Watch the video, share it and finally open a new bear and laugh at CNN.
Watch the video, share it and finally open a new bear and laugh at CNN.
Other urls found in this thread:
Too late. I've just slit open an endangered Panda. I still had a laugh anyway.
He;s right. Drumpf is a clown and your average murrican voter is an idiot.
Get fucked you will never be a first world country with your retarded leadership hahahaha
What's the jist?
You could've left it for dead meme credits.
Multiple things in here. Firstly another CNN producer admitted that they are only objective in theory and then CNN got caught editing pro Trump comments, which basically was proof for voter proof.
Dammit you´re right, that would`ve been good bait for sure.
>German flag
You are blacker than me, pal
CNN? More like Caught Normie News HAHAHAHAHAHHA *breather in* HAHAHHAHAHA
Not yet. Hopefully Trump will wake some people up here.
Hans I´m sorry, but he is kinda right :P
>journalist saying voters are stupid as shit
In other news, water is wet and birds fly
Why does nobody seem to care about these videos?
you mean crack open a bear.
Trump 2020
Yeah opening a beer would be too easy... pffft.
anyone that trusted CNN already might care. i have know they are steering the narrative for a long time.
How the fuck did they get unedited audio of a full CNN segment, impressive
It has to be the Camera man that got outed for playing a fake protester AHAHAHAHAHAHA
Bump everyone of these CNN threads pls. It has to stay on page 1. Thx.
>people unironically still believe things produced by James o'Queef
Someome there didnt trust cnn. Funny that
>people unironically still try and shill
Surely people will stop giving brock cash one day
These are the others:
$0.001 has been deposited into your account
Thank you. CNN has to fall apart HAHAHAHA
t. Jeff zucker
>Trump is an idiot and so are Americunt voters
Veritas just shot themselves in the foot with this one.
WTF I love CNN now
>not using a pure polar bear
We should all take a break from this nothing burger and get some sleep.
He looks like a total ass fag.
Nice try spam faggo
He also posted on the other veritas thread
CNN is filled with deluded homosexual leftists who parrot and push cultural Marxist talking points.
James O'Keefe is a fuckin hero.
No sliding please.
I was referring to this
Because people are happy and safe big feed confirmation bias
Do I have to repeatadly bump this with Hans? Wake the fuck up Burgers.
fuk u
I didn´t insult you Trigglypuff.
Checked and thank you. I think/ hope they are in the other threads.
Cnn is a joke.
Have a bump from a Californian supporter of Trump.
CNN needs to buuuurn.
Would be fun to try an organize a class-action defamation suit against CNN for calling us all 'Stupid as shit.'
Because anyone who isn't a subhuman is already aware CNN and the rest of the media are Democrat shills run by Jews.
Money making wrecks media, journal publishers knew it long before television came to existence. It was a common complaint in the early 20th century among "bookworm clubs" that newspapers are trying to addict public and then shit goes down by the road of simplification and sensationalism.
Why would we put trust to private owned, profit oriented companies? It takes years to kill one popular newspaper and nurture another, and then the vicious cycle of degradation repeats.
this is his new bombshell?
HAHAHAHAHA O'Keefe confirmed as hoaxer
Impressive undercover work
Fucking rekt hahahhahahaha
If Cnn told you to get fucked by Jamal in the ass, to satisfy their sexual frustration, would you do it?
voters are dumb as shit? I'm shocked and appalled good sir.
Any fresh memes, or salty liberal responses?
Their morning show producer calls Trump crazy and anti American, says 90% of their colleagues agree. Also says that 90% of voters are fucking stupid. Recaps how Russia coverage is coming from a mandate from the board who push it for ratings. Also a section on selective editing where CNN edited Trump voters responses to sound like they had zero evidence to support Trump's illegal voter claims when the respondent did and was actually a poll watcher.
This is so bad.
He says literally the same shit any Anti Trump Liberal would say..
If anything this will encourage liberals to talk more shit and feel empowered that the whole media is on their side
>cnn producer calls American voters idiots
>cnn producer says that 90% of his immediate coworkers think trump is crazy
>cnn caught editing the fuck out of interviews
you can say KAC looks like she was hit with a shovel, you just can't mention when it makes her bleed
CNN is being crashed with no survivors!
O'Keefe confirmed big guy for us.
To be fair O Keefe probably selectively edited things out too
if o'keefe would tell you the earth is flat, would you believe it?
Sup Forums was wrong again.
Fuck CNN
CNN on sudoku watch. This is beautiful.
This desu senpai
Kellyanne is bae
Most popular news organization in America just admitted their 24/7 Russia coverage was bullshit.
Only a stupid leaf could not care about that
>niggerbabble b8 post
checks out
sorry, I don't hand out (you)'s to the mentally retarded
>protip: niggers have retard level iqs
Yeah not only that they all hit YouTube trending #1, everyone is watching this
Woops actually a smart leaf, sorry about that
Hey paid shill,
You used the lack of sleep line too many times. We can always tell....
Mention to your manager the next person they hire could be one of us.
Just remember
The MSM, The Hollywood elites, The DC insiders don't hate Trump
They hate YOU
They told you who to vote for and You didn't
They told you how to think and you ignored them
They told you to hate Trump and you defied them
They hate YOU because you broke the conditioning'
They hate YOU because you don't vote how they tell you
They hate YOU because you publicly disagree with them
When Colbert is bashing Trump his contempt is for YOU the people who voted for him
Remember now and always The MSM, Hollywood, and the DC elites since the 60's have been calling YOU racists, sexist, theocrats, hatemongers etc
They encouraged the BLM rights and cheered as people were attacked and neighborhoods burned
They encourage and PAID thugs to attack Trump supporters at rallies
Bernie celebrated shutting the Chicago Trump rally down
They celebrated paid goons and Antifa shutting down free speech
It isn't Trump they hate and fear it is YOU because you do not follow their instructions
I hate to piss on your parade here but I don't think this is going to negatively effect CNN's ratings at all.
Anyone still watching CNN obviously doesn't fact check and is just looking for confirmation bias.
Pic related was the exact moment I stopped taking CNN seriously.
give up already!!!
So in a month CNN has:
>been caught on video faking a protest
>been caught on video admitting that they're just making shit up for ratings
>been caught on video calling the voters of America "dumb as shit"
Video very related:
Give up what? Your post is vague and confusing.
That you John Podesta?
>been caught on video faking a protest
that wasnt a faked protest
>been caught on video admitting that they're just making shit up for ratings
they never said this
just that trump improves their ratings
>been caught on video calling the voters of America "dumb as shit"
It's not proof of voter fraud in any way, shape or form. But, it's absolute proof of misrepresenting someone's statements, and selectively editing footage to make him look like an idiot. It's just another example of blatant dishonesty from cnn.
.025¢ has been deposited into your account
Didn't part two hit #1 or #2 on Trending just a while ago? How is part three moving so slowly?
>no no no no
this is true