The Tuck Status: Fucked

>The Tuck Status: Fucked

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has the tuck finally been cuck'd?

Uh racist

Good, I hope that they put his spic patrol on the front line, they make good sandbags.

wow, so this platoon leader assumes that hispanics come from failed countries? who is the real racist here?

9 people....

Shut it down!!
There were some Mexicans in the army!! That means we should open our borders and let everyone in!
You heard him boys!!

The logic behind this bullshit is hilarious

How the hell is Carlson's comment not racist? That seems like standard white supermacist talk. Name non-white country that's considered "not failing"

>leading infantry platoons


>some names
Get back to me when these spics do more in the military than bitch and sponge a bullet here and there.

>There were nine spics in two fucking platoons I led in pointless wars now stop being a country
lol. Nope.

Immigrants go into the service for a greencard. This has been the case form the 80's on. They usually only do 4 years and then collect benefits for the rest of their life and from personal experience they also do some pretty serious crime because Mil court does not count as a felony and it would not count against their resident status.

Truly. It's so shallow and fallacious.


>citizens from failed countries make excellent soldiers, trust me I've lead them in combat in our various wars that create these failed states

So many goddamn spics in the US armed forces. We're a fucking laughingstock of what we used to be. All Russia needs to do is dress up as ICE and they win the war.

The UK at this point

>non-white countries are failing
>btw it's racist to point this out if you're white

>we need people from failed countries to pick our strawberries and be our cannon fodder!
I fucking hate these people not least of all because they act so self-righteous about the fact that they willfully want to use immigrants like despensable condoms. fuck 'em and throw 'em down the drain and if you don't want to do that then you're a bigot!

nigger just be honest about your sociopathic tendencies and I'd have an easier time respecting you and your opinions.

Is that another fucking Jew? I'm struggling to justify them existing anymore.


But jews don't serve in the military they just send white goyim in the ME to die for Israel

You're still a little over 80% white right?

>not failing
Friedman is a German name, he looks pretty German aswell.

In YOUR OPINION that's "racist".

You're just saying that because he's White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

>Obscure nobody
>Blue tick

Really tingles my noodle

work on your jewdar

Like pottery

>lead 2 infantry platoons
>only has 9 names
So almost no soldiers are Mexicans? Great!

How does that make sense? Anti-racist but definition mean i would treat white people the same as anyone else. Anti-racist is anti-white supermancy. Learn the difference

Truly beautiful, people's of all colours dying for the sake of Israel ;_;

So his argument is that immigration is necessary because it gives us cannon fodder?

Lmao lefties being racist as usual.

Good work Bruce


What a cuck.

Tell a Puerto Rican he is Mexican, or Dominican he is Columbian. To assume they are all of Mexican is just like a dumb dick cunt fuck mil fag.

>implying there's any substantial difference
Keep fooling yourself

Where have I heard this name before?

Lol i....i.....I got nothing to come back with. But that wasn't the point I was making.


So two platoons had only 9 people in?

>muh anecdotal evidence overrules fact

This is how libshits argue
>He Mexico may be one of the most brutal countries on Earth with illegals swarming in who build then gangs on American soil , deal drugs and rape white girls on an overwhelming scale but my college Hector is a good guy , checkmate bigot

>Last name: Friedman

It was pretty obvious

Jewtenant is racists. Automatically assumes due to their name that they're immigrants.

I spot them immediately nowadays. If the poster is white, posts a liberal or pro immigration/LGBT tweet, has a blue check mark near their name and a hip numale profile pic, 99,9% it's a Kike. Surname ending in (((berg))), (((stein))) or (((man))) makes that 100%.

>be me
>0.2 seconds after seeing that message, the first thing that comes to my mind is "I should google how big an infantry platoon is"
>i'm so glad i know hot to critically think


>I, a DC rich boy who took a rich boy's tour of Iraq, led a squad of hispanic felons on a holy crusade to kill Iraqi peasants, patriots, and children for the sake of Pissrael

This is that retarded logic that the leftist dip shits are known for. When did the US stop allowing legal citizenship? I'm pretty sure if you enter the US legally there isn't any problems. Fucking libtards.

>Mexico is the only country with Spanish surnames

what a piece of shit, those guys are most likely puerto rican, they could literally be from anywhere there are a bunch of latin american countries

well said

diversity is just a code for less White people

they never tell you that the NFL or NBA aren't diverse enough, or any black or brown countries

they say they are anti-racist, but what they really are is anti-White

why is mutliculturalism only happening in White countries, only White countries and ALL White countries?

we're told to mix together until race ceases to exist, but there will still be brown people in brown countries and black people in black countries, only Whites will be mixed out of existence

if you want White people to cease to exist, at least be a man and admit it


Cattle for the slaughter...


>guys a tiny % of them join the military

tucker btfooo again

this country will be a 3rd world shithole soon

Leftists want to import a serf class.

Does this explain why the US army isn't what it used to be?

facts are racist

So the US benefits by importing its cannon fodder? Why can't we fight our own wars? Has anyone studied the history of Rome?

So Mexico is a failing country?

Soldiers aren't valuable

Foreign Troops worked well for the romans.

>so we can send them to die in some foreign country
Is that his answer?

Assuming he isn't lying, he just threw opsec out the fucking window. No soldier of any rank would disclose the names of other soldiers, period. Even if it's just a last name. Especially on the fucking internet.

Officers still mainly white

"Led 2 infantry battalions in combat"
"I sat on a base and played video games while my spic underlings did nothing and hit on 5/10 pogue wooks"

Well that's true in Combat Arms. Support MOSes, especially Adjutant General, have a shitload of blacks. MI is also full of Middle Easterners (gee, I wonder why).

White women and white trannies

Yeah I had to spend a summer living above a Puerto Rican serviceman in an apartment with paper thin walls. He would stay up until 4 in the morning, high on meth, scream at his spic wife until she let him fuck her, and one time I woke up to the horrifying sound of him raping his (male) puppy that he got a month ago. Just because they are in the military doesn't mean they aren't subhuman garbage.

Isn't this one of the things that helped lead to Rome's fall; a reliance on foreign troops?

Reality is racist.
The truth is racist.

I assume Tucker was talking about places like Syria and Libya, not Mexico.

Wow some soldiers are mexican. That proves that mexican are valuable....... OR that mexicans can occupy jobs that other anericans would othewise occupy

Has he ever not been?

Military is for low IQ meat puppets.

Need those meat shields for important wars on the other side of the world against mountain dwelling goat herders.



Give it time

A mixed person is half white and half other. Don't act like white people are being slaughtered by the millions (i.e. race mixing isn't genocide or murder). The problem with whiteness is that it can only be "pure", but other races don't. This exclusivity is the basis of white supermancy and this nonsense about preservation.

You have no right to decide what race white women can breed with. If they care about "muh preservation" as much as you do, the white race will be fine.

Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as

...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
—Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2

nice try sweetums


>white people never fought wars before we need Mexican soldiers
>White people are responsible for every war ever

Which is it??

Hispanics are taking the place of the german merchs, in this new Roman Empire. It could be worse.

It's racist not to want hundreds of thousands of low to no skill people to come to America and fuck up the labor market for entry level jobs that should be going to students or younger people wanting to make some money to advance into middle or higher classes?
Why are you even on Sup Forums?


The Warrior Gene refers to certain copies (alleles) of the MAO-A gene that have been linked to violent anti-social behavior. One such copy, 2R, which I'll call the "violent ape allele", is 55x more common in niggers than in whites:

>Studies have found differences in the frequency distribution of variants of the MAOA gene between ethnic groups:[32][33] of the participants, 59% of Black men, 54% of Chinese men, 56% of Maori men, and 34% of Caucasian men carried the 3R allele, while 5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele.[23][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40]

The reason a majority of niggers act like violent apes is because they carry the violent ape allele. This supports the hypothesis that niggers are genetically inferior subhumans.

>2 platoons
>9 beaners
Wow, it's fucking nothing.

Not really

Mexicans are awful in ever conceivable way

So Syria and Mexico are not failing countries?

>Name non-white country that's considered "not failing"

Literally any Asian country. India. Parts of the middle east like Israel and Jordan.

Nine non-white names in a platoon of 40-50 soldiers means that we should take in refugees that won't help us. This is in 56% land too, which means these people are actually underrepresented in that platoon at less than 20%. Really gets the noggin joggin.

Milfag here, just because he had some hispanics in his platoons doesnt mean shit. The fact of the matter is a lot of them are very right leaning. They hate the idea of open borders and arent falling for the political correctness meme.

>subhumans more willing to fight for ZOG
>somehow white people should care


White first. American second.

stfu cuck

And everyone of them training so they can go back to MS13 and kill cops

About 15% of the US military is Hispanic, probably a bit higher than that. What have you done for your country? Meme magic to get Trump elected? Fuck off.


I hope all you posters are capable of spotting the jew shilling other jews twitter posts.

How can people NOT be Nazis here? These jews are fucking relentless with their subversion.

>we need 3rd world immigrant to use as fodder when we are killing Muslims and stealing their oil

Really makes me think.

>9 names of Hispanics

Did these guys actually fight or do they lolligag in the infantry?

Japan isn't failing.

>So Mexico is a failing country?
You meant failed... right.
there are cities in Mexico where they can not find ANYONE willing to be mayor, because the drug cartels will just kill them.

Back in 2013, the Gulf Cartel in Mexico gave relief to victims of Hurricane Ingrid. (Because the government is not in control in this area). So there's that