What is disease, Alex.
white folks are diseased?
I apologize that you weren't good enough to defend your homeland.
B..b..ut we only tried to gib them blankets.
I thought it was 200. :^)
So you're no better than the shitskin horde? Tells you about America actually.
>there's people who fall for this shit
what was Gulag?
The killer was in the government blankets
Have we not been telling people to defend our homeland against the shitskin horde?
At that time, very. We were walking bioweapons.
Cortez killed half of the 100 gorillion.
We are the real nazis and i am fine with that
sorry thats all been debunked:
100 million I thought that only 60 million buffalos were killed
>100 million
REALLY doubt that that many people ever concurrently lived in North America prior to the European age of discovery. Unless you're trying to count >Hispanics as white in this particular instance to bolster your argument, in which case you're probably still way overestimating how many people lived in the western hemisphere
kek, who cares about some fuckign indians?
Native Americans were already being ravaged by disease before Europeans even showed up, and over half of their population was already dead. They would have been wiped out without European intervention anyway. Just sayin.
My question is, Britains fault or Americas fault?
>slap mouth and scream
>make fire and put rug above and make smoke signal
>slap mouth again and scream more
they sure as hell seemed interesting
There were only 3-10 million native Americans when whites landed. That 100 is as accurate as Muh 6 million
There was ~950 million people alive at that time worldwide, killing 100 million off with less than 3 million that came to Americas is a meme.
>400 year war
>100 million
>4 million per year
>10958.9 a day
>456.6 per hour
>7.6 per minute
nevere forgt
I'm a Pawnee Tribe member.
1. Disease is what mainly killed the indians; it's not like they were stuffing us in ovens or gassing us.
2. It wasn't "evil white man vs poor lil injun"; many tribes sided with European powers against other tribes. For instance, a lot of Pawnee enlisted in the US Cavalry as scouts to kill the Sioux.
3. Indian culture, like nigger culture, is backwards and promotes poverty / dependence on the state / community for everyday life. Luckily my great-grandmother saw how pathetic and backwards the culture was and told all her children to marry white woman, otherwise I'd be a fucking drunk, diabetic, fat ass roley poley gibsmedat loser on the reservation.
4. You can tell who's a smug, out of touch, shit eating grin coastal liberal when they use the term "Native American". I've never heard a real person say this. You say "Indian" or "Injun", and if you want to be fancy it's "American Indian". And no, nobody cares about the Washington Redskins.
That blanket bullshit is a myth.
lol, dumb lards being brainwashed with blanket fairy tale
The Beothuk should be the template used to deal with native peoples.
What about the people who the "native" Americans genocided?
Oh that's right. Liberals don't care about those.
>Who would win
>100 000 000 Indians
>2000 Europeans
technically still are
gotta get shots to travel
So are the Asians and Africans going to apologise since the diseases started there?
An absolute shit ton of Europeans died too but they won't mention that.
100 million is the top guesstimate for the entire America's. With North America limited to 2-18 million. 80-90% kill rate. Now that's efficiency.
So that's how you genocide then... Taking notes.
They also won't mention the indians were some of the most brutal fighters that would massacre entire settlements. Fighting them was literally a war of survival, they put up a great fight but lost.
I wish they would have finished the fucking job.
That number is bullshit but, living on a reservation for a while, they are all degenerate niggers.
I wish they would have finished the fucking job.
That number is bullshit but, after living on a reservation for a while, I know they are all degenerate niggers.
>100 million
Yeah im sure that number is totally accurate.
>MFW I was just in Gary Johnsonland and was on the rez for a couple hours and it was atrocious
Fix your shit, savages.
fuck Adam Sandler that fucking dried up old kike. Do Natives hate Sandler? Do Natives watch animes? also I thought Natives would love Trump since he wants to deport mexicans.
thank you for the redpill
Not the first time and definitely not the last.
Based Injun is based.
Yeah well white people needed that land to go to the moon and shit, so sorry you couldn't just sit around making things out of feathers until the end of time.
Learn to fight.
The biggest genocide in history is currently happening, only it won't be remembered as such
People get shots because others have an illness.
E.G. Refugees have Tuberculosis germans do not
I'll apologize for the Indian genocide as soon as American Indians apologize for the genocide they committed against neighboring tribes.
Up too 100 million in North Central and south America.
Yet the picture shows a northern plains native wanting you to think it was just in the US
Most die of natural causes
That was some case and the officer who decided to do it was told not.to do it anymore also most likely zero people got it, small pox dies quickly once it's not in the hoist
Every living nation was a shitskin horde at some point.
Native Americans are fucking idiots, are you kidding me? On top of that, the conditions of your slums are fuuucked.
Also, don't look at us, look at the Spaniards.
And they still dont bitch as much as nogs
>white folks are diseased?
No, Indians were, that's why they died.
No, actually, it never happened.
Read this published paper from the University of Michigan.
>Most of the people were Christians
Ha, yeah, Christian natives maybe.
The Natives slaughtered each other for land with European weapons so they could collect more beaver fur, and sell it to the Europeans for weapons to kill more natives for more fur etc.
Happened in New Zealand.
Happened in Africa.
Genociding a native population is so much more taxing than letting them fight it out.
100 million is an absolutely ridiculous number.
About 95% of the natives living on rez is nigger tier. Blackfoot nation checking in, thanks based Europeans for electricity and houses and shit. DESU it would be boring as fuck over here without you guys.
Feel like those people want to outvictimize each other.
It was 300 billion, stupid Wasi'chu
I'll admit it was wrong when liberals can admit mass foreign immigration is wrong.
What's hilarious is being native around the blacks. They constantly try to play the race card and get shot down...black people are in the oppression olympics with jews and now illegal mexicans. Most natives I've met can't stand the blacks.
lol 90% lived below the rio grande and live on in what we now call Hispanics. You really think 100 million natives lives in what was today the US mainland? We were are all the mass graves? Also it's more like 120-130 million died, but who is actually counting?
uh there werent any graves cuz we burned them in giant ovens that we built then destroyed the ovens to cover up the truth
So ((they)) are implying that 300 years ago there were 100 million+ Indians living in the United States? 1/3rd the current population of the US?
How fucking stupid is everyone nowadays?
I'm 1/4th Coos and let me tell you, Natives were fucking violent and if we had united we would've won a war against English colonists within a fucking day.
The tribes that weren't asking for it didn't get it, shit like small pox blankets were justified, and we're better off as a people for what has happened because I guarantee we would've wiped each other out by now otherwise.
What I am mad about though is that nothing is being done about all the niggers and mexishits.
The monarchies around the world need to pay reparations to every single pleb on the planet.
Start with:
The white people cause they were sent to acquire their wealth, they deserve a share for losing so many family members for their profits and because they did all the dirty work for (((king and country)))
Then the natives cause they were fucking butchered and fucked over and over again on treaties when resources were discovered on their granted land. Also cause of the rez system that killed their rights to migrate with the animals and basically fucked up their way of life.
The Asians: chinks cause of the opium wars and the general barbarism that was done to them. Imperial Japan did some sick shit
And pretty much all gooks cause the US be loving the war. The Vietnamese should get some bonus cause they fucked up the USA and were worthy opponents.
Last the blacks cause they been getting too many gibs but still were treated like fucking cattle.
>bows and arrows vs rifles and coordinated military tactics
nigger tier logic, nigger.
Read "Empire of the Summer Moon" of you think Native Americans didn't give as good as they got. They lost in the end but it was hardly a genocide. Besides, most genocides don't happen over 500 years and involve 5 major powers that pretty much were at war with one another the entire time.
100 : 1
Fucking emus won over an organized army, twice
So mass immigration is a bad thing?
The brits alone could have wiped out the injus with those odds. Throw in the combined might of england, france, spain, and any other european power who wants indian land...and sorry new nigger, but there'd be no contest. MMA fighters vs. kindergartners.
two guys with machine guns != an army.
None of that shit happened though, have you ever read a history book leaf nigger?
1000 to 1 wouldn't have made any difference.
You don't win a war against something 2 thousand years ahead of you in armament and 3 thousand years ahead of you in tactics.
Sorry they weren't as evolved as we were to survive disease.
of course that shit didn't happen. You injuns got your asses beat.
Indians were not even out of the state of nature at that time. It'd be akin to the europeans slaughtering gophers.
smokum peace pipe with us, my man
dey dindu nuffin
You're alright, Indian man.
You're alright.
It was inevitable.
They were fighting a war on their homeland against an enemy whose population and production centers were too far away to effectively capture and hold with their technology and logistics capabilities.
oy vey
what are you doing goy
don't take the gentiles sympathy away from god's chosen people
Dumb thread. Go get a Micro scope and get the microorganisms that killed off 99 of that 100 million to apologize. Faggot
That was the estimated population of the entire continent at the time that Columbus discovered it.
About 95% of that number rapidly died out as European diseases rapidly spread across the continent from contacts with various explorers and conquistadors.
Germ Theory was nowhere near being widely accepted as the cause of disease until the late 1700s early 1800s. You can't even blame the spread of disease on European settlers because no one had a fucking clue.
Yeah they were brutal but their style of warfare was hugely ineffective in terms of grand strategy.
I didn't kill them, whats done is done
However, europe is going on NOW, and we can take it back.
Besides, bet OP isn't even a native
>inb4 1/64th cherokee
Natives only won when they were backed by European powers retard. When other Europeans aren't funding and training you Europeans would wipe the floor with you.
fyi, indians genocided each other. americans were too busy farming to chase indians in the woods for months on end.
Actually this is a jew lie.
Small pox has a short shelf-life when on non biological items (like a blanket).
The SPANISH were actually the ones to fuck up the natives. They came before us and were the gifted the Small pox about 100 years prior.
Heck the Norwegians technically came hundreds of years before either one of us, couldve been them for all we know.
>people bitch about killing the natives and taking their land
>as they continue to live on the stolen 'blood land'
Apex kek.
Red skinned digits of truth