means
You're that same "Russian" fag from all these threads aren't you, stupid bitch?
how about no
inb4 gas chamber
mine is 100% Turkish