>Corbyn's purge of the blairites continues as he sacks 3 shadow cabinet members from their positions for voting to stay in EU single market bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-40451301
Thanks - my take is money does not buy class, and why the heck should we fit in to arbitrary sociological labels.
Jonathan Flores
>Ayn Rand >free market Except in the case of infrastructure, and security services, and dispute arbitration. Then the use of coercive violence to establish a monopoly is a-ok in her eyes.
Kayden Johnson
Thanks lad - will probably end up listening to this as I drift off to sleep.
Oliver Hill
Oliver Lee
It's probably one of his best interviews, he really gets a chance to get into the meat of the matter here.
Xavier Richardson
what an embarrassing waste of quints.
Jose Evans
Charles Gutierrez
Ayn Rand? Do you mean (((Alisa Rosenbaum)))?
Austin Flores
If I do fall asleep I will make sure that I listen to it when I wake up.
Logan Flores
cannot FUCKING sleep
Kayden Cook
Congratulations on your Quints.
Dominic Hughes
Not a good feel - and checked.
Jacob Johnson
1.5 hours till shop open and i can buy some tabs.
then i'll sleep
captcha - cocchin yank
Logan Ortiz
Individualism means breaking down society into individuals so that they have no group-cohesion and so that the kikes can keep their group-cohesion and run circles around everyone else. It's basically a toxic ideology with favorable surface appeal that harms white people. It takes a team to beat a team, and Ayn Rand doesn't want you to have "Team White" ever to be created to fight "Team Kike". She just talks about how important the individual is, but nothing significant was ever made by an individual. Hitler had thousands marching in the streets, Ann Rand would tell you it's enough to have one guy walking down the street. Basically, she doesn't want White people to organize. Her ideology has that insidious objective in mind. Put "Atlas Shrugged" in a poison cabinet.
Andrew Scott
Fuck it lads I'm joining the Church of England.
Wyatt Turner
was this before of after she started living on the medicare?
A Queer writes a controversial book. Discuss. Disgusting more like. PC should be banned. Anybody arguing with this should be hanged, along with the Queers. Discussion over.
Ethan Fisher
>he really gets a chance to get into the meat of the matter here. He's 99.9976% a bottom, lad. The meat will 99.9908% get into him. t.Statistics Major
Lincoln Sanders
> Ad hominem attacks.
It's actually a surprisingly humorous interview as well.
Brayden Sanchez
>> Ad hominem attacks. I agree, lad. I will take my son to he next Pride rally and let him absorb the culture.
Brandon Baker
>making shit up that nobody said so you can be a cunt about it >at five in the morning
Wyatt Smith
I took him to the Parade. He said that if I ever take him there again then he will stab me in both eyes.
Ryan Taylor
> A false dichotomy.
Do you have a list or something you're running through?
Ayden Nguyen
Jonathan Nelson
Yeah it would be an overall positive experience to let some grown men shake their cocks and hairy ass cheeks in his face. Way to be progressive, nudad.
Jonathan Ross
>>at five in the morning Do you mean second breakfast? Inb4 #notallgayzombies
>Enoch? >What is it now, Noel? >The roads we have to walk along are winding >So? >And all the lights that lead us there are blinding >Where are you going with this, Noel? >There are many things that I would ike to say to you, but I don't know how. >Stop rambling man. >'Cause maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me and after all you're my wonderwall >Get Out, Noel.
Robert Cruz
Hahaha, that one shot at around 23 seconds in when the whole of that row is clapping apart from the white people.
Jacob Gray
Which time period would you travel back in time to to fix Britain and how would you do it?
Blake James
They are massive cucks
Owen Diaz
Hopefully these people all get genocided soon
Ayden King
Is that noris on the far right?
Bentley Lopez
No one thing could be done to save us. Europe was caught between to tradition-crushing behemoths, the CIA and the USSR....
Americanisation killed European tradition long before multiculturalism ever started.
John Lewis
>fix Britain
find a way to stay out of WW1
Jacob Scott
Lads... please tell me 19 isn't too late to turn things around...
Asher Brown
A time before Tripfags and Churchill.
Jaxson Scott
Well not by the cold war era no... not entering the great war is about the only thing that could have helped this century, although the degradation of the church began a few decades before. We destroyed plenty of our culture ourselves with no foreign involvement.
Robert Gray
But prior to WW1 the majority of the urban working class lived like dogs, so I was presuming that the glory days were those between WW1 and WW2.
Andrew Peterson
>Norris Cole Coal burner more like
Elijah Wilson
>those between WW1 and WW2.
you mean the Great Depression ?
Adrian Sanders
What do you mean "turn things around"
Liam Cook
A lot of the working class reforms came under disraeli. The interwar period was a period of broken families, economic depression and collapse of the Anglican church
Gabriel Wood
>Lads... please tell me 19 isn't too late to turn things around... It's already too late for you, if you are 19, and don't understand the absudity of asking degenerates on a Finnish Fishing Net Repair Club their advise on matters other than nets.
Lincoln Martinez
Or perhaps I mean the entire decade before that, it was bad but we were still about on our feet. But you do make a good point, maybe there was no hey-day for the Urban working class plebians?
Yeah but they still hadn't taken complete effect. And assuming they did, from the time of those reforms to the beginning of WW1, is a pretty short timespan to be considered a golden age.
Chase Morales
>turn on BBC breakfast news.
>paki from some pressure group in a hijab looking disdainfully down the camera
>immediately switch off again
How's your morning going lads?
Jacob Cox
Terminal cancer doesn't kill you the day it forms, and when did I claim it to be a golden age?
Joseph Allen
>the Great Depression? For goyim maybe. We did very nicely from Uncle Schlomo's real estate plan. Oy "count the shekels" Vey.
Ian Harris
>hey-day for the Urban working class plebians?
late 50's, after the real austerity. But the Empire was lost in 1916.
Gabriel Mitchell
I didn't, I am trying to find when would be considered the golden age for the actual population of Britain rather than just the time of it's largest land-ownership.
See that is similar to what I thought, the hey-day for the Empire preceeded the hey-day for the population, and for all the Empire's accomplishments, the small decade of 1955-1965 doesn't seem like a fair deal.
Oliver Clark
>thinking any good or service can't be best provided by the free market Write up 10 volumes of legislation and create 5 overstaffed ministries boys, we need to build a single road at 3 times the price, and threaten to shoot anyone who doesn't want to pay for it!
James Sanders
One day you will realise that you are not in their club and never will be no matter how many times you vote conservative. >fee.org/articles/the-eugenics-plot-of-the-minimum-wage/ I strongly recommend all Brit/pol to read this article. You might want to press the unsee button afterwards.
Kevin Roberts
How do I pick up a chick in a country pub? Problem is I don't drink, I don't know any one at the pub and I only ride a bike.
Leo Jenkins
I suppose that depends on the class in question or your personal definitions of a golden age. Some who have the city squalor would argue pre industrialisation when the working class was also the rural class.
Blake Anderson
I have seen the Facebook profiles of too many Young Conservative cunts to want to consider myself a Tory, the majority of them are selfish cunts that, unlike the Momentum student supporters, have zero regard for their country (which is the leftists one saving grace, that they THINK they are doing their country good).
The Tories are just business-obsessed cunts who would rather suck off an American corporation than better their nation. People like Rees-Mogg have zero power over party direction.
Camden Sullivan
It's an interesting article though, isn't it?
Wyatt Jones
Well, it helps to become so confident talking to women you don't know, straight off the bat, cold, that you don't feel the need to come on a Bhutanese hammock weaving board to ask questions about it.
Once you've mastered this the rest is relatively easy.
Easton Morris
Does your bicycle have a basket? Does it matter if the woman who will fit in the basket drinks?
Connor Thompson
This. I used to be a quiet shut-in who never believed the bullshit advice of >fake it till you make it but gradually I gave less and less of a fuck about things, and conditioned myself to consider myself fucking amazing compared to everyone around, which helped boost the confidence enough so I could talk to random women about whatever. It helps if you automatically assume any given woman is borderline retarded.
Better yourself, and the women will come without any effort.
Jaxson Scott
What left is there of England Of England standing tall?
Christian Foster
Lincoln Johnson
Jack Sanders
I miss are Os lads :(
Eli Barnes
Anybody here an attorney in Scotland who'd be willing to help this guy out?