>Tomorrow for sure
Why do we even bother paying for fat shits like this?
>Tomorrow for sure
Why do we even bother paying for fat shits like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
If numbers he dies during surgery
>unironically eating mayo out of the jar
Someone harpoon this whale
What a useless piece of shit.
Fuck this fat fuck. Who the fuck eats goddamn mayonnaise from the fucking jar!?!?
I sure as shit won't be the one reviving his ass.
Dont worry, it wasnt actually a litre of mayo. It was "only" a litre of custard.
Why doesn't his bed have legs?
Is that disgusting wretch eating mayonnaise?? WTF?!?
Jesus. I had some health issues last year and gained a few pounds because I couldn't exercise enough. Literally had a salad and a plate of steamed broccoli for dinner and I feel fine.
You know why. No one could build a strong enough bed frame for this fat fuck
They broke. His chair also broke under him and ripped his ass open. But this was before obama are so they couldnt call an ambulance they just put an ice pack on his southern hemisphere until it stopped bleeding. He even posted pics and laughed it off.
He stayed on his chicken tendie and nugget diet though, a true hero.
You virgins are just jelly he lives the NEET life and has a gf.
Isn't that worse? I'm pretty sure custard has more calories per litre than mayo.
...What's he doing with that jar of Mayo...?
He's a big time youtuber. You aren't paying for shit. He's technically a contractor so he pays taxes out the ass
If we make Anita mad enough about him he might actually get a heart attack.
What a fucking spineless coward.
Honestly, I hope boogie best in his surgery.
He ask for much of the hate he receives when he tries too hard to appease all sides. Both the far left and far right will take advantage of anyone they consider weak and boogie plays into that trap way too often.
Maybe that is his hook... act like a cuck and the left will want to use you and the right will hate you. Still brings in the views and attention either way.
Would explain how he manages to stay so fat
Something i learned from "my 600 pound life" was these obese marine mammals need to eat around 10 times the daily calorie intake to remain at such weights since their body burns more energy just trying to stay alive.
Thats something like 8 large pizzas a day and two large bottles of soft drink
He doesn't seem to understand that surgery is canceled if he eats. Not surprising given that obesity reduces IQ.
Not eating protein lol! It keeps you full and is required for health. Fat/protein are a must. Carbs are good for energy but not required. You fell for the food pyramid meme
wat does that fat fuck have to be stressed about
How do you eat that many calories?
Goddamn, I'm struggling with weightloss on a 1500 calorie diet, and I work on a boat.
This tweet is fake and obvious as the picture is from many years ago.
Jesus Christ, I'll admit that I've embraced the Dutch/Belgian tradition of dipping fries and other things in mayo, but how low do you have to be to take it straight from the jar?
When I got to the point where I wasn't even bothering with a glass for whiskey I knew I had to change, but this motherfucker is just going right over the cliff.
I eat 3,900 + calories a day and have only gained 2 pound in the last month.
Get your thyroid checked. Most men typically cut around 1800 calories
High protein diet master-race. 90% of my caloric intake is animal flesh.
Eat one can of soup and a couple of slim jims a day, I lost shit loads of weight that way.
custard is basically just sweetened mayo when you think about it
Read Gary Taubes' book "Good Calories, Bad Calories". Not only is it the best history on the USA government and some shifty individuals making up what is "healthy" and lying about evidence, but also it explains in extreme detail the answers to the two patterns you just described. A massive redpill and required pol reading
fuck this imbecile
Doubles and he passes away from surgery. If it is triples then it is slow and painful. Quads and it is slow, painful, and he shits all over the surgery room and they have to close it for the rest of the week while hazmat cleans it up.
Hopefully he improves and loses weight after the brain surgery he referenced
This is why universal healthcare is bullshit I ain't paying for this fat fuck
Clean your room, Bucko.
>has a gf
more like she is just a girl who wants his millions when he dies of a heart attack within the next year
How the fuck can people eat mayonnaise from the jar like it's ice cream?
Jesus Christ, he should be put down.
It will happen, mark my words
He dies after the surgery from a heart attack when consuming a cheeto
With these numbers combined, he will suffer for the rest of his life and never able to take a proper shit ever again
I hear all the time that always eating and being fat are a condition.
Well where were all the thousands of fat people back in the early 1900's? Did just recently being fat and always eating become a condition as soon as fast food starting becoming mainstream? I have no pity for fat people as they merely have a self control issue. If they really wanted to be skinny and healthy they would do something about it.
I was once 210lbs, 6 months later and cycling greasy foods and soda out of my diet, going to the gym 4 times a week. I am a slim 155lbs and can run a 9 1/2 minute mile.
fat people have no excuse to stay fat. The only condition I can spot are fatties wanting a reason to continue to eating shit and slowly killing their body. If that's what they want, so be it. Let them fucking die!
fake tweet
It's people like this shithead that make us look bad. Deep fried mayo dipped in ranch. Fucking degenerate.
It numbers ring true he will suffer a fate worse than death.
>>Tomorrow for sure
He looks and sounds like Patrick
Roll again. I need this to happen
Kinda deserves to die desu
Reminder that he is a legit cuck and his wife posts her black bull proudly on twitter.
Reminder that he has attempted to diet several times and has rebound each time.
Reminder that he makes (or made rather) $730,000 years due to youtube ads and patreon. He could easily afford any healthcare on his own. Instead he goes on vacation. A lot.
Don't be surprised if his wife took out an insanely high insurance policy on his fat ass before he got real fast and began to slowly fatten him up so she could walk away with all them youtube and patreon bucks, and get a house out of it as well. Don't he surprised if she didn't tell his fat ass either.
Looking at her twitter reveals she has fairly expensive tastes and when he dies, that money will last about a month before it all dries up before she's out on the street or begging for more money to "cope with his loss."
Yea I was vegetarian for the last 2 months, and strict vegan for the last week. I was lethargic and unable to do anything.
I don't know what the book is about, but if he speaks truth, then it's not veganism.
The world health organization reduced their recommended sugar intake from 10% to 5%.
A person drinking a lot of milk could easily reach their daily requirement of sugar without any added sugar or carbs.
I've been doing an all-meat diet for the last 3 days, and I'm feeling way better; and in such a short amount of time.
The only way Boogie2988 can be saved is if this post has doubles. If it does not, he will suffer one of the most painful surgery botches in history and die shortly after. The hospital will cover it up and get away with. His wife falls prey to gambling debts months later.
die lardfuck
i've been tax exempt since 2011
this shit is fake. That's not even his current home. fake and gay.
I hope he dies on the cold metal slab, all 600 lbs of him
yeah, I was never this big, but I used to be 125 kg, I've since gone down to around 80 kg literally doing nothing but not eating oreos and other types of shit like that, I realized I was actively trying to stay fat because I felt that those types of foods comforted me when I was stressful like this piece of shit, but I realized I wasn't comforted, I was self destroying like an alcoholic, it takes a bit of an awakening to stop being a fat piece of shit, and I don't think this scum will ever wake up to what hes doing.
I could buy the terrible impulse control and lack of willpower themselves being some kinds of medical conditions, but I'd never be sympathetic about it
>Why do we even bother paying for
He's a millionaire, far richer than you and his taxes are paying for half the NEETs in this thread.
>I hope he dies on the cold metal slab
I hope he has a successful surgery, loses weight and stops being in pain. Maybe once he can walk around he can strengthen his backbone enough to stop equivocating with feminists.
What does Kek mean by this?
>during surgery
More like on the way to pre-surgery due to all the stress.
It'll be on LiveLeak within 24 hours
>Who the fuck eats goddamn mayonnaise from the fucking jar!?!?
That's what allows him to have that great complexion...
Always, tomorrow, right boogie. Always has been always will be.
That this roll is stupid.
What surgery is he getting? The one where they make his stomach smaller so he can't eat as much?
>get bullied by Anita at Vidcon
>apologize to her for being a CIS white male
Is there a bigger cuck than Boogie?
This we just need to keep him (((stressed out))) and hopefully he'll die of some painful complications. People as fat as boogie need to be melted down and turned into biodiesel. It would be the most productive thing they would ever accomplish.
I think he is getting his shattered shitter fixed.
Extra mayo for dinner tonight.
It's gastric bypass.
"I'm a privileged cis white male" - Boogie2988
What if he never goes through with the surgery?
The thought of eating that much pizza in a day makes me want to cry user
As a fat bastard.
That sounds incredibly fucking disgusting.
Sorry fatass but this is why you don't eat mayo straight out the bottle
I wonder... All I know is that Boogie2988 will not survive post surgery if this post is not triples.
screencap me
digits confirm fatality
May he be smoten
I doubt he can even has sex at this point
Is that Shia Labeouf? What size dick is that?
just to confirm, he's more likely to die if he doesn't start dieting before surgery, right?
Society and regulation is not some kind of sniper charity. We can only work in a very general way and someones contributions to society is not easy to measure. As much as you want to focus on him and what he deserves or not that's not a way to regulate and lead society.
Trips say he will die pre surgery
Die during it actually.
Why not just forward the link to his videos to his doctors and insurance company?
They will disqualify this fat piece of shit instantly. If the patient shows they are not committed to long term weight loss through following protocols and diets then the surgery is just a huge fucking burden for both parties.
Hospital get a black stain on their record for letting a patient die on the table or for their poor post release morality rate. Insurance company doesn't have to foot the huge as fuck bill for the surgery and follow up care if the patient disqualifies himself.
Fuckers like this are a massive drain on our medical resources and cost the average person more in taxes and insurance premiums to make up for his huge expenditure.
fatty go splatty
If your doctor says to start a particular diet 21 days before surgery, I would think that unless you are a doctor yourself, you cannot reasonably make the judgment call that it is safe for you to start the diet 20 or 19 days before the surgery. I use for this the same logic that would suggest that if a doctor says to take 3 pills a day for 2 weeks, that you should not decide to take 2 or 4 pills a day. They have run the numbers, fucking follow the directions and contact them if something isn't working out. Don't just decide for yourself that you can change the parameters of a procedure and it'll turn out okay.
Too stressful? Too bad. There are people who are willing to drain blood from their head for religious reasons. You should be willing to go through a little discomfort to ensure the maximum probability of success of a fucking surgery.
That's just what they tell the fatties to get them in the routine of eating correctly, otherwise they'll just regain all the weight after surgery and ask for another gibs surgery.