(((Simone Veil))), (((holohoax survivor)))...

(((Simone Veil))), (((holohoax survivor))), (((liberal feminist))) and Jewish French politician who got abortion legalised, thus paving the way for low white birth rates and mass immigration, just died.

Press S to spit on grave. Tfu.


Other urls found in this thread:


make it 6000001


>tfw the Zyklon B kicks in 72 years later


She got aborted at 89 - tragic.


>She defeats, with other members of the government, the project of forcible return of 100,000 Algerians per year preached by Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, whose policy of return financial aid failed
This is what happens when you let kikes in your governments, you get stuck with millions of shitskins you could have gotten rid of otherwise.

Press G to gas the Jew

Fucking savage


This is why Hitler did what he did

Think what you want of it, she was okay, not a third-wave raging feminist, she was always a good person

sure, but what matters is what she did and the consequences of what she did

t. Jean-Luc Cuckoix


>(((Simone Veil))), (((holohoax survivor))), (((liberal feminist))) and Jewish French politician
Was she a Jew?

wtf i like poles now



not sure, she didn't look so bad for a kikess

I don't think legalizing abortion is that horrible. Most girls in France still think getting aborted is horrible, but necessary as a law

Without her France wouldn't have needed immigration at all and would have a dynamic white population.

Right, and what's 8 million aborted fetuses anyway, we don't need an extra 8 million white people when we can just import le based diverse Africans


she actually fought against Algerians being sent away see

She was almost turned into a lampshade goy!

How come you speak french/know about our politics kurwanon ?

S, burn in hell kike.

on sending Algerians back:
>Finally, in the face of opposition from Prime Minister Raymond Barre, Simone Veil, most members of the government and the Council of State, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing will put an end to his project in January 1980. The year The left will come to power by taking the exact opposite of the previous policy: 130,000 foreigners will be regularized and the return aid will be abolished.
whew, she saved France from getting rid of shitskins and then the left improved France further by regularising a ton of illegal shitskins!

Je suis un breton en exil permanent

Her real name is Simone Jacob, lot of jews took french names after WW2.


"Veil" comes from her marriage with goy Antoine Veil, she was calling herself "Simone Jacquier" during the war though


>implying people who had abortions didn't have a child later

>abortion has no effect of natality
kek, right. Okay, it might be true to some extent, so instead of 8 million missing people let's say there's... 6 million.

Good job, bitching about immigrants after immigrating to another country...
I'd bet good money on the fact you can barely utter three words in polish

>>tfw the Zyklon B kicks in 72 years later
I would be lying if I said I didn't laugh. I feel bad about it, but I did laugh.


guess the SS missed a few



t. kike

>t. cuck
I'm about as desirable as a migrant is gonna get, I eat pierogi and kabanosy not baguette or couscous, I pay more in taxes than the average pole, I don't even take any local's job (Internet business), I think more highly of Polish values than French values, I actually enjoy Polish culture (I've pretty much seen every classic movie), I'm learning the language, I'm not trying to change Poland to be more like France in any way.

Contrast that with shitskins who won't let women into their bars and tell you the 93 isn't really France.

Based poles

t. fastest declining country of the west
At least you still have the commonwealth, right ?

>ordure cosmopolite is trying to make this thread descend into generic flag banter
pls no.

Rot in hell you slimy hag.


Abortions infamously hinder fertility.
Where there could have been 8 children, now there can only be 3, because the body thinks its broken.

Abortion stops the liberal sluts from reproducing and gets rid of the genetic fuckups. Kys lifecuck.

t. useless global organisation that we in-part control

>tfw I believe in eugenics so I actually agree with that
thanks for reminded how conflicted I am

*reminding me

You don't even control your own country dipshit
Fair enough, I was going to call you out on calling me a cuck while you fled like a bitch instead of resisting, but I'll let you have fun with your thread
Enjoy your ukrainian hookers I guess


They spelled vile wrong.

>fastest declining country of the west

Actually Germany

>like a bitch
>not wanting to stay among angry cucks who think "Nazis" like me are everything wrong while I get fined thousands of euros for saying what I think is sensible and not wanting my numerous future white children to grow up among savage shitskins and see my daughters be harassed everyday until they decide to put on a full-body trashbag is being a bitch
k. I won't even bother to ask what futile actions you call """resisting""". Nothing you can do can even slow down the inevitable in your kiked country.


it's not a race, and if it is it's hard to tell who's really ahead. Germany is right up there though.



>Je suis un breton en exil permanent
how's poland?
it looks pretty great from trucks of peace territory now

>she was calling herself "Simone Jacquier" during the war though
i'm feeling the führor rising

>Internet business
so you moved to poland just for convenience, not because your business needs it?

and contraception does that too
>telling young fertile girls they should wait to have children, putting them on hormones, and killing any pregnancy they have
guess what


It is! If you're not a cuck and don't hate catholics you'll get along great with people, everything is cheap (salaries are low, but that's not my problem). If you're French the main caveat is that you won't have the nanny state to take care of everything for you, I left France a long time ago so I never got to get hooked to it so I don't miss it. Definitely at least worth experiencing at least once to see how you like it.

Correct, I was looking for the best place to live.


she was alright and against the retarded american feminism. F

>but what matters is what she did
which was ok. You don't seem to know anything about her outside of her name.



>en exil permanent
lol l'immigrant se plaint des immigrants. T'as pas de face, mec. Pire qu'un bougnoule.

>she legalised abortion
>it's okay goyim it's just on-demand abortion
>it's okay because it only goes up to 12 weeks and not 24 like in America
the sad thing about French posters on Sup Forums is that they still can't help but betray their brainwashing aka (((republican values)))

>T'as pas de face
>I'm the nigger
see if niggers were anything like me you'd import all of Africa as fast as you can, which granted wouldn't change much from the current approach.


kek, Lesquen going hard


Kek. Why are we always enemies, Poland?


This is disgusting how EVERY media outlet and EVERY policician revere her as some sort of Saint.
Apparently comment sections on news websites are heavily moderated to erase any opinion contrary to the narrative.

On a side note, some theorize she's behind pushing 1970's Chirac goverment into allowing family reunions for the millions of north-african workers back then.
Reducing european births on one side and allowing muslim families to come in and replace the natives on the other side. If that were to be true Veil would have accomplished a bigger genocide than Hitler himself.

fuck, she's good. You're probably right, H2L agrees with you


We didn't have to be if you weren't such morons in the past or now.

It's so sad to see a nation, once so well organized, pragmatic and creative, to turn against themselves in a suicidal lunacy.

Pic related.





>Thursday, September 23, midnight and a half. Tuesday morning I had my breakfast, at the Sofitel in Strasbourg, in company of Finkielkraut who returned directly to Paris. I do not know how, the conversation fell - ah so, I was talking about the Journal 2009, which I'm working on, and I would not have been surprised if some parts were censored ... - about Valéry Giscard d'Estaing. I told him of the remarks made last year by the former president and that the dogma of the non-existence of races was proclaimed to please the Jews who became nervous in the seventies. According to Finkielkraut, the need to please the Jews would be very present in Giscard's mind, for the same Giscard told him Finkielkraut, who asked him about family reunification, that this measure had been taken to to please Simone Veil ...

Fuck. I hoped this wasn't true we were played like that by another people.

I'd prefer we fall from our own mistakes rather than being tricked by a vile a bitter tribe.

can't put women under the responsibility to bare offspring, but having unlimited shitskin in your country, no problem.

why is it so impossible to like jews, how is that even possible that some random kike gets a say

S for this jewish cunt.
F cause abortion should be legal for victim of rape, teenager, people out of marriage.
and mandatory for clandestin and immigrant. i meant sterilisation.

there is nothing wrong with abortion.
deal with it.

Next you are going to tell me that whenever a woman has a period it's murder, because that egg could be a person :'(

Fucking idiots

An egg on it's own unferitilized isn't a feotus. Yes, abortion is murder and women are dumb and naive and think they have a 'right' to murder.

The proliferatoin and normalisation is of abortion is one of the sickest things to happen in human history.

>it should be legal to murder the unborn if people aren't married
k, I'll only agree if it's for eugenic reasons.

>killing this is the same thing as having your periods for the LGBTPINZ

It is wrong you degenerate.

every fucking time

enough is enough

8 million aborted fetuses means 8 million sets of fetal organs. What do you suppose that fetched on the black market?

Pisses me the fuck off.
Literally every female I know, who is "pro-choice" thinks that abortet fetuses are just a lump of cells and don't resemble a human whatsoever

One less to worry about ... theme: m.youtube.com/watch?v=gEPmA3USJdI

there are literally MILLION of children right now on this world who are ill/hungry/abused/suffer


but when it's about a numb peace of meat with no consciousness or feelings that ONLY LOOKS LIKE A HUMAN (protip: it's not)




Based singapore brining da zyklon bantz

I only care about white children.