
We are right to hate our oppressors

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To see who is in charge, find out who is not allowed to be criticised.


I'm a man, but even I can see that we don't live in a truly fair and equitable society for women. And honestly, at this point I don't think equity would be the right goal. Women deserve to have the majority, if not all, positions of power. It's the only way for western nations to truly depart from our patriarchal past. Masculinity is a disease.

WtC mug

Oh look. A leaf who's a cuck. What are the odds.

That's not male tears! That's tap water!

Right, the equality vs equity debate. We've already gone to amazing lengths to ensure the equity part, and women just can't stop BITCHING about how young men these days are so mediocre, or so inferior, how disappointing we are, how men aren't real men anymore, etc.

If we were to go the whole way with this equity thing and give women anything and everything, then women will be universally disappointed with men and refugees will have to be imported at a massive rate. Women are stupid and they may talk about equality and equity but they always want men to be better than them.

I think the solution to most of the problems in this world is to reduce the male population to around 10%.

What is the male equivalent to the massive pollution caused by the cosmetic industry?

What is the male equivalent to female hysteria?

What is the male equivalent to female genital mutilation?

Women are held on a pedestal with reference to men. The historical reason was due to low number of breeding partners, but now you're as common as leaves on the wind.


The debate is over. It has been for quite some time.

All that matters is equality of outcome.

Women will be left with nothing and miserable when men finally get sick of their shit

Wow, misogyny on Sup Forums. I don't even know why I'm surprised anymore.

Cuckolding has actually been known for centuries as "the thinking man's fetish." No wonder you don't get it.

>men literally spend their entire lives as slaves to women, doing everything to please them

I'll remember this when the warlords are raping all of you strong independent women in the next world war.

show me your titties baby

Reminder to all leafs, ironically being retarded is still being retarded.

So will we.

I would oppress here by fucking her right in the pussy, if you know what I mean

You're just some chauvinist it doesn't matter which team you fight for.

Sure, sure. If they said bleach was the "thinking man's beverage" would cucks be downing it by the gallons?

This meme has got to get aborted.

Kind of a poor comparison, friend. I'm going to assume you're only pretending to be retarded.


When you get married your gonna invite and black man along to fuck you wife for you wile you cry and masterbait in the corner. Kys

Male tears means semen.

Your time is over feminists. My time, the new male, is just beginning. Then we will see who is crying in the end.

>male tears
>women are the ones always crying and bitching about everything

Really massages those mental gerbils

You disgust me

Fuck off, bigot