Give me one reason why (((circumcision))) shouldn't be illegal.
Protip: you can't.
Give me one reason why (((circumcision))) shouldn't be illegal.
Protip: you can't.
dick cheese
>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.
I'm uncircumcised but this is a slide thread.
Your children are your property and you should be free to circumcise them if you wish.
>dick cheese
dick cheese
I have phimosis and I need to be circumsized or I cannot have sex without pain
What is a shower?
Dick cheese, oh please. You've never even been up close to a real dick you just hate 'em 'cause your mother does.
>What is a shower?
My wife likes my sweaty circumcised cock. If it wasn't there would be dick cheese and sweat.
White girls would turn me down :(
Preputioplasty is a non-invasive procedure but unfortunately it doesn't earn the hospital $90,000 like a foreskin would. But hey someone said to cut your dick off go and do it.
Um, because God's chosen do it? How anti-semitic, every single goy should be immediately circumcised, only a nazi would dare have the chutzpah to refuse. Also circumcisions are cleaner, my lawyer, Moishe Goldbergstein did a study and found that goys with the devil's foreskin had a 6,000,000 percent higher chance of getting AIDS than good circumcised goys. I mean come on, it's kosher, it's cleaner, what putznatcher would dare not give me his foreskin, do you not trust me? I'm your greatest ally, trust me.
That's why I'm ashamed of my country, bunch of chinks
Wealthy kikes and muzzies fund half assed """research""" suggesting genital mutilation lowers HIV transmission, completely ignoring the hygiene and behavior variables since most of the world is uncircumcised but they focus on 60 IQ Africans that fuck 5 people in one day
What is water?
No, they are not. You are NOT allowed to do whatever you want with your children. You have a responsibility to take care of them.
>some people need their feet amputated, so everyone should be forced to have their feet amputated.
No, they wouldn't.
What about getting my head used to touching stuff? I think it'll be easier without the foreskin so it touches my boxers 24/7, with foreskin I'd have to do that while having an erection and it hurts af
Disgusting uncuts take out their anger on pol. Many such cases!
She'll say anything to her ATM if it cuts the income stream :) You don't even have anything to compare to, like when a woman says if she was a man her life would be X or Y. You can't ever know (but we do and your life sucks)
>No, they are not. You are NOT allowed to do whatever you want with your children. You have a responsibility to take care of them.
Who dictates this responsibility?
How else will we know who to gas when the day comes?
Well then I guess I should be free to cut my child's legs off too. They're my property, right?
If you don't take the advice then you deserve what happens next.
Uncuts still have the choice to be cut or not as adults. It's not surprising that people with foreskins choose to keep them.
Cutfags never had that choice and have to defend their grotesque mutilated manhood at all costs.
Birth rates would go to 0 as all women stop having sex with men cause they dont want to look at the disgusting anteater fuck cheese cock.
We should be guided by our own sense of morality.
nice try
Get this pathetic strawman attempt out of my face, faggot.
>Cutfags never had that choice and have to defend their grotesque mutilated manhood at all costs
s-shut up anteater
I-I like being jew'd
>wanting a filthy smelly dogdick
fucking lel. sex is factually less pleasurable when you are uncut too. your glans is mostly trapped inside the foreskin even when it's inside a pussy. an uncit penis inside a vagina is equivalent to a cut penis fucking a fleshlight stuffed inside a vagina. when you're cut you have direct contact. when you're uncut you don't. also don't start with the retarded meme of 'a woman's pleasure' you fucking cucks. first of all only betacucks would care about that and second, why don't dildos and vibrators have foreskins? stop fucking defending your cheesy dogdicks it's fucking pathetic
Who's talking about forcing to circumcise here?
I may or may not, it's up to me to decide, but apart from Americans angry about having it done on them in their childhood I've never seen any arguments against it. It's just better imo. Of course I'm biased because foreskin has caused me ton of problems.
You're violating the NAP by coercively putting a potential adult into a situation where he can't support himself (by having a child), it's up to you and the private courts to decide when it is not a NAP violation to leave the child, but I'd suspect that the age would be at least 15
girls are gross and will lick your dirty ass if they're enough into you user
Mutilating your child's genitals is definitely not moral
>potential adult
They're not an adult and that's what's important.
t.good goy
I disagree. What matters is whether the organism can become a sane person, not whether he's one actually.
>everyone just ignores this post and replies to bait anyway
I wish this board wasn't full of fucking newfags and retards.
That's fine for you; raise your kids under your own moral guidance. You don't get to dictate my morality. You have zero authority.
LMAO you are so retarded
You realise you can pull foreskin back right?
ignoring the fact anal sex causing tears and sores from other stds are the biggest reason HIV is sexually transmitted
>natural human male penis is a "dog dick"
That kike hurt you so bad didn't he...
I got a circumcision when I was 20. Foreskin tissue on a man is way different than on a newborn.
As someone who has had lived with and without a foreskin as an adult (including having sex for both), I'm pretty indifferent. I don't notice any significant differences.
>cut fags talking about foreskin like they have it
>unaware that when you get errect it effectively vanishes, then coils back over the glanse when soft
yall are retards, when I get hard my dick head is 100% exposed
t. uncut.
morality is universal, cutting your child is a blatant violation of the NAP
I puke at the sight of an uncircumcised dick, my son is getting the cut, only niggers are uncircumcised.
What matters if the fact that I created my child. I do what I want with it until its brain is finished developing and it can make decisions on its own. That is when I choose to set it free into the world.
If you're cut, you're not white, it's that simple
ITT: a bunch of nasty dickcheese smelling motherfuckers
Because uncircumcised dicks are dirty.
ITT: a bunch of mutilation apologists and people who don't wash.
>if uncutters dont constantly bathe, their dicks will fall off from gangrene
I don't even know what dick cheese looks like because I know how to shower at least once a week. Enjoy your malfunctioning kike dick, faggot.
>the vast majority of whites are uncut, most of Africa is cut
really makes you think huh
>One reason
Easy, it's not worth wasting time writing legislation on. There's more important shit to deal with than foreskin, believe it or not.
Imaging bathing regularly. It must be horrible, right, you fetid piece of dung?
same post, same picture
Dick cheese is a meme, almost never happens to men who have even the slightest self care.
not true. This holds no more water than someone thinking you will develop an infection from between your ass cheeks from going without a shower. You need to be fucking up pretty bad, and probably fucking animals to get a gangreen dick.
No. You can't. Humans self-possess themselves even despite not being able to live on their own. Even if we assumed that you "could" do that, you'd get your ass sued after your child grew up.
Dude you jest wash your dick whenever you bathe. I have never seen the dick cheese you speak of in my whole life. it's not even an issue, more like a meme I hear from American shabbos goys to justify their mushroom dicks that look like the fucking Sahara desert.
Somewhere on the other side of the world, some 90 year old, wretched hag is waltzing around wearing half the guys in this threads foreskin on her face like a trophy.
So violating your child's human rights to bodily integrity and bodily autonomy is moral to you?
Is that what they tell you happens to circumcised foreskins in Britain? That the prepuce witch wears them and cackles?
Goofy fuckin place.
How much got cut off? Kids in the US can have either a little or most of theirs removed depending on the cut, and they usually make a v-shape on the frenulum to remove more of it. This serves no purpose other than to reduce pleasure.
>(((American))) defending circumcision
Colour me surprised
Who would be suing me? I would not live in a community where anyone took issue with my philosophy.
What I am saying is that children belong to the parents as their property. They should do with them as their morality dictates and, at the same time, be prepared to deal with any and all negative reactions from their chosen community.
Because if it's made illegal. ear piercing and tats will be next.
That's it goy, you don't need that useless flap of skin anyways
Guess what else is non-invasive? Yeah that's right, circumcision.
Then they shouldn't be free to cut his foreskin off.
>The parent therefore may not murder or mutilate his child
Funny how this applies to everything except the child's genitals.
Anyone can buy your foreskin. They sell for $300-400. Where do you think they go? Lmao.
>Then they shouldn't be free to cut his foreskin off.
They shouldn't
You're OP is still wrong though
What if the child suffers as a result of their parent's "morality"? Do the child's rights as a human not matter?
This is horrifying and I feel really bad for this man. I don't think that all women would care though, if they liked him it really wouldn't make a difference, from my perspective anyway. I wish I could tell him that..
Consenting ADULTS should be able to do what they want to THEMSELVES
There is already laws against mutliating an unconsenting child just tell the rabbi to go fuck himself
It should be illegal to mutilate your child (unless there's a medical reason). A child is not property.
If he wants to be circumcised for cosmetic reasons, he can do it when he's an adult, because he's a free person who can make choices about his body, even if they're stupid. That's why it can't be banned altogether.
I'm not defending circumcision. I was uncircumsized until I was 20 and got cut for medical reasons. As one of the only people in this thread who has actually experienced both sides of the coin, I think the whole discussion is pretty fuckin silly.
The whole thing. The worst part about the circumcision as an adult is that the tissue is much more vascular. You don't comprehend how many erections to get a night until you wake up with searing pain and stretched sutures each time....nightly.... for a month.
That doesn't look like circumcision. That looks like phimosis, which requires the foreskin be intact.... but I'm not a doctor.
Cheeky KVNT
Are you trolling? Most women in NA are used to cut cocks. It still wouldn't help you get our gorgeous women though
Interesting you would say that. What would those "medical reasons" be? As someone who was cut as an infant but had less than half of it removed, I can definitely say that sex would be a lot less fun without what I still have left.
>go to the pool/beach
>make up
why women do this...
>circumcised for cosmetic reasons
This meme again. Only uncutters think circumcision is cosmetic or a religious function - denying it has medical benefits.
read the text
Only about 33% of Canadian men are mutilated
Something called Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans (if I recall correctly). I started to develop phimosis in my late teens and just got it cut off when I was 20.
The only medical benefits it has is for the wretched old hags who buy them and wear them on their faces. It's a rip off, in every sense of the word, to make doctors richer and old hags appear younger.
THIS was meant for you.
The only times your dick smells is when you jerk one out and have semen trapped under your foreskin or when you fuck and have bodily fluids trapped under your foreskin.
>This meme again. Only uncutters think circumcision is cosmetic or a religious function - denying it has medical benefits.
Fake news. Those benefits wouldn't even be considered if (((they))) didn't think the tissue was superfluous, because they would instead be considered the removal of a functioning body part.
UTIs are literally a non-issue. The kid drinks cranberry juice and it resolves itself.
Who is that nasty-ass cookie-cutter jewess?
These "medical benefits" are a meme. All supposed medical benefits of circumcision can be achieved through washing your dick regularly and wearing a condom. Phimosis can be fixed through skin stretches, so unless you get balanitis like it's pretty much unnecessary. And of course, not everyone gets balanitis, so why cut it off preemptively for a condition that you're likely to never get? Come to think of it, I'm petty sure they have medicines for balanitis as well.
They tried some steroid creams, but it didn't really work. My personal opinion on the matter is indifference. I don't notice any significant differences in function between the two. Uncut isn't significantly less clean than cut as long as you wash regularly. I suppose I err on uncircumcised because it's not a necessary thing, but I don't think it's the end of the world to lose a foreskin.
Uncut and never had "dick cheese"
If it's something you get occasionally while circumcised, and think there'd be lots more, you're wrong.
Then you should gas yourself immediately so you can't pass on your inferior genes.
KEK! my sides!
When they become an adult, they can make that decision on their own if it's an issue. You are a rotten parent!
why is it that statistically more women (western world included) prefer circumcised penises?
why is that statistically more homosexual men (western world included) prefer uncircumcised penises?
can i get rational explanations to this please? it seems as if white women like their men circumcised these days, by overwhelming amount of figures.
should i get my (future) son circumcised one day?
Adults should be allowed to if thru want to. Prove me wrong.
It shouldn't be and girls should get their meatflaps trimmed at birth.
No more flappy roasties
nons don't look at dicks often, but ffs could you control yourselves?
Shouldn't you be proud to not know what other dicks look like?
Why are all of you expert meat gazers?