Why do alt-right cucks always thinks that we muslims are like weak leftist cucks who don't know how to fight...

Why do alt-right cucks always thinks that we muslims are like weak leftist cucks who don't know how to fight ? we muslims always beat up nazi cucks, that's why they become nazi lol, getting beaten up by muslims. and oh if you strike us back, we don't hesitate to kill you, when a muslim kills a white man, he only gets like 10 years max.
Pic related: an alt-right faggot who thinks that we muslims are like weak antifa cucks that they been fighting over, and get beaten the shit out.

We killing your men and fucking your women(and dumping them after impregnating them so the wh*Te subhumans can raise our mixed babies)


Go ask your stupid bait questions somewhere else roach

I've watched hours of videos of you guys assaulting various positions. You're all terrible and make for easy targets.

but go head, attack a white country with your military, put your money where your mouth is roach.

lall you do is taunt. you're fucking pathetic. call it a night ffs

We will conquer Europe just like how we conquered 500 years ago, But this time Black,Brown,Asian and Jewish brothers will join us, we will conquer you and put an end to your subhuman race.

What is that on the top? A knight of some kind?

A cringy crusader drawing by some underage wh*Te subhuman.

silence wh*Te dog

There's like 1 guy in Turkey doing all the shitposting lately most likely
Just sage and hide


Im waiting, so far you've all lacked the balls to mount a military attack against any of us. The refugees are a slight annoyance but nothing that cant be easily reversed with some buses and some light arms.

only the manliest men suck each others cocks

>one guy
How many times i have to tell you wh*Te subhuman? Nearly all Turkish posters hate wh*Te subhumans here, not just one.

why do you capitalize the t in white? are you phoneposting?

İT means dog in Turkish
sadly İ does not exist in English alphabet. I also don't want to use wh*Te uncensored because it's a big insult.

>We will conquer Europe just like how we conquered 500 years ago
And you'll be stopped at Vienna and thrown the fuck back like you did 100 years ago.

You little niggers couldnt even come up with the resources to send a battalion across the ocean. Much less land one succesfully and hold any territory. Complete non threat to anyone.

All that anger against white people. It is understandable though...I would hate white people too if I had to be their lesser. Don't worry we will bleach your women and maybe one day those children can be part of the white utopia. Maybe.

everyone with a common sense and 60+iq hates wh*Te monkeys.

kek fuck off you post the same shit

when is a fucking mod gonna ban you


>white people
you mean wh*Te dogs
wh*Tes can't be people because they were artifically created by Yakub

holy fuck kek

>broken english
I have a hard time telling if you're just a LARPing faggot hiding behind a proxy or if you're genuinely confirming the stereotype that Muslims need to be gassed.
Gonna go with the easy answer and just say it's the latter.

did you state such a low IQ because thats what you have been tested with

good job, expecting different results with the same pictures

>achieve nothing
>wh*Tewash other civilizations
wh*Tes lmao

I am just too superior to speak subhuman wh*Te dog languages.

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn’t he just the funniest guy around?!
Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your
room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Banana thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even fill in
the captcha. Maybe you’re such a disgustingNEETthat you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we
all know the picture. The “epic” Banana guy, isn’t it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos
on the floor, but it’s ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that’s right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You
are a fat fucking fuckup, she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day,
for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about a fucking banana. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she
thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became aNEET. A pathetic BananafagNEET.
She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t
even try to talk with you because all you say is “IREALLYREALLYLIKETHISPICTURE.” You’ve become a parody of your own self. And
that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a
million times now. And that’s all you’ll ever be.

>when is a fucking moad gonna ban yo-

>I'm too subhuman to speak anything but nug nug
How tragic.

Roach, chill,
this rants are boring already.

whats the star mean?



censoring insult

You do realize he is fishing for (you)s, right?

Goddamn people can't let useless threads die these days.


>I'm too subhuman
I didn't say that i was wh*Te.

The letter 'i' is an insult?


right because surrounding one white guy is gonna be a fair battle 1 v 5 yeah that is sure honorable. that's why Turkey is 3 world right?



That fucking thing isn't worthy of being white.

10/10 trolling bet he has roach dna

You do realize that modern cavalry are mounted in helicopters and armored vehicles, not on the backs of their girlfriends.

If I was there, I would have rushed in and single-handedly beat the shit out of every one of those niggers.

white is an insult

OOh HOO Turkey is mad today. Better check the news.


A nigger, a Jew and a grossly obese Mexican man walk into a gay bar. They approach a cum-gargling faggot with a 2-inch long, always flaccid penis using a laptop at a table.
“You wanna come back to our place?” the nigger asks the faggot. “You can toss my Mexican friend’s rancid herpes-and-shit-covered salad and jerk my Jewish friend’s wart-and-pimple-covered penis while I ram my giant unlubed nigger-cock into your gaping often-fucked asshole.”
“Literally nothing in world would make me happier,” says the faggot. “But first I need to start a thread on Sup Forums. It will just take a moment.”

who are you trying to fool roach, yourself?


Here 1 vs 1 fight, are you satisfies now, wh*Te subhuman?

> Properly aiming your firearm and taking cover >>> Blind rage and religious zealotry

Every cuck you kill makes us stronger, every day we grow in number, every minute, we wait, we watch, and we prepare.


Mod* you illiterate fuck

I'm not sure what's worse; the fact you have no life and post this shit 24/7, or the idiots feeding you.

Come on, Ottoman. Why do you hate us? Why are we "subhumans"? Remember the great war when we allied? :)


That picture.

Praise Kek.

Cute, you got a few of us.

Syrian Civil War- 250,000-470,000
Iraq War- 109,032–650,726
Gulf War- 20,000–35,000
Afghanistan- 26,000-34,000

Now who's genociding who? We even got ISIS terrorizing your own, through huge swaths of your civilization. What have you guys done? bloodied a nose here and there?

Experience: One shady night driving in the downtown of my city, my buddy went down an alley cutting through. A group of islamic young men were in the alley and kicked my buddies car. We get out to 10+ muslim men threatening and advancing towards us.

Kicker: We're all degreed blackbelts in AKKI Paul Mill's American Kenpo Karate.

Out of 10 men I broke at least 2 noses, 3 or 4 arms, shatter a guys kneecap, and laughed as the rest ran for their dear pedophile loving lives.

Moral of the story: Never in my life have I met a Muslim man who could fight.

Whites dont need to fight blacks.....the police will kill them for us anyways

Dont you watch CNN user?

non whites BTFO


>Sent from my mother's basement

Don't forget your depression meds cumskin.

im really happy to see more colored people coming out against white boys. i hope we can buil a coalition of blacks, muslims, latinos and everyone else against white animals.

every day black men in america are killed by white devils. 500 years of oppression. 500 years of torture, pain and slavery. well, white boys, when you get your come-uppance, you cant say you didnt deserve it.

fuck off roach

You know this is the kind of shit that make everyone hate turkroaches and niggers right?
Are you really this stupid?

>we wait, we watch, and we prepare.
Do you think this is scares us or something? We are stornger than you, We are more prepared than you ever, We fear nothing but Allah. If there is been race war, we would kill every one of your kind in streets. You have no chance against us, you are weak and coward. Meanwhile we are not.

>every day black men in america are killed by white devils. 500 years of oppression. 500 years of torture, pain and slavery.

Here's to another 500! :))

If I was there, I would have rushed in and single-handedly beat the shit out of every one of those niggers.

Well said but please censor wh*Te next time.



Nice FUCKING meme you fucking SPERGLORD FAGGOT. Holy shit it fucks me off when some unoriginal, retarded assholish
dickweed decides it would just be FUCKING HILARIOUS to post the SAME. OVERUSED. JOKE. What do you even fucking
hope to gain out of this? Karma? Well you're certainly getting that, cause it seems like a lot of other inbred fuckface fucking
retarded autistic faggots are thinking you're just FUCKING HILARIOUS and that this joke HASN'T BEEN MADE A BILLION FUCKING
TIMES. Fuck you.





>that hover hand on the right

Oh I'm laffin

And the white man marches on



>Literally unemployed subhuman albino trash being outcompeted by robots and foreigners.

I don't mind if a dying race hates the newly wealthy Arab and Asian powers.

Niggers thinking sandniggers don't think niggers are subhuman rats


>20 uneducated niggers against 4 white people who did nothing litterer being attacked by animals

for every video like that there's 10 more where white boys get their shit pushed in.

White people literally give you sand monkeys weapons so it's some what if a fair fight when we blow you up with ac130s

kill yourself you piece of shit

Stay mad, nig.
It sucks to be inferior, doesn't it?

I bet OP reports you for posting pictures of his naked sister

You really are an unbelievable faggot. Are you drunk? I thought you little sissy bitches weren't allowed to drink?

>did nothing
>gets attacked
basically animals that make perfect slaves

ALL wh*Tes should be killed brutally, it doesn't matter if they're kids or woman, they will be subhuman waste of spaces when they grow up anyway, We have famous saying for that;"yılanın başını küçükken ezmek gerek"

this dude trying to give him CPR when he is not in cardiac arrest

you first you piece of white dog shit

Silence wh*Te subhuman.