Who do we support?
Is this globalism vs. nationalism?
It was a hard choice but I ended up going imperials because of Roman influence
Stormcloaks or Imperials
>About to be murdered by Roman soldiers
>Literally feet from the chopping block
>Miraculously don't die
>"Turn the other cheek" and serve your would be murderers like a dog
Fuck that. Kill them all.
I thought Tullius had a legitimate plan to keep the (((Thalmor))) in check hence why I sided with the Legion
>children's games
join dark brotherhood, kill dragons, remove elf, gain CHIM.
stormclocks vs imperials is a stupid war.
>not understanding the concept of arete
>not buying into hero culture that generated all of western civilization
>basically being a fucking faggot
Yeah, Humans stronger united vs Elfs
I played it when I was 14
Based Knight of the Nine
anyone who joins the stormcloaks is literally doing (((their))) work, ie the elfjews. a strong imperial skyrim means a strong empire. otherwise keep being a slave to the yellow juden and eroding the momentum of your own self interest
damnit i didn't see your post i thought i was first to the thalmor jew bit
You have to think long term about defeating the elves. Gotta pick Imperials
fug i don't remember that scene
play morrowind you dumb nords
>not understanding the role of constantine in the roman empire
>failing to notice the jewish influence in rome due to diaspora
Ew! God that is a gross series of camera changes.
It violates pretty much everything you are told not to do during camera changes in film school.
1, this has been debunked so many times im not even reitterating why you are wrong
2, imperials are shit in skyrim, fucking redguard have more balls. thus dark brotherhood cause you kill the king, fixing shit imperial.
that said if you didn't notice imperials were shit in oblivion or morrowind beforehand you are a newfag.
Literally not my problem if I'm a furfag cat.
>balgruuf is based as fuck
>can't go with the stormcloaks without killing him
Morrowind rocked my socks bro
You don't kill him, he just gets ousted and lives in the basement of Solitude's castle.
Along with all the other ousted Jarls.
>report to an imperial monk in service to the empire
>he's addicted to fucking moon sugar and skooma
>become a one man right wing death squad, right then and there
The Empire is a corrupt, terrible organization that needs to be replaced with a fascist Nordic government. Prove me wrong faggot.
WRONG. The shitskins in Redguard managed to defeat the elfjews even after the Empire bent the knee and gave them the WW2 Poland treatment and left them to die.
It took years but Redguard managed to beat them.
So obviously if shitskins can defeat the elfjews on their own turf, blonde haired blue eyed nordic whites will have no trouble whatsoever.
t. n'wah
>he went to film school
You're a cuck, m8, so I guess you chose correctly.
Also, empty the data folder for that shit game and pick up a real RPG. Pic related.
>he's addicted to fucking moon sugar and skooma
That was a cover
>become a one man right wing death squad, right then and there
>Implying that's bad
The fascist Nordic government would get ASSRAPED by the (((Thalmor))). Prove me wrong, faggot.
how do you remove elf
rip and tear
that doesn't help
Now that I think of it, HOW the fuck were we not on the list? Poor organization.
I am, however, enough of a film nerd and have read some textbooks and heard lectures about this stuff.
Enough at least to know that a camera switch like that is amateur hour stuff, and is super jarring to look at.
Are you a girl or a fag? Men don't say ew so I'm just wondering
Thalmor is the only way senpai.
I literally just kill every hook nosed thalmor I can find.
Only answer
Skyrim under ulfric stormcloak is a tool of the elves to weaken the empire. The empire crushing the revolt both weakens them militarily and spiritually as they do so for the ((((elves)))
>Playing Morrowind
Go play Arena you fucking plebs
I have always been for Imperial. But I have never ended the civil war. And Thalmor even are not Jews. I would say that they're eternal savage Germans.
Death to the imperials.
Imperials, even Ulfric admits he split up the kingdom when the real threat was the fucking Thalmor
arena is fucking terrible though
morrowind was the first good game in the series
>up going imperials because of Roman influence
be sure you raise your wifes Redguard bastard well
not only the Empire is cucked, it makes no sense to play for it in TES V due to the script
Faggot cunts keep reporting these threads, i got a week ban for posting this exact thread months ago
Sup Forums is full of gay retards that enjoy BLACKED threads but not elder scrolls threads
>Not falling in love for randomly generated towns composed of 1 to 3 story buildings made of cubes
Storm Cloaks!
The first time I played I sided with the Empire, but I regretted it. The only reason I chose the Empire was because as the last Dragonborn, I am the rightful Emperor. Why would I split up my own Empire? With a descendant of Akatosh back on the throne, the Empire would rise to its former glory and kick Thalmor ass. But that never happened. The Empire were still slaves and Thalmor were again free to murder nords with impunity. At least give us DLC with the Dragonborn becoming the King of Skyrim. But no matter who you side with, no one is crowned King. I can’t believe Bethesda left that plot thread dangling.
At the end of the game, the head of the Blades won't even listen to me. Fuck that shit. I'm the motherfucking Dragonborn. When I tell you Blades to jump, you ask how high. Bethesda won't even let you kill that bitch for insubordination. That's how little they care about player choice.
It was just a visceral reaction to bad film editing.
There's nothing really else I could say or reaction image I have that could express my disgust.
>not being able to kill kids
PC garbage
Stormcloak with a dunmer poointheloo wife.
Ulfric is as much a puppet to the elves...as Trump is to Putin.
The nords stand no chance against the elves alone. The imperials are right to unite their powers but they are meek puppets. There should be a compromise between the two Aryan people to remain seperate nations but allied together with one elected dictator representing both. Obviously I, the dragonborn, should be that leader.
Dunmer is fucking master race, retard
Sadly Bethesda has dumbed down on how the lore relates to the gameplay so much through the years, morrowind was perfect when it came to that, it's like Skyrim doesn't want to compromise to the power fantasy that being the dragonborn is, all because of lazy game developers, the dragonborn is extremely fucking important, but besides the main quests, no one seems to give a fuck or even acknowledge it at all
They're both controlled by Yellow Jew elves
Imperial bitch, retarded kids, bandits all over his hold, shit houses for sale, can't protect his city..
The Imperials were about to execute me without cause. The Stormcloaks gave me a weapon and a chance to do something great.
Skyrim belongs to the Nords
The Stormcloaks, obviously. They are ethno-nationalists fighting for their sovereignty against an otherwise absentee government that has banned them from practicing their religion and has allowed a FOREIGN government by a different race to abduct and murder them.
The Empire is doomed anyway.
>being a stormcuck
>when ulfric is literally controlled opposition
Ok lol.
>hating based dark elves
this isnt like real life. In TES, aka a fantasy land, shitskins and nonhumans actually have valuable culture.
Except for (((summerset elves))), though.
The Grey Quarter is a fucking refugee camp. It's the Calais Jungle of Tamriel. I loved being a Stormcloak because that drunk Nord would run around the quarter at night calling them "filthy greyskins"
>The nords stand no chance against the elves alone.
A couple feet of steel in their scrawny chest..and their magic stops working.
The Stormcloacks are the clear choice, they are national socialists and hate (((high elves))) and most other (((elves))) in general. The Nords are also attempting to defend their religion and culture from the godless, degenerate Imperials. If you chose to help the Imperials then you are a crypto-kike. The imperials are based on the Romans only in aesthetic, not in values.
puppet state racially pure homeland > sovereign multiracial sewage (like Poland vs Russia for example)
>muh superiority, culture, bla bla bla
its about us and ''not us"
Sanguine, dear brother
To fight the empire AND fight the elfjews is a good way to end up like modern germany, conquored.
>Varg style nord LARP'ers
>Failed empire that is controlled by the (((Thalmor)))
I wish there was a third option but bethesda can't make a decent storyline.
>Only answer
>Skyrim under ulfric stormcloak is a tool of the elves to weaken the empire. The empire crushing the revolt both weakens them militarily and spiritually as they do so for the ((((elves)))
Even the Thalmor dossier on Ulfric states that Ulfric winning the war would be just as bad as the Empire winning.
The Empire is weak, it is corrupt and degenerate. The opening execution scene is a classic example of late stage Imperial degradation. They can't even get their list of prisoners correct, and this is under the supervision of the highest commander in the region. The legate probably got her job due to connections and money.
Free nations fight longer and harder. Free men of Skyrim, High Rock, Hammerfell and Cyrodiil will fight better in a coalition of men. Not fighting the elves would be an intolerable loss of face for Ulfric. Skyrim will fight when the time comes.
The only reason redguards won was because the Thalmor committed a force they thought would be necessary to fight the reguards, then the Empire reward all its Redguard servicemen and they went and bolstered redguard forces.
The Empire won't do the same shit with Skyrim.
>The legate probably got her job due to connections and money.
She was black as fuck so it was probably affirmative action.
The Empire is not going to defeat the elves. It is weaker now than it was before the last Great War. It will not win the next one. Hammerfell is gone. Cyrodiil has been a violent shit-hole for over a decade. Skyrim is torn and its strength spent, either way.
The Empire is going to be destroyed. Might as well throw it off now and stop the Thalmor from torturing and murder good Talos fearing nords.
>storm cloak or empire
>either way you lose
>If you fight your enemies they win
Sometimes you have to take a stand for what's right, that is what the National Socialists did and that is what the Stormcloaks did too.
Hammerfell actually held off the Thalmor on their own without Imperial help. They defended their homeland better than an imperial army could
The next game will in all likelihood be set in Hammerfell a century or two after Skyrim and show the proud noble Redguards as the last bastion against the Altmer and their evil white vassals. Enjoy wandering through miles of sandy KANGS landscape if ESO was anything to go by.
The Empire is corrupt and ineffective. It has abandoned its subjects. Let it die, let things move forward. In time a greater human empire will rise from its ashes and cast down elvish aspirations once more.
You forget the advantage that Man has over Mer. If the civil was to end quickly in the Empire's favour, they could all unite again and launch a second attack on the thalmor with their pants down. Man can breed like rabbits and bolster their numbers up quickly again compared to the Thalmor. With their low fertility rate and practice of Eugenics the thalmor would get FUCKED pretty quickly if everyone got their shit together again.
Yeah the Redguards. Face it Bethesda is fully on board with the SJW cancer that has ruined modern games.
bethesda wont do it. they know that their target audience dislikes niggers and brown "cultures"
They actually had a lot of Imperial veterans left behind. Regardless, it took them several years and in the end the elves retreated, so it is not like they destroyed any elven armies, necessarily.
The Thalmor likely retreated because their strategic aims had already been accomplished and it was clear the war was not progressing, just eating up money most likely.
Again, the next game will begin in the aftermath of Great War 2 and the Empire will be gone. History. The Dominion will likely lay claim over Cyrodiil, at least, with High Rock and Skyrim independent.
>be nord
>spend whole life worshipping a fake divine
>turn into a nig as soon as someone bans fake divine
>snow nig now
really makes you think
Look at the sales for Fallout 4. That was an SJW fest.
Doubt it. Why even have an Empire at all? it's not like it is something needed for the games. If anything getting rid of it will make each province and culture more distinct. It is creatively more interesting to let the Empire fade away.
They can, but politically Man is in no place at this time to do that. The Empire is rife with corruption and weakness, as an institution, and its subjects are split up along political lines, its economy hampered by crime and instability.
Mankind's power is waning and will continue to do so for a while... before it waxes once more. This will not be the first time a human Empire has collapsed.
TES target audience*
>some gaming promtion
>representative of the game consumers
The death of the Emperor is canon. The Empire will collapse whether you side with the Imperials or Stormcloaks, so it would be better to shorten the overall division within humanity be siding with the Stormcloaks.
Moreover, independent provinces in High Rock, Skyrim, Hammerfell, an0d Cyrodiil would be able to muster more troops if they worked jointly to defeat the Thalmor. By contrast, since the Empire has to maintain order, it has to decentralize. In order to prevent rebellion within the holds/counties, it needs to ensure their management is weak. This naturally leads to lower total tax receipts and fewer max levies.
On top of that, and perhaps most importantly for the fantasy universe that is the Elder Scrolls, magically attacking the Altmer from multiple different directions is essential to victory in the second Great War. The racial magicks of Nords and Redguards are substantially different than those of Imperials and Bretons, and the Thalmor are unused to countering Thu'um and sword-singing—not to mention facing the battlefield might of an angry Last Dragonborn. Independent provinces with diverging cultures would revitalize their indigenous studies of magic and would nullify the advantage which Aldmeri mages have over human ones.
Finally, cooperative but independent provinces in Hammerfell, Skyrim, and High Rock would signal to the Khajiit and Bosmer that betraying the Aldmeri Dominion and siding instead with the Human factions would net them greater local autonomy, and even independence in the event of a human victory.
In short, swift Stormcloak victory would lead to a larger and wealthier alliance for the Thalmor to take on in the next Great War, would nullify the critical magical advantage which High Elves usually possess, and would sow internal strife and discord within the Aldmeri Dominion itself. The chances of Thalmor downfall are highest should Skyrim find its independence.
Were they Cyrodiils or Redguard Imperial vets? I imagine they'd fight a lot harder for their homeland, and no matter what they could keep an insurgency alive to harass the Thalmor.
>Again, the next game will begin in the aftermath of Great War 2 and the Empire will be gone. History. The Dominion will likely lay claim over Cyrodiil, at least, with High Rock and Skyrim independent.
I'd want this game to be in Elswyr, there's so much strange lore from there and the hilarious interactions with Khajiit have a lot of potential
Stormcloaks are admirable in some ways, but they are like many of the WN or /sg/ types who oppose Trump. They have made themselves a puppet of the (((Thalmor))) to further divide and subjugate the Empire. The true red pill is to fight for Empire in the hopes of one day freeing it from the EOG (elf occupied government). Quelling the stormcloak rebellion puts it in the best place to do so, regardless of the faction's current faults.
Check out the walls of Whiterun sometime, dimwit.
They're in utter disrepair. Balgruuf's hold is a complete shit-show.
Yeah, sure. Just let the snow niggers run wild while a bunch of snobby fucking longears prepare to give humanity a good ass-raping. Imperial is the only real choice.
The empire may be corrupt but man has no choice but to band together in the face of overwhelming chance of extinction. There won't be a chance of a new empire forming when the last tower is destroyed which will most likely be in a couple of decades time. This is the Thalmor end game motherfucker. We either set aside our differences, band together and take them out for good NOW or it'll NEVER HAPPEN.
If everyone can join together and commit holocaust on the Sload, I think they can do it again for the Thalmor.
How do we even really know Ulfric killed the king? I saw the very same guards in other cities multiple times. Seems like a false flag to me.
I don't know, a lot of people think Ulfric is some evil racist villain. Maybe Bethesda thinks they wrote him wrong and should have wrote him as an actual villain?
No, they haven't. It is the Empire that has allowed the Thalmor to oppress them. The Empire has abandoned its duty to its own citizens. If the Empire actually cared about mankind, and not just about itself, it would have just granted Skyrim independence. After all, they let Hammerfell go for much worse reasons, so why not let Skyrim go?
>Sorry, Mr Thalmor, we can't enforce a Talos ban in Skyrim because Skyrim is independent
That would have preserved relations between Skyrim and Cyrodiil, spared both nations military strength, and made it more likely that Skyrim could once again come to Cyrodiil's aid in the next war.
They didn't do that though, because the Empire is just like any other government and it cares about its own continuation and the wealth of its highest ranks more than it does about its citizens.
The Empire is doomed. Even if the civil war had never happened it is likely it was still doomed. It barely, barely, won the last war and broke itself to do so. It gave up Hammerfell, robbing it of legions of future soldiers. It had several legions shattered.
You also forget that the Thalmor is not merely high elves; it is also bosmer and khajiit. on top of that it is clear with their influence in Skyrim that they have Imperials in their pockets all over the Empire. Willing collaborators who see the Empire's days are numbered and plan to bow to the conquerors to gain their favor.
Empire is KILL
i have a better plan, i am the stronger living being i will fuck every single thalmor to death while supporting the stormcloacks, i dont need no pussy empire.
>The empire may be corrupt but man has no choice but to band together in the face of overwhelming chance of extinction.
It cannot do that while being poorly led by a crumbling, weak, and corrupt Empire. An Empire which does not instill much passion or faith in most of its citizens. Even Tulius thinks the Empire is shit. The only die-hards left are those with nostalgia for the Empire's history... but the present reality is not so glorious.
Only when the Empire has crumbled away and new players and powers have arisen in their respective kingdoms is there any chance of humanity uniting.
I literally have never made a toon that I sided with Imperials with.
Goes against my code to work for authoritarian jüden
>I mean elves
Unfortunately it's Rome just before its collapse. The Cyrodil Empire is weak, cowardly and decadent. It is no surprise that they grovel like slaves before the (((Thalmor))). Their "emperor" is just a spoiled, fat noble with not a drop of divine dragon blood to speak of. Cyrodil's time has come and gone.
It's time for a new Empire to rise. One based in Skyrim, with a Dragonborn sitting on the throne. With the descendant of Akatosh leading mankind again, the Thalmor won't stand a chance.
>stormcloaks being propped up by divisive kikes
>Imperials what to take no chances and execute you too since you are with the faggots being propped up
>get fred
>can side with puppets of divisive kikes or people trying to stop the divisive kikes
>lol I'll just cut off my nose to spite my face
yeah no
Imperials. Law is what holds society together, being nigger terrorist like the stormcloaks needs swift execution
It's not about politics. The Empire supports the Thalmor ending Talos worship, they have no choice. Ending Talos worship and weakening him is integral to the Thalmor plan to reverse the creation of Nirn. Kicking the Empire out of Skyrim helps preserve the world.
They fight honorably on open battlefields, you kek.
It really shows how retarded most people in pol are when they support the empire, same faggots that claim that countries deserve to be free from the EU but somehow is not okay for nords to be free.