Why do alt-right cucks always thinks that we non-wh*Te muslims are like weak leftist cucks who don't know how to fight ? we non-wh*Te muslims always beat up nazi wh*Te cucks, that's why they become nazi lol, getting beaten up by muslims. and oh if you strike us back, we don't hesitate to kill you, when a muslim kills a white man, he only gets like 10 years max.
Pic related: an alt-right faggot who thinks that we muslims are like weak antifa cucks that they been fighting over, and get beaten the shit out.
Wh*Tes explain
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You're inbred goat fuckers with an intelligence level on par with niggers, of course you're violent and lack simple reasoning skills.
Well roach Muslims are weak, that's why we take your oil. Europe might be cucked but in the end your kind is just collateral damage from our drones. And you sultan guzzles our cumm with a smile.
>Well roach Muslims are weak, that's why we take your oil
LMAO you're Arabs' bitches
Why is this same idiot turk posting the same shit everyday? He always posts shit like this and when people post something negative about Turkey he starts sperging and spamming gore and talks about how he is going to kill people.
You know whats real funny roach? the fact that your piece of shit country is a total tool by every major power on earth. Your *empire is wiped out and cant even claim the 'sick old man' title anymore.
I love your corpses and military incompetency
keep your corpses coming
Did i strike a nerve roach? Your military is being killed by fucking kurd rebels. Cant even beat kurd tribesmen lol.
Posting people dying is never okay, mong.
Brain damage.
Seems tribesman are basically the Super power these days. Neither Russia the US or Turkey can beat them
and then we gather our slavic forces and brutalize every last one of you sandmonkeys. you tards might be brave, but you suck at fighting compared to us.
didnt turkroaches get btfo by a balkan state once?
The roaches got btfo by every balkan state.
Post more dead Americans please I like seeing these mongrels being put down
I hope that we create another balkan league and cuck you even more
muslims are the biggest bitches ever. you always show up in large groups because you can't fight for shit and then you still get your teeth knocked down your throats by slavs. pathetic.
How many rapebabies have my lofty ancestors crushed with so little force?
tfw OP isn't wrong
>Mounted image
>We outnumbered you 10 to 1 and we beat you in combat you suck lol
here is your (you)
and how come three poor slavic countries took down your mighty empire?
Is it maybe because of the fact that you need more than numbers to win a war?
I don't like this turk.
Bring back the pedo turk. At least he was funny.
>and how come three poor slavic countries took down your mighty empire?
did they?
also they're not "slavic". they're rapebabic.
Turk Roach literally blown the fuck out of the sky like the subhumans that they are. I wonder what dirty mudskin language they were shouting on their way down.
OP in picture.
>why do we think muslims can't fight
those beliefs tend to manifest when we defeat all your armies, conquer your capital city and dismantle your empire
Most muslims and nonwhites in general around here are skinny manlets or severely inbred ugly fucks.
They did send your shithole into a spiral to collapse
Turkish convoy incinerated by Russian airforce.
Look a literal Paki cock munchler claims he "dismantled" my empire
it was the Turkish government who dismantled Ottoman Empire after kicking your puppet's asses in Anatolia
oh and, we literally beat the shit out of you in every battle.
Now little United Sultanate, you print this picture, roll it and stick it up your ass or else i'll inform Jamal that you're posting on my board.
Turks shot dead by ISIS like the cowardly dogs that they are, Why can Turkey never fight? Just retreat?
Why are you mad about every loss that you have faced?
Its okay to lose sometimes
Turkish cowards who surrendered are set on fire and die like a chained dog. Not so hard now are you.
dont Forget that turks are 70% in their own Country with a fertility rate worse then Germanys and 20% Kurds who got Western weapons by now.
OP is just a Turk who tries to kill the Pain of living in a failed infertile economicaly dead Place with shitposting
Sage Thread
Oh, leave 'em alone. They have an inferiority complex after hiding under Anglo/American skirts for the last hundred years because the Russians were scary.
I love when Amerisubhumans talk about history
they're so retarded and know almost nothing yet they talk, it's like watching a retarded little deformed pup trying to jump on a table.
I've fought in the Middle East, and muzzies can't fight worth a shit lol. Even the local nationals that fought with us were piss-poor fighters. As far as fist fights go, I've never seen a Muslim fight 1v1 with anybody. Same with Mexicans. They will always gang up on the smallest dude they can find. Anybody can win a fight by ganging up on somebody.
Subhuman T*rks have lower fertility rates than western Europeans, literally being replaced by K*rds.
is this meant to trigger us? Your country is fucked, you're literally next door to ISIS and you have a quasi-dictator in charge of you.
You've literally had to resort to western technology and language in an attempt to improve your life, oh - and let's not forget that you believe in an all seeing SKY-MAN - HAHAHAHAHA.
your life is so fucked - you deserve to live in a third world country :p
you let the British occupy your capital city, dismantle your government and install Ataturk after defeating them in every battle?
>Turkish military strategy
just call pest control to get rid of your roach infestation.
Take a moment and admire the British army marching in Constantinople under Greek flags
Heh - does it shame you to know that without whites you would be living in mud huts and running around with swords and bows? It should, because your tribe of mongrels has accomplished nothing of value in this world. Deep down you know that you are an inferior people, infesting the ruins of your betters. One day they'll come to take back the rest of Greece, and you'll be powerless to stop them. Perhaps we'll give you the treatment you gave to the Armenians. It will be well deserved.
>that buttblasted t*rk again
Just fuck off already, you over sensetive manchild.
Sup Forums and especially Sup Forums is not for you, you should try reddit, a place whithout ebul raycists to harm your shitskin fee fees.
Sup Forums is my board, tatarov.
And I don't care what inferior wh*Tes think about my race, non wh*Tes are way superior to your subhuman race.
ruskiy muskiy balalayka vodka
oh and on reddit, i can't insult subhuman wh*Tes as i do here
you're my punchbags
what are you so mad about roach?
did the imam fuck your ass again and didn't use lube?
Why are nigger roaches so butthurt all the time though. Even a small joke puts these insecure insects on edge. Top entertainment though
Did the mean troll call you a roach again
Hey faggot
>u-ur edgy
maybe you should go back to 9gag, kid.
>Europe is cucked
Yeah we may be 54% white but MUH OIL so we can go pick up tended from mcdicks with said oil
Get over yourself you fat cuck
Instead of doing something here you nit pick about europe
Someone photo shopped that pee in. The white guy beat the black guy's ass I've read Just letting you know you're using a shoop.
Lol reminder this pic is shopped
>Tfw you will always be a Turk
There's only one way out friend
Why do muslim roaches think that whites can't cause the greatest allahu akbar in the history of manking by torching up the planet with thermonukes, if the shit goes down the drain fast enough.
And fuck off, you roach. Even kikes are better at fighting than you, niggers.
Lol someone got this roach a little angry today :)
>same thread every day
>retards still reply
White priviledge is to be burned with flamable stuff
>in this thread
don't ever post images of american soldiers getting rekt, this triggers the burgers
>a roach trying to insult eurocucks who are the only reason his excuse of a country still exists.
>at the time when his excuse of a country can't even defeat a bunch of Kurd goatfuckers.
Because alt-rights are cucks
it is jewish name for cucks to distract goys with false parties.
Normal people are not afraid of correct ideology - imerialism, mercantilism, chauvinism and conservatism.
Communism and national socialism are just mental disorders.
>It's a roach feeling in charge of telling shit to anybody when their soldiers get killed en masse by literal nobodies kurds in their own homeland.
The reason I don't fear you, is because your people's cannot work cohesively. when Whites reach their limit of tolerance, we are going to burn your nations to the ground, we have money, we have man power, we have technology, and nearly three thousand years of genocidal maniac soldiers in our genes, and have more consistently dominated the world than any other race, in fact, we are the only race that has dominated it. We'll be seeing you muhammed, run before the local nazi's get guns, you're all going to die.
>t. A white man that wants nothing more to slaughter your people and turn the middle east to glass.
P.S. We will not rape, we will not "win hearts and minds" we are going to kill you. your wife. your children. your unborn. the white war machine is booting up.
>Implying roaches have functional brains
>it's another episode of the delusional turk and his slide thread
whos got the can of roach spray?
If that islamobitch is religious enough to wear full hijab than she should know better than to touch a man like that. Absolutely haram. I call bullshit, whom ever is in that hijab is a fucking larper
>Implying communists have functional brains
Roaches and commies doesn't have brains.
Especialy bulgaria and romania
Ah, shut the fuck up roach. We all know as a matter of fact that all of the Middle East starts shaking in their sandals when Chechen fighters arrive.
These guys literally play soccer matches with heads of decapitated Turks and have a big laugh while doing so.
You're just another inferior inbred turk that's classified as waste.
I used to kick turkish asses in Berlin and none of these cucked turks could ever compete with me. I even got suspended from school over four times because of this and raped a turks sister because he pissed me off in school.
Your so called turks are cucks to 100%. In groups you play the strong sandnigger. But met alone, you are just victims to us great and honorable Germans.
Worst of all. You cabbalist turks are the most jewish people i met.
> You whine about racism (In case you getting shit four your big mouth)
> You live to 100% on stolen land
> You pray to a false god
> Your noses are as ugly as the zionist jewish ones
> Your genetics is inferior because you suffer from generations of inbred family planning. No wonder you lowlifes IQ is way under 70.
Years later in Incirlik, we held a military training and education to the turkish troops cooperation with our NATO commands. The theoretical stuff was way too complicated for the dumbed down turks, so we couldn't even take the test with them.
The practical lessons were even more funny. The turkish soldiers did not manage to accomplish very basic tasks they were given. One part of them had already forgotten what to do, and the rest of them lacked physical strengh to even do what they were ordered.
You are just somalis in disguise. No more, no less .... yes, maybe even less than that.
>are like weak leftist cucks who don't know how to fight ?
Because you get BTFO in every military engagement. You're so bad at fighting that the tactic you have to use 99% of the time is planting and IED then running away with your tail between your legs, hopping the enemy drives over it.
Have you ever read into Atatürk? He was literally a jew this so called father of the Turks. LOL
Your threads are boring
You see its not about fights on the streets or generally one on one. Its rather that muslim nations generally suck at modern warfare.
No matter where you look in the middle east you have ongoing conflicts and neither side really gets to a point that actually ends the war for either side. If you look at america or a european nation we are much more straight forward and effective. We pinpoint our enemy, head there and actually take them out aggressively. Quickly deciding the outcome.
Just look at Afghanistan, Iraq or maybe Mali with France. Our soldiers get there, land there and in about a month or so the main problem is usually solved. Of course you still got some guerilla forces here and there which are "problematic" but quite ineffective too. Sure they maybe kill a couple of units but they will never be able to "drive out" the USA or any european country because they will simply never score a decisive victory.
The only way to win for you and your people is, similar to vietnam, to sway the masses in those countries to support you as the enemy rather than their own country. By trying to look miserable and pointing out "warcrimes" which may or may not happened.
How will you recover after a bunch of Maltese troops BTFO your fleet?
>be brown
>get bombed
Didn't know Turks even had a fleet. Certainly would be a sight to behold to see with what kinds of ships these sandniggers are attempting to navigate the seas, LOL.
fuck off goat fucker
How can turks call that a victory