Academic Journal: Newtonian Physics Is ‘Oppressive’ to Marginalized People

Academic Journal: Newtonian Physics Is ‘Oppressive’ to Marginalized People

Culture and gender-studies researcher Whitney Stark argues that Newtonian physics is oppressive. A feminist scholar has published a paper claiming that Newtonian physics is oppressive and that we must use “quantum feminisms” to make the science more intersectional. In a paper for The Minnesota Review, culture and gender-studies researcher Whitney Stark argues that Newton’s understanding of physics is oppressive because it has “separated beings” based on their “binary and absolute differences” — a structure that she calls “hierarchical and exploitative” — and the same kind of system is “embedded in many structures of classification,” making it “part of the apparatus that enables oppression.”

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It's also racist because black people can't compute it. There's a lot to do in the computer area too:



sadly this kind of shit isn't new. There are feminist papers that literally say that having a society that values LOGIC is oppressive because it disporportionately favors men, and that a woman's "intuition" should be valued equally to a logical argument.
>>Implying our society values logic

compootahs are races because they are hard to use and black people cant use them becuz its too hard for dem.

paraphrased but basically a quote from some nigger

Back to the Stone Age, Season 1: everything I don't understand is oppression

i need links m8
this can't be real

You know, when shit like this is considered mainstream legit science, you kinda start to understand why nowadays there's such an increase in flat earthers and other tinfoil hat freaks.

Want more? Brace yourself:

What the cunting fuck did I just read?

>women feel opressed because they can't do men things
>women sperg out and we let them do men things
>they're offended that they can't do shit with feelings instead of intellect
>they sperg out more

lets replace calculus with feminism one and two in engineering schools

everything is fine

Niggers can't even follow the laws of physics

>Integrals are now known as "intersexgrals".



Please harass this cunt.

[email protected]


racial gravity

[email protected]

>Calculating the force of Jamals cock with each thrust.

Just you wait, they'll have that shit being taught at A level/GCSE.

>quantum feminisms
quantum memetics is here lads. rev up your meme machines!


I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

This shit is why the aliens won't talk to us

When does the joke get tired and people start beating these retards to death for their insufferable stupidity.
Every time I hear something coming out of a marxists mouth I always think "what a complete waste of everyone's time".
Shit like this is the reason we don't have flying cars and live on mars.

>Every time I hear something coming out of a marxists mouth I always think "what a complete waste of everyone's time".
Because you'll get an idiot that actually agrees with them or someone with money that will enable them.

They are enablers and they must all die.


>i want to see how they will manage to do this with women studies or an engineer degree...

Awww nigger made a metaphor, how clever, he thinks he's people. Let's publish it in an academic journal.

>Note: This is a programming language written by and for FEMINISTS, not WOMEN. LEARN THE DIFFERENCE, YOU MISOGYNIST
I can't even tell if this is satire anymore

Racial gravity hmmmm so niggers are compelled to do crime because of mass of earth or what

it's the patriarchy!