Well Christcucks?
Well Christcucks?
>dies literally the worst way possible
fags still want more
Poland sacrificed 123 years for your sins
>conveniently leaves out the fact that during those three days, Jesus battled the devil and redeemed Manny of the souls in hell.
Sherbet there is a faggot
It is just a metaphor for the sun (winter solstice), he didn't really die and resurrect.
You don't have to take the bible literally
>sets billions of fallible people on fire for ETERNITY in hell because Satan tricked them
seems like a fair trade
And what will ath**sts give up their weekend for, hmm?
What did Allah do for us?
How about Buddha ?
The Jew god?
At least Jesus did something
Vape and bananas.
Jesus doesn't send you to hell, you do
>Jesus is God
>God controls the Universe and everything in it
>free will is a myth when Omniscience is put into play
חחח, gud1 (((Shermer))). I mean, Pesach with the in-laws is worse, oy! youtube.com
blasphemous tweet is blasphemous
Buddha was just a really wise man who wanted to enlighten people. Jesus on the other hand: I GAVE UP MY WEEKEND FOR YOU SO YOU HAVE TO SUBMIT TO ME NOW XDDDDDDDD
The Creator felt the pain of being denied and crucified by his own creation. And even then found it in his heart to forgive all of us sinners.
if I put a gun to your head and told you to obey my every whim or get shot and then shot you because you disobeyed me would you say that you shot yourself?
The thing is he never died. He literally traveled to hell and BTFOd the devil.
time for a redpill suppository:
the buddha never existed.
I hate Christians as much as the next guy but how retarded can you be?
So god has kinky S&M play with some hot roman soldier, gets bored and goes back to normal. He also forgives us even though he made us do it. What a swell guy.
except he knew in advance that this would happen because he's all knowing. he's also the one who made it happen because he's omnipotent. refute that, cristcuck.
The situation would be more accurate if you had gun in your hand and was trying to blow your brains out. Jesus is there trying to convince you not to do it.
You're an idiot
>fire and brimstone literalism
I'm sure a wise man who just wanted to enlighten people did exist. magical sky daddies on the other hand did not.
Stupid atheicuck. The idea that we are “let off” because of Jesus’ death seems silly if you think of it that way. Why didn’t God just let us off? It doesn’t make sense to punish an innocent person, I get that. But it does make sense if we think of Jesus paying off a debt for us, as a person with resources pays a debt for a person who has none.
>I get my knowledge of Christianity from the mainstream media!
>I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.
what did (((he))) mean by this?
>wasting a weekend for humans
i would not give 2 hours for fucking humanity. Jesus is madman
nice refutation there. you sure proved I was wrong with that one.
Well, you are a faggot too. I hope that helped.
you argue on the level of a 5 year old
Edgy kike. Making a joke about a dead kike. Sage.
You're not interested in discussion
You're just a memespouting fuck that has a hate-boner for God
record amount of degeneracy as well
I am trying to have an intelectual debate here and you guys are just calling me names because you can't refute me. typical christcucks.
>in order to forgive the sins of humanity you must pay with your life
>oi vey how about three days, that's the best i can do
>doesn't value the weekend
Cucked wageslave pls leave
nope. the gun wouldn't even exist if he didn't make it. he just wants to guilt trip me for something I didn't even do. I never crucified anyone. some jews did a long time ago. what does that have to do with me?
They always forget about the 30 days after that and everything that came before it.
But, whatever, if those three days is what someone truly believes to be the start and end of his suffering then I'm happy to let them think that. Jesus suffered for the foolish, too.
Absolute blasphemy, of course it's pushed by the jew, they are vermin, they are deniers of Christ. They always want to exalt themselves and cant stand to be humbled. but every knee shall bend.
He's a very busy man.
Hindu escatology is so much mor einteresting that the stupid heaven/hell dichotomy
what's 30 days compared to all the people who burn in hell forever because they didn't believe in sourceless claims of magical sky daddies?
God literally gives you free will, that's why you can chose not to believe in him you faggot
You are an idiot.
The gun exists because eve ate the fucking apple, meaning humans evolved past their natural animalistic selfs and started to destroy eachother and nature and raping fucking babies and animals.
But you would not know that because you did not read the fucking bible you moron.
Hell as you think you know it is fan fiction based on the Greco-Roman idea of Hades.
The Bible only refers to the lake of fire; not eternal punishment, simply obliteration.
Asshole. You defeat death. Give me a ting when you do.
I never ate the forbidden fruit. I never raped a baby. what do the sins of two retards living in a garden have to do with me?
If you think it's not real then why are you worried about it?
If someone else thinks it's real but you don't, why are you worried about what someone else thinks?
Sounds like you do think it's real and you're a little worried.
But if you don't believe in him you'll get cast into a lake of fire for eternity according to the Bible. So is that REALLY "free will"?
You would if morals were never created, dumbfuck.
>Evolving past animals
Fucking christcucks, I swear.
>choose not to believe in one of thousands of religions
christcucks are sad
stop cursing
I get your anger, brother, but spit that poison from your mouth before it burns forever!
Yes that is.
>>dies in literally worst way possible
jesus didn't die, he had a loss of faith in humanity.
He did some soul searching, came back, and told people he was leaving for good.
then as usual, evil, self centered humans used this event as an excuse to continue being as evil as possible under the explanation that "bruh, jesus died for our sins we can do what we want now"
god was a dick anyway, he basically cucked joseph. His "followers" are assholes too. No adultery? really? what, it's okay if god does it?
I never said I was worried. I'm just trying to point out logical fallacies in your religion and maybe make you see why you believe in utter bullshit. I'm just trying to redpill you guys.
>yeah son don't believe me as you want but burn like a motherfucker for eternity
Yep seems my thoughts would be pretty fucking free
>20 post down.
Shame on you Sup Forums
no I wouldn't. I have no desire to do such things. are you saying you'd rape babies if it wasn't considered immoral? damn you're weird.
You dont literally burn in hell. Hell is just a place where God is not there, where His protection from chaos doesn't reach. It arises as a choice of rejecting God. God didn't create Hell. The notion of rejecting God is what created hell (thanks a lot Lucifer). Atheists and unapologetic sinners, like another user said, are sending themselves there by rejecting God and His protection.
>Lake of fire for eternity
Eternal suffering is only ever attributed to Satan and his angels.
>it's an atheist Jew bashing Christianity episode
the bible says "eternal damnation". I am pretty sure that means forever. You are probably got that information from some jews or protestant. The only bible version today that is closest tranlated from original text is the Douay–Rheims bible.
time for a redpill suppository:
jesus christ never existed
I am saying you would not consider it wrong if nobody ever invented morals.
Why can't you read?
>freewill is what makes human more evolved than animals
>give them freewill
Seems like god is always doing stupid meanliness things
>Gets nailed to a cross and dies in a slow and horribly agonizing way
>lol he gave up a weekend
>he doesn't watch gore on internet
Christians are such pussy faggots. Even Sup Forums has some obviously more painful death than nailed on a stick
god created everything. god has the power to protect me wherever I am because he is all powerful. he created hell. he created Lucifer knowing full well what would happen. he created evil. this is all his doing.
What an incredible faggot you are. You can suck my disgusting cockmeat til shit cums out, and you can do it with a smile. Fuck god and fuck you, you're both stupid nigger faggots.
>says the man who can legally suck dog dick in his atheist country
And yes, I know it is technically possible in here too.
>the bible says "eternal damnation"
Let's see the verse.
Please stop calling him "Jesus"
He is Joseph's wife's son.
>The gun exists because eve ate the fucking apple
God created Eve, the Apple, every blade of grass in the garden of Eden and the concept of "original", "sin" and "original sin".
>meaning humans evolved past their natural animalistic selfs and started to destroy eachother and nature and raping fucking babies and animals.
You're trying to legitimize causality over its being causal, without realizing that we qere talking about ethics. Sure, you can give me all the lore you want ("eating the fruits implies this which implies that" and so on), but you're still not considering that God made it all up.
You say that Eve eating the forbidden fruit results in people evolving past their natural sense. Every single part of this argument is arbitrary: God could have just decided to do otherwise.
Since he is supposedly omnipotent, every idealized form of existence we can think about could have existed. Once you have this vast array of choices, the fact that God chose this reality is simply obscene, and unethical in the most profound sense.
No surprise that the basic principle of Christianity is to suppress your critical judgement in order to find love for the Lord.
no. you said I would do it if morality didn't exist, therefore you claim that I want to rape babies, but don't because it's immoral. learn to read please.
>makes every non believer and non christian burn forever for the lolz
yeah he sure """loves""" us
jesus spent 3 days in hell then rose to heaven
hes been dead since he died (cant believe i have to say this)
God gave you free will and respected it. You rejected God. You go where God is not. Yet you blame God for the logical conclusion of your choice He is giving you because He is not forcing you like an automoton to believe in Him and behave. Literally, your argument is "Why doesn't God protect me even though I completely reject Him?" It is the argument of a rebellious child upset at a parent for respecting the wishes of the child for the parenr to stay away.
Matthew 25:41
If I was Jesus I would have stepped down off the cross and judged every single one of those Christ killing kikes right then and there and sent them to their eternal hellfire. But Jesus didn't do that he continued to suffer and die for our sins and thats what makes him Jesus.
The Jews worship themselves. They went from being Gods chosen to rejecting God and worshipping themselves.
he created me knowing in advance every decision I'd ever make because he knows everything so that's bullshit. unless you're willing to say he doesn't know everything, which would contradict the bible.
It doesn't contradict the bible because God can see the choices we could make but not the one we will actually make. Otherwise it would not be complete free will.
you can't claim that your creation disobeyed you if you made it disobey you in the first place.
So now your argument is "why doesn't God just make me do things?"
>how was i supposed to know i shouldn't rape someone
>how was i supposed to know i shouldn't murder someone
>its the devils fault i did those things despite me knowing the law and having free will not to do those things why am i going to hell?
>how can you let me leave the house forever after I threatened to leave the house forever, dad!
the server admin knows everything that goes on in the server , how is that a hard thing to grasp..
unless your IQ is below 40 lol
so he doesn't know what will happen in the future then. that means he's not all knowing which does in fact contradict the bible. by your logic if I asked him what for example my neighbour is going to do tomorrow he wouldn't have the answer.
>Then he shall say to them also that shall be on his left hand: Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels.
Fire everlasting for the devil and his angels. The closest you'll get to the idea that human souls would suffer eternally is simply implication.
Meanwhile in Ezekiel 18:20
>The soul that sinneth, the same shall die
And Revelations 20:14
>And hell and death were cast into the pool of fire. This is the second death
Ressurection in Revelations is followed by judgement, leading to either eternity with God or a return to death.