>- Filling the next best swamp with Goldman Sachs, Burger Kings and Exxon cons
You don't have something against the US Administration hiring Jews, do you user?
>- doing family first
Not true, but keep beating that drum
>- not separating business from presidency
Ah, the old "why hasn't the real estate billionaire divested himself of billions in real estate holdings" argument
>- selling out to Arab money
Are the little wittle germans upset we just signed the largest export trade deal in world history?
>- trying to sell american start-ups to asian investors
Is international investment now a bad thing? Let alone from SoftBank?
>- hallucinating about israel-palestinian peace
Trump brought Israeli & Palestinian leaders together within his first 100 days. I get you krauts have absolutely no influence on the global level, as evidenced by Merkel's "Climate Alliance" falling apart exceptionally fast, but this is just embarrassing.
>- hallucinating about defeating ISIS in 30 days
Seems to be going pretty well tbqh
>- stripping 20mio+ americans off welfare to give tax presents to wall street
You mean the Americans who voluntarily did not have health insurance prior to the ACA and were forced to buy it or else get fined?
>- make education unaffordable for poor people
I'm not sure what "poor people" are being provided qualifies as "education"
>- let a turkish gollum's security beat up americans on their own soil
I'll give you this one, pretty disgraceful desu
>- attacking every news outlet but Fox
Wow, the one outlet that doesn't shit on him non-stop.
>- bipolar twitter ranting at 3am
A German complaining about efficient use of time. Is this a first?
>- Trying to undermine rule of law in the US
Got that one backwards champ
>- locking her u-
we won