What is going to happen to me? I voted multiple times, "illegally"...

What is going to happen to me? I voted multiple times, "illegally", but we were doing it because we had to make sure Hillary won. I mean, look at what Trump is turning America into... is it any fucking wonder why so many of us voted twice, or even more times? I know almost everyone here is against Democrats but I need to take advantage of this board's anonymity in order to get an idea as to what will come of me if they find out?

For fucks sake I'm freaking out here...

Other urls found in this thread:


this week the man can literally do no wrong

Kill yourself
I'm sure you'll still vote in the next election if you do

I'm just waiting for it to turn out the Republicans also did voter fraud and that is why he won.

I can't wait. Dear god of Irony please don't fail me

It is understandable why you'd be freaking out. Your party's cheating tricks at the voting box are about to come to an end.

I'm proud of what President Trump is doing,and he's not even governing on all cylinders....yet.

>the massive voter fraud gets exposed
It feels good to win this much.

Using dead people and illegals to vote multiple times is a patently Dem tactic.

Its a felony, 10 years maximum, theres precedent, look it up

Funny, but not funny. We have a small group here in Illinois that took advantage of some duplicate ballots in Cook county and voted probably a few hundred times combined among the 7 of us. We were advised by the local DNC lead that these would not be noticed or recounted, nor called upon in the future so there was nothing to worry. Now Trump is calling these up. Does this carry prison time or is it just a fine? Does anyone here fucking know

lol i hope its true

I assume this is to finally clear dead people from the voter rolls or something??

Dems are fucked in 2020 if true.

The larping is strong with this one

I just want you to know, I'm 99.999999% sure that you're LARPing, but I'm screencapping this thread and tweeting it to the Trump admin anyway.

Hand yourself in before they catch you out and they might be more lenient


does anybody have the screenshot of a tweet from some ugly lady from new york about how she voted multiple times for hillary in multiple districts ?

A few hundred times? This better be a larp or you really are fucked

Cook county in what state btw? Just curious :^)

It can be a felony, which revokes your voting rights period. I sure hope it is.

Really hope you're not just havin a LARP


"Here in illinois."

It doesn't matter, this board is completely anonymous so I don't have to worry about what I post here. It's more about what happens when the voter registry is re-upped. That's why I'm hoping this is just some bullshit and not actually happening.



Im retarded Illinois, noted and reported
Good larp btw

You should be locked up just for LARPing so poorly.

I hope you aren't actually baiting, that would be swell

If you aren't, enjoy prison!


>posts county and state so election fraud commision knows exactly where to take a closer look

Close your eyes
Count to ten
and now Imagine

open them
It's California
Turning red

hey leave OP alone, his LARP gave me a good LAFF

>this board is completely anonymous
not when you do something illegal fuckign retarded nigger

It is going to be really fun when they cross reference the voter rolls with the list of illegals that signed up for the previous administration's ill fated amnesty programs.

Thanks Obama!

If not a LARP, come clean now and you'll be fine.

you should be shot

You forgot to take off your democrat flag before posting this.

You can still save yourself if you go back right now Paco.

Someone explain this to me. I was always told that the vote was anonymous, meaning my vote would never be made public.

Is it a less harsh penalty? Or is it just deducted from the vote tolls and we all move on?

Ok nobody is actually this retarded, I'm pretty sad you're larping

Better start lubing your boypussy.

Yea total let down, funny though, still sent user autistic tip to the integrity commission about cook county illinois

>preventing people voting multiple times and dead people from voting is now considered voter suppression

You'll probably be asked to squeal.

You can probably negotiate community service in return for your assistance&testimony.

It can definitely be prison time otherwise.

Nobody would be surprised at election fraud in Chicago. But honestly if you value democracy at all you should realize why what you did is wrong and why you should help prevent it in the future.

Don't worry OP you'll be in good company when you go to teh ass rape prision.

Later, you'll be fine if you come clean. You're picking up after your own fuck up, that's the point. If you just get caught though, you're fucked.

Those two things aren't the same.

We were under the impression that Trump claiming the election was "rigged" was projection, and he was going to rig a ton of votes in his favor. Looks like we were right and it worked...

You could actually go from less harsh to easy street.

This Is good advice. If you contact a Federal AG now, you can turn states witness. You'll get immunity and anything you want. Treated like a king.

At this point, it's probably the only way you won't be in a prison labor camp getting raped by tyrone for the next 10 years.

Ejem..... you are only anonimous against other users.

LOL every-fucking-thing they accused others of they did themselves :D :D

>I'm just waiting for it to turn out the Republicans also did voter fraud

It's going to come out it was during the primaries to stop Trump from winning.

>these are the same people who say bots scew online statistics

You're gonna get raped by BBC in prison. It's the fantasy you always wanted. Make sure to grind back when getting raped so we finish faster.

convincing larp. i suppose you could call this an eye opening larp

this has to be a troll thread. no one would be stupid enough to post something like this here, let alone think hillary shills would get sympathy

The original FBIanon alluded to the fact that the primaries were rigged against him.

>We were under the impression that Trump claiming the election was "rigged" was projection, and he was going to rig a ton of votes in his favor.

How retarded to you have to be? Stories of democrats rigging Chicago go back decades.

Besides demographics favor rigging for democrats as they control all the high population counties. You really that worried about someone rigging a county with a population of 10,000?

Better hope you are using a proxy/VPN

10 years in prison, user. Sorry.

Anyone dangerous enough that you want to remain anonymous from can find you anyways. Isnt that right NSA?

You'll be fine user, Tyrone bbc in jail William treat you right. You'll learn to enjoyed in after your stitches get ripped from your anus the 17th time

is this really how mexican people say "ahem"? is it like jajajaja

Wait, you still think Trump cheated to win when you just admitted right here that you and your friends cheated with DNC support?

Sup Forums's anonymity is user-facing only. If the admins receive a subpoena, they'll be able to provide your IP address linked with your posts.

Wow, reported

You're a nigger first off, but if what you say is true and they find it's widespread(if you're telling the truth then it's widespread because there's no way you're the only ones), even though it's a felony I couldn't possibly see you paying more than a fine, if that, definitely no jail time. Theyre not gonna round up thousands of ordinary people and toss them in the Nigger Pound for years.

Go to President Trump and beg for a pardon in exchange for ratting out your conspirators.

Ho ho hoo boy.
Sup Forums is anonymous only on the surface, only so far as to make posters anonymous to each other. You are not anonymous to the server which logs and stores your IP. Neither are you anonymous to your service provider which by law logs all of your online activity, and will hand over those logs to the government on request.

You're openly admitting to a serious felony, insisting that you're telling the truth. You are not anonymous, your information is infact logged her, and the authorities are going to be made aware of your statements.
Even if you're joking you might just have some people come to your house to question you.

Hope its worth the LARP, kid.

Checked but let's get real both parties cheat and steal as much as possible.

There's quite a bit of plausible deniability involved. He's not going to get raided over this post even if it's legit.

>"when the issue is framed in terms of allowing cities and counties the right to ignore requests from federal authorities to detain illegal immigrants who have been arrested and are about to be released, voters are opposed."
>"These are the key findings of a new statewide survey of 1,000 registered voters "
>Resistered Voters

Really activates those almonds.


Multiple people got arrested for voting more then once here in Florida. But they were trump voters LOL

Democrats are the ultimate projectionists. It's basically to the point where when I see one of them accusing someone of doing something without hard proof, I assume they do what they're accusing others of.

How retarded the murican voting system is?
How does it work, do they have a list for a voters and every single voter have to carry an ID to prove that they are allowed to vote. After casting a vote officials marks than person X has casted his/her vote, and cant cast a second one. And at voting day you can vote only on your certain voting station, assigned to you before the voting day.
How does it go?

> … we did not further deanonymize Sup Forums users based on the information obtained via the other datasets under our control.

pic related

Thats the thing, I know hes not going to be raided, but if any of his statements even coincidentally line up with something that provably took place then he'll be tracked down for questioning. He'll meet some FBI agents in a nice little room.

I raped and killed a kid because it was funny.

Op is a faggot but that's not how it works.

>Using dead people and illegals to vote multiple times is a patently Dem tactic.
Name 3 occasions this happened, with proof

every state makes their own laws on how to vote.

Look at the times where Moot had to testify in court as a material witness because of content posted here.

Gr8 b8 m8


It didn't, that's the thing. The Dem party has always been accused of some illegitimate activity but it's always the Republican party who does it.


yeah it's not like ip addresses are logged or anything like that.

I mean does a single person take this seriously? Is there user in this thread that reads this kind of OP and doesn't think "this is specifically crafted to sound like bait with obvious logical fallacies and a hook that makes my immoral act moral in my eyes, debate me"?

Maybe I have been here too long. 8 years and I do not take any kind of OP seriously if the wording is even remotely baited.

This post is fake fucking news.

But illegals can register to vote in Cali.

Apparently Californian has refused

Can they do that?

Here's one


Opps that was for


Oh wow just looked in to their reasoning

>Trump claimed millions voted illegally
>We won't turn over voter data because the claim was unproven

What the fuck

This and that every single vote for Jeb Bush was the same guy.

yes because popular vote doesn't matter. If the wanted a state could pass laws to not even have one and just let the governor pick delegates.

I am from the Netherlands and are unfamiliar with how the voter registration goes in the US can someone fill me in? Here we can vote for one other person and we need to have that persons passport or ID-card or drivers license.
How is the system circumvent able in the states?

>The Dem party has always been accused of some illegitimate activity but it's always the Republican party who does it.

>Admits that the DNC told him to commit election fraud

See I want to say this is a larp, but this cognitive dissonance is just too accurate to the mind of an actual ideologue.

You really think this is the first time they've done this? Why?

They are mad as hell that their brainwashing techniques are obsolete. Think of all that money they lost when they gave it to Killary.

Why would you commit voter fraud in favor of a democrat nominee in a solid blue state?

Are you people fucking morons? Yes.

>How is the system circumvent able in the states?

Democrats claim that requiring voter ID's is racist.

I'm not making that up.

That alone should tip you off about the Democratic party (though the Republican party obviously does it's own shit which is why they let eachother get away with it)

Have fun getting ass raped by spics

after obongo told the illegals to vote.

"Rodriguez asked Obama, “Is the election rigged?” He replied, “No,” then added, “Even though people try to discourage you from voting, if you want to vote, and you show up at your polling place, they can’t stop you from voting.”

Rodriguez then asked, “Many of the millennials, ‘dreamers,’ undocumented ‘citizens’ — and I call them ‘citizens’ ’cause they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will Immigration [and Customs Enforcement] know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?”

"Obama then elaborated, "And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself, and there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, etc. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential"

oh i cannot wait for actual voter fraud and actual russian collusion is found but for hillary and the DNC. Been posting about this for a while but the whole russia narrative stunk like one of those alinsky rules where you accuse your enemy of what you do.