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Like, who gives a shit if 2 people of the same sex marries? It's not like they are bothering anyone or interfering with the life of others. Only christcucks are against it because "muh man and womyn tradition"
She is literally the one who let the vote happen in the first place
Because marriage is a religious endeavour, and the function can be implemented by same sex civil unions.
She voted no because she knew it didn't matter. It would pass anyway.
So she pretended to be for "muh christian values" to bolster her old people stance before the election.
This, this was nothing more than a publicity stunt so she can say to the German people "Look, I'm conservative, vote for me again!".
Why is it between a man and a woman? Because of religion.
Why is a man and a woman in a relationship a common law marriage? Because marriage is not defined by religious marriage but by the law.
So why is gay marriage defined by religious marriage? Because it is.
>yfw their incompatible logic can't hold up and in the end the victims are straight men and gay men
Wtf I love Merkel now
What is wrong with her of late?
Name a Muslim country that does allow same sex marriage.
United Kingdom
She's just virtue signaling to the Right. A completely empty gesture.
don't buy it, she's trying to get re-elected
fuck off filthy faggot
She was supposed to be the leader of the Free world!! Nooooooo
She knows it won't pass, she's just making sure the Christian voterbase doesn't go anywhere
I'm pretty far right and I never had an issue with gays. Merkel just wants Europe to burn.
>implying she isn't pandering to the Muslim vote
What a confused cunt she is. But I guess it goes hand in hand with her plan to implement Sharia law.
Wonder how all the cucks who praise her as the new leader of the free world will take this.
This guy gets it
Because only men and women can procreate. All sexual activity outside of marriage is an abomination and the purpose of marriage is pro creation
The article is bait though. She never said anything against same sex marriage
Being Gay is not part of the NWO's plan
exactly, virtue signaling won't win our hearts
No it isn't. The concept of a union between two partners predates Christ by a considerable amount.
>purpose of marriage is pro creation
You could do that without marrying. It's not like the law dictates whether you are able to have a family without having the government's approval. Marriage is just a form of bond between 2 people that want to be with each other. Gender doesn't matter really.
How can she do this? I thought she was the most left leaning leader of all? She likes the goatfuckers more than fags?
election time
>our destiny
whose destiny? because she definitely does not mean Germans
>Marriage is just a form of bond between 2 people that want to be with each other. Gender doesn't matter really.
>literally the only thing merkel did semi right
>probably only did it to appease muslims
>muh idealized white culture
You are aware this was never a thing, right? I can find modern pictures of women looking exactly the same as the upper photographs. Cherrypicking that shit is pointless and retarded.
Your understanding of history is retarded. There never was a "white paradise" full of hardworking religious white males. It was always full of alcoholics, smokers, junkies, and wifebeating mongrels. It's time to give up your children's fantasies of the past.
>Knowing that the bill would pass she wants the center-right white vote and Muslim support
She is a professional
It doesn't matter what happens she always win
She said multiculturalism has failed over 4 times during the past 10 years, every time after she allowed millions to enter the german border.
you got nothin kid
Wouldn't that mean that she will lose the support of the SJW's and the libcucks?
I guess Krauts aren't completely cucked.
she already got their vote, they aren't going to vote Schulz because he is a israeli ''white'' male.
*Black man
*White woman
And? The culture of european marriage is something that is deeply connected to christianity, no matter what origins it has. Even then pagans would look to the gods to seal their bonds. The allowing of same sex "marriage" is just another crack in the crumbling western culture, of which we must seal if we wish for our ideals to survive.
You wouldnt expect the leader of the free world to risk pissing off muslims would you?
The Eu destiny.
>marriage is a religious endeavour
Why do people believe in this meme? Do they really think there haven't been marriages before their favorite cult appropriated this basic social institution?
The whole point of marriage in the Western world is to normalize, promote and reward monogamy, loyalty, the presence of a father figure and a mother figure for a child to make sure they grow up in the best environment, and to promote reproduction. This is all done to preserve the traditional family unit, which is the cornerstone of any successful and stable society.
Gay marriage doesn't do any of that, in fact it goes against it. They even have "civil unions" as an alternative but they're not content with that. The idea of gay "marriage" never made any sense.
>In research with 942 nonclinical adult participants, gay men and lesbian women reported a significantly higher rate of childhood molestation than did heterosexual men and women. Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation.
>6% of married gays thought sexual fidelity was a neccesary part of marriage
>Despite numerous attempts to bias the results in favour of the null hypothesis and allowing for up to 20 (of 63, 32%) coding errors, Cameron's (2006) hypothesis that gay and lesbian parents would be more likely to have gay, lesbian, bisexual or unsure (of sexual orientation) sons and daughters was confirmed.
She's a secret Muslim convert
Remove yourself, christkike.
Bullllshit. Doesn't she always do little things like this to dupe people into thinking she's somehow not trying to annihilate them?
Securing the Muslim vote. Well played.
Civil marriage exists as a legal entity within most Western countries' laws. Get bent, religious zealots.
So why in the name of fucking slut do I have to be common law married to a girl I date for a year?
Because your religious fucking faggotry invests itself into my life and my laws
You fuck over decent people who dont want to get cucked by alimony in common law marriage
>all sexual activity outside of marriage is an abomination
Translation: "I'm a lonely neckbeard virgin"
You realize that it isn't cherrypicking, just because it hurts your feefees.
But it is cherrypicking.
Degenerates have always existed in all shapes and sizes. It's really nothing new. Perfect society is impossible, it's human nature to fuck things up.
We can only strive to make things better.
>Degenerates have always existed in all shapes and sizes.
Yes, but they weren't celebrated or normalized. It was frowned upon so people did their best to not become degenerates, because there were often laws or stigma against it. That's how you have a successful civilization, by upholding strong societal standards.
We no longer have a culture with shame and honor where the one in a million men who is legitimately a closet faggot like Alan Turing without being groomed to be one by the media or schools would shut up and do his duty to his people. There's no Western civilization without a strong family unit and institution of marriage, and that's what Europeans will find out as they get replaced by Muslims.
>We can only strive to make things better.
Yeah except we're doing the opposite now.
fuck merkel.
>Yes, but they weren't celebrated or normalized. It was frowned upon so people did their best to not become degenerates, because there were often laws or stigma against it.
There were degenerates, plenty of them. Just that how they were degenerate was normalized. Being an alcoholic was just "being one of the boys". In other words, being a drunk wastrel. While sexual promiscuity wasn't commonly flaunted in public, it was still practiced fairly regularly.
While things are different now, your picturesque vision of old times is fucking ridiculous and childish. You're basing your perception on the past with YOUR feefees because the idea that people were always shitty makes you feel sad.
There never was a white, high class noble society. It has always been and will always be mostly a society of mongrel degenerates that hide their degeneracy. That they hid it a little better 100 years ago is irrelevant.
>We no longer have a culture with shame and honor
We do, but they are espousing values of shame and honor that you don't agree with. Regardless, that you think olden cultures were all full of high noble values and were the peak of human morality makes you an idealistic naive retard.
Because it's an attack on the family unit, gays don't need marriage since they can't produce children.
Also it's a slippery slope toward gay adoption and surrogacy.
>You're basing your perception on the past with YOUR feefees because the idea that people were always shitty makes you feel sad.
No I'm basing it on having read a lot about the subject, and just basic knowledge (seeing what the German culture that gave us Goethe, Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner, etc. has become)
Of course some people have always been "shitty" but it wasn't as encouraged, and there were a lot more social/religious norms to circumvent it. Drinking liquor isn't the same as all the modern degeneracy, and being promiscuous being closed doors isn't the same as it being promoted all over the place in media, schools, culture, laws. It is something that should be kept private.
You're the one who's so brainwashed and naive that you mindlessly bought into the "progress" meme narrative that some things weren't different or better in the past.
>No I'm basing it on having read a lot about the subject
Sup Forums doesn't count as an academic source, idiot. Infographics are not historical facts.
>seeing what the German culture that gave us Goethe, Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner, etc. has become
This is a prime example of your idiocy. Because even today there are brilliant composers and musicians, and according to you it's during a time when we're the most socially degenerate. I wonder if in 100 years there will be dumb faggots just like you that look at video footage of orchestras in 2017 and think "Man, things were so much more elegant back then" just like you're doing now. The difference being that in 2017, we document much more of what is actually happening so you get a clearer picture of history.
Whereas you are basing your view based on the art world and high standards pictures of perfect summer days as what the old days were like.
>Drinking liquor isn't the same as all the modern degeneracy
That's your opinion. According to many religious texts, it IS just as degenerate as sexuality. It's giving up the mind to madness. Drugs, including alcohol, are degenerate. The difference is it was normalized and considered "okay" in the culture you like, so you consider it okay too because otherwise it ruins your perfect white image of the past.
>You're the one who's so brainwashed and naive that you mindlessly bought into the "progress" meme narrative that some things weren't different or better in the past.
No, I just have a much better handle on history than you do. You're the one that skims the surface and cherrypicks what you like. Image related. Wow look at these hot old timey women! So perfect! Muh white princesses!
>Sup Forums doesn't count as an academic source, idiot. Infographics are not historical facts.
When did I say anything about Sup Forums retard? And parts of history can be condensed in infographics even if it's not exhaustive, what a retarded point.
>complains about cherrypicking
>proceeds to cherrypick
>he unironically thinks drinking liquor is the same as any form of degeneracy like kids being encouraged to mutilate themselves or use hormone blockers when they're 10 year-old, and uses the "religious" argument for it
Having good musicians (which you can't even name) isn't the same as cultivated musical genius. There's a reason why they'll be forgotten in a couple decades, while the figures I named will live on for centuries.
And you keep strawmanning again, I never said there was a "perfect white image" of the past, or that those civilizations didn't have flaws and degenerates, I said it was to a much lesser degree.
Keep drinking the kool-aid m8.
Do you want people to think you're schizophrenic? Posting images like this is how you make people think you're schizophrenic.
Good. She still should hang though
Merkel going after the Muslim vote
>liberal hero and supposed leader of the free world
Libcucks are just destined to be cucked at every turn
>t. Muhammad
If it were legalizing goat fucking, she would definitely vote yes to avoid offending Mudslimes.
It's how they've been destroying civilizations for thousands of years, and led to the fall of Rome, Greece, Egypt...
But nowadays morons in the West have been brainwashed to see it as "progress". Have fun hating and forgetting your own history.
It's just that time again, time for Germans to destroy Europe again.
Inb4 marriage is whatever you want it to mean. Its certainly not a societal institution that serves to further the human race and create families and harmony. Next up the zoofags will want society to recognize their feels for animals.
>schizophrenia confirmed
Based Merkel! I always knew she was /ourgal/. Shadilay brothers!
LOL wow dude so DARE I MUTTER?....... SKITZOFRINICC LOL stop le JOOOS here knowmi say goy heheheh yah thats right
>"muh christian values"
muh Muslim values
because they get full adoption rights
No, she ha been saying the same thing for years
this is weird
I thought she was a SJW about everything. what a strange thing to be "conservative" about of all things
you fool, she's lying.
She does, but Merkel's opinions also do not play into her political actions. She'll go against everything she believes in if that means she can stay in power for a little longer.
In this case she knowingly let it happen, despite thinking that it's wrong, because she would have gotten into troubles when forming a coalition afterwards. Because most other parties made that a non-negotiable demand while the CSU is outspokenly against it.
So instead she just made sure that it happens before the elections to it cannot affect her all that much anymore.
Merkel will do absolutely everything to stay in power.
This thread is being slided by a leftist retard
When you see what sort of people is against Putin it becomes hard to be against him.
>Country with the highest Muslim population in the world legalises gay marriage
What did they mean by this?
Too little too late, (((Merkel))).
This is further proof she is a paid politician and she is playing the part. Just the other day, I was thinking about the supreme courts decision to allow gay marriage and I realized if they hadn't, hilldabeast my have won from the potential manufactured division they could have caused. Magic merk is creating division intentionally
Then they can confirm their union literally anywhere besides christian churches
English teacher detected
Sweden legalized adoption for gay couples in 2003. The first couple to adopt was interviewed in my local newspaper a couple of weeks back. Turns out their son is gay. What are the chances? They probably turned him gay through being ultra gay around him and maybe even having sex infront of him and shit. Maybe they even fucking him in the ass to make him gay.
>massive infographic
>sources are nearly all YouTube videos that can say anything they want to
>some books with no academic merit
I just don't understand why people won't believe me when I talk about the Joos!
fuck off back to english class
Because it fucks up the idea of marriage. Gays are in no-wise monogamous, even the married ones. So that idea of marriage as a loose legal convenience or as just a 'home base' spreads to the idea of straight marriage, and it becomes less a time-honored institution and thus weakens it. I've seen this argued elsewhere, and, I don't have statistics but, this, together with people living together before marriage, softens the edges of it, makes people take it less seriously.
Fags have no place in a Muslim country
I had no idea Germany was so backwards and intolerant.
It's pretty depressing.
I don't believe in God, and I still know that homos don't make good parents, nor are they particularly monogamous. Gay marriage is an attack on traditionalism.
>It was always full of alcoholics, smokers, junkies, and wifebeating mongrels. It's time to give up your children's fantasies of the past.
But they were white and less numerous.
What if the kid wasn't gay and just pretended to be just to impress the parents.
>christian democratic union
she is the most right-wing politician germans can vote for without being called a nazi
She has to keep her "conservative" status by all means because that's what she and her party are supposed to stand for.
But she was the one who made the vote possible in the first place and she knew that the majority would vote against her. Bitch knows how to fool people.