My sister has started to date a black guy, when I found out I almost cried a little then drank half a bottle of vodka...

My sister has started to date a black guy, when I found out I almost cried a little then drank half a bottle of vodka. But then I decided I would at least talk to him before I freaked out on my sister. It turns out that this guy is actually pretty cool. He likes Donald Trump, he considers himself conservative, he thinks BLM are all dumb "niggas" as he said it.. I'm so happy I took time to think about it rather than chimping out. I guess it's best to judge people on individual merit, i just hope my judgement isn't flawed.

whatever floats your boat when hes laying a 12 inch cable up your sister every night

I don't even think it's normal to picture my sister having sex. That doesn't help anyway.

>I guess it's best to judge people on individual merit
This is something the democRATS would never do, they just see skin colour.
Good on you for supporting your sister's future beatiful mocca babies.

you'll be sorry when she pays the toll.

nice copypasta

Copypasta senpai ok

haha looks like muh ethno state white Nazi state will have mixed babies

Shut the fuck up, your opinion is irrelevant here.

>my sister is an adulterous cunt
>atleast her lover likes drumpf

Copypasterino!!! Btw if my sister would date a nigger i would kill her


If you guys have sisters i seriously hope you're not in relationships with them.

every time your mothers and sisters get pumped and dumped it brings joy to my heart

shitty copypasta

you are successfully brainwashed by the jew

So did you ask him when she is gonna leave your sister?

Is he gonna stay till due date or not?

>this pasta


Only half a fifth? C'mon bro step it up.

Based black guy!!

Does this based black man wear a maga hat?


Ok but tell em to adopt a white kid if they want to settle instead of making cake mix

now you're the nigger

slide thread. shit pasta. sage

yeah it's always best to judge people as individuals. We are all different and unique. To hate entire groups of people without analyzing individuals is a silly, unintelligent practice.

One love, brother.

When my cousin had a kid with a black guy then married him I tried to say it would be fine, but they seperated shortly after the marriage and she is a single parent ten months of the year and he moved several states over. He also criticized her saying she got fat (not in the american sense she didn't get fat)

I am now related by blood to a half black half italian baby.

inb4 so 100% then

Same exact post as last week

How are you ever going to have a daughter to save the white race if you cringe at the thought of her one day having sex?

I mean it's gonna happen.