>There are people who actually want her to go to jail for someone choosing to kill themselves of their own free will
Explain yourselves.
>There are people who actually want her to go to jail for someone choosing to kill themselves of their own free will
Explain yourselves.
She doesn't deserve jail time from what I've read, but maybe community service. Fucking bitch could have gotten this guy help or someone to intervene.
Neither of you have read enough of the details.
Maybe if she dated someone who has a big hard black cock instead of a spineless whit boi, she wouldn't be in this predicament. Did i mention that black men have big hard cocks?
Elaborate please.
She didn't just text him "lol kys faggot"
She was encouraging him for some time to go through with it and then when he almost did but pussied out she was shit talking until he went back and saw it through... because she thought she'd be popular and get a load of sympathy if her boyfriend killed himself.
how come she's in trouble but I'm not?
Obligatory post
Better resolution
Couldn't give less of a shit either way. More people should kill themselves, and more people should encourage it. Good way to weed out the useless and weak.
Seeing this the whole week, did you even read the indictment blueshill?
shes ugly, fuck her
But when did he lose his free will?
t. you
The real problem is not bullying, the real problem is a weak people.
Just because a person is a weak beta faggot going through some fucked up times, that's no reason to coach a person into taking their own life. Not just 'coach' but aggressively persuade over a period of time and then use the incident to garner attention for yourself.
>The girl is just evil
Are you saying he was mind controlled?
You're retarded
She clearly talked him into it.
Even when it started working and he got out of the truck, she told him to get back in.
People who want to end their lives don't hesitate.
Don't have to. 5head is going to jail and we won.
It's the law faggot
someone attempting suicide is clearly not of sound mind. They are mentally ill and not capable of making rational, informed decisions.
If you convinced some billionaire who had just had a stroke or suffered severe brain damage to sign over his entire estate to you, do you really think you'd get to keep any of it when his family took you to court?
>People who want to end their lives don't hesitate.
I don't know about that. I'm sure plenty of people who have killed themselves hesitated for a moment. Anyway if he didn't want to kill himself, then he wouldn't have done it.
Words, words and more words.
Because people are niggerfaggots
>someone attempting suicide is clearly not of sound mind. They are mentally ill and not capable of making rational, informed decisions.
So Hitler was mentally ill because he killed himself? I'm sure there are plenty of other people who killed themselves for legit reasons as well, such as they were being tortured. Wanting to kill yourself has nothing to do with being mentally ill, you could just want it because your life is terrible and you see ending your life as the escape, which he did.
>my mental state is infallible and so was his
>harassment laws dont apply
>criminal negligence doesnt apply
>negligent homicide doesnt apply
k do it yourself faggot
So know the really big flag in anyones argument about anything?
When you you go back to school?
People do stupid things that they would regret if they were still around and he wouldn't have gone through with it without her in his ear.
Probably would have grown out of it by now.
There was a time when I thought I wanted to kill myself and idealized suicide.
I eventually realized how much of a faggot I was being and got my shit together. I cringe about it now, what a faggot.
luckily I didn't have my own personal suicide coach.
Just want to see her get fisted by a prison lesbian for the keks
She doesn't deserve jail for telling him to. Kill himself
She can tell anyone to kill themselves
Her problems lies with watching someone kill themselves and not do anything about it
They're making an example out of her which is unfortunate but ahe did fuck up by not calling the proper authorities while the dude was dying, in our current society that's illegal
She is super cute.
I want her to tell me to kill myself, I wouldn't, but I would drag her out front naked and shove the hose down her throat and turn it on when she acted out - just like my great grand dad who fought in world war 2.
Nearly drowned my great grandmother naked in the front yard.
I think I'll write her love letters.
She put him under duress to do it. If she convinced him to kill one of her high school rivals he'd get some jailtime and a trip to the mental ward and she'd get murder 1 for planning the whole thing. Instead she convinced him to kill himself. Just because he's a headcase doesn't mean he's not a person, and because she intentionally made a person dead she gets a murder sentence.
What does harassment have to do with anything. Harassment is when you keep on calling someone or bothering someone when they've told you to stop or clearly want you to stop, he never asked her to stop or told her to stop, because he wanted to kill himself. She was just saying back to him what he had been telling her, there was no harassment.
i just hate roasties
>logic of a 5 year old
oh wait i see now your flag nevermind thats kinda the same
>and he wouldn't have gone through with it without her in his ear.
No evidence of that, he already tried killing himself before but failed, so it's clear he has the capacity to go through with his suicide.
>Probably would have grown out of it by now
It's more likely he would have finally succeeded in it by now, if she never met him. But anyway it was still all his choice so she shouldn't be blamed.
>People who want to end their lives don't hesitate.
Citation required
All women belong in jail.
That look on her face is disgust. She isn't upset, she isn't remorseful, she is disgusted at what she sees as a grave injustice being done against her.
She sees herself as having done nothing wrong, and the victim of an unfair legal system. You can tell all of this just by that obvious look on her face.
She is absolutely cold.
I think I'm in love.
Jury of 12 doesn't agree with you faggot
Wew lad, that's hot as fuck. They don't make men like they did 100 years ago. Rest in peace gramps.
>someone attempting suicide is clearly not of sound mind. They are mentally ill and not capable of making rational, informed decisions.
Worst post so far today.
There are plenty of situations where it is rational to kill yourself.
I am in this situation with a terminal illness and facing horrendous suffering as I die. You bet it is a better idea to drink some Nembutal rather than do through that.
Even many psychiatric illnesses are incurable and cause unbearable and endless suffering.
You don't know what you are talking about.
Not every suicide is a teen temporarily depressed about no gf.
>tell someone to murder a guy
>the madman actually does it
>wtf why am I in trouble?
Hitler might not have had a "mental illness" but he wasn't mentally sound exactly.
If what says is true then I don't agree with her getting off without punishment.
I'm not another bleeding heart when I say that suicide isn't the answer most of the time (if you are in physical unrecoverable pain then by all means end it).
I think that if you feel bad enough in a moment of your life you'll do anything to escape however rash it may be...
So it's kinda like aiding a building that has a fixable flaw in its structure to have further problems.
>she and her baby has AIDS
>it's the New Normal
She did a good service, histrionic faggots who keep telling people they're gonna commit suicide should just go through with it and kill themselves.
Dude was depressed and emotionally unstable. She, someone very close to him, convinced this dumb asshole to go through with killing himself even when he backed out of the attempt. She is a piece of trash for manipulating this guy and deserves time behind bars.
Nah you cunts are fucked. I felt sick reading those texts. She was doing what women do best. NAG. She fucked nagged him so hard. If my gf said that shit to me when I was feeling suicidal, I'd make sure we both had a dirt nap. Fucking autists fall in love with any attractive girl with a fucked up noggin. For shame, autists. For shame
You fucking moron, she manipulated him into killing himself, she altered his thought process leading him to his death, without that he would have lived. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
She got accidental manslaughter. Even if she gets maximum sentence for the charge she is still getting off easy.
On the one hand, it's certainly not murder to convince someone to kill themselves, but it could certainly be a lesser charge (depraved indifference, maybe). The guys suicide was ultimately his own choice.
On the other hand, she's an attention-seeking whore who pushed a guy to kill himself because she thought it would make her popular. No story better explains what has gone wrong in our society than this one: our women value public attention over men's lives, and our men value women's opinions over their own futures.
She did what women do best. Manipulate. And she pushed that beta low test faggot over the edge. Even though he was clearly a spineless loser she still basically used her woman weaponized mind games to aid that faggot to his death. Fuck her and watch the bitch burn.
Both were insane retards. Weird how everyone sympathizes with the betafag when she clearly has severe issues as well. She shouldn't be in jail, she should be institutionalized.
She opted for a bench trial. No jury.
I think I read they didn't have a jury, it was just a judge.
What is the max?
Even as a troll you fail. Typical cuck behaviour.
Her lawyers hoping for a soft Judge?
I suppose your point of view on the whole thing depends on whether or not you think emotional abuse should be a crime or not.
she's fucking nuts and basically killed the guy.
>there are people going to jail for speaking out against muslim immigration
>people HAVE gone to jail for criticizing women online
You are not responsible for someone else's actions, period. If you tell someone to do something which harms them and they listen, they still made the choice and it's their responsibility. That's why people make this fake "mental illness" argument, or try to argue that they somehow weren't in control of their own actions or couldn't make a proper decision.
>she altered his thought process
This is really just fucking pathetic. Did she somehow take control of his mind or something?
>You are not responsible for someone else's actions
I know right? I cant believe I got in trouble for sending someone a virus through email. I DIDNT MAKE THEM DOWNLOAD IT, IT WAS THEIR CHOICE
She's being a bitch. This dude clearly wants her to be like 'pls don't do it man you're so deep'.
I do t think jail time is appropriate at all. She retarded but he killed him self
Don't forget this is a white male we're talking about
You mean, he chose to kill himself.
Yea I guess if you ignore all context and significant details. Yes. He killed himself. Good job dude.
>the only way to influence someones decisions is by mindcontrol
Jesus Christ user
I think we've all had cute young girlfriends in our days who told us they would kill themselves if we broke up or implied this ("I can't live without you" bloohoo)
Be glad they didn't kill themselves
>she altered his thought process
Jesus christ. Someone suggesting something to you does not "alter your thought process", they made a statement, your choice if you choose to listen to them or not. Every decision we make is probably somewhat influenced by what other people have said in our lives, but we're still responsible for our own actions.
Your analogy is garbage.
terrible analogy, she did not hide her intentions.
Hitler's suicide was rational.
1. Never surrender
2. Can't let his body get captured by Russians or it would get shit on and pissed on by reds a la Mussolini
It was inspired by Vikings and romans. It's not like Eva was like do it faggot and he was like gee idk ok I guess.
yeah, but we didn't ask them to kill themselves
Taking into account all context, he made the decision on his own to kill himself.
I send someone a vial of poison with a letter saying "this is poison, drink it and die pls" and then they do it
Should I get in trouble?
suicide should be mandatory
Don't be silly.
This meme that she didn't coerce him into killing himself was never funny.
Or felt tremendous pressure to follow through by someone who did not really give a damn about him. This guy literally got out of his car and was afraid to die. She, on the phone, convinced him to get back in the car. You clearly don't know what manipulation is and have never been fucked with by an evil person.
And when he freaked out when it started working and reality smacked him in the dizzy, slight headache, tightening forehead and GOT OUT OF THE TRUCK, she coached him back.
This is not normal human behavior.
If she's smart, she'll appeal to the supreme court.
The judge is way out of line. She should have gotten community service or 60 days in county.
25+ years in prison is extreme.
>yeah, but we didn't ask them to kill themselves
I eventually sorta did after months and months of her saying she would kill herself if I broke up I told her she was manipulating me into staying in the relationship and I didn't want her to kill herself but if she did I would not feel responsible anymore. Then I broke up, she didn't kill herself.
Anyway, I can sorta understand how being with someone who keeps crying about offing themself can make you angry at them.
its "up to" 25 years, so she wont serve anywhere near that
your analogy is better this time but still not there, if you really want to have an analogy for it, you can compare it to a drug dependence like heroin where it finally kills you. Is the heroin responsible for the murder or is it your poor self control?
>your own argument, but now with Jesus Christ after it
Wow really convinced me
Ugly manipulative cunt with a wierd hairline
I'm sorry but I won't stand by whilst you insult my wife like that. Stand and fight sir. You shall regret your words soon enough.
different from coaching her to kill herself, you were in the right and made the right choice separating yourself from that toxic THOT
You dont make a suicide pact with someone than renege. It doesnt work that way nigger. Shes lucky they didnt finish what she started. Fucking whore.
Looks like fetal alcohol syndrome
But often cases like this are the reason for changing the laws, user.
Living in a healthy society would indeed be radically–to some, alarmingly–different than the emotionally foetid society Americans live in today, user. Why don't you realise this?
>Or felt tremendous pressure to follow through by someone
He had already tried to kill himself before. Blaming him trying to kill himself on some sort of "pressure" from her is wrong. Anyway unless there is real pressure from someone, like them saying they'll hurt you if you don't do what they say, I'm not gonna take responsibility from someone's actions. "I want you to" is not enough pressure.
Can someone please post more pictures of my bb?
He made the decision to get out of the truck, and then made the decision to get back in.
People defending this evil cow haven't read the full transcripts or are insane feminist pigs.
If anyone was harassing anyone, user., it would be the suicidal cretin continuing to text her. If somebody like that had my phone number after a while I would probably tell him to end it too.