The Mad Man Strikes Again
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Nuclear codes
Genius, genius, genius!
You sir, have earned 2 internetz xDDD. You are probably the most creative poster I have ever encountered. I am not a newfag by the way, I started browing this site 4 months ago. You are a cool guy just like me!
2 (two) scoops
So I guess we're all back to liking Trump now.
Thank god. I was getting worried.
Have fun on your PC all day, slut!
Rural and suburban retard detected
>Yet another lie. I have texts from your top aides and phone records. Also, those records show I haven't spoken with you in many months.
When did we stop?
Don't be a sheep, make your own opinions.
Trump is POTUS which means he's one of the most redpilled people alive right now yet still acts like a total swarmy douche
Doesn't knowing that aliens exist stir him just a little bit? Doesn't being surrounded by Satanic pedophiles fill him with disgust and rage? I don't get how he just hasn't fired up HAARP and destroyed CNN's headquarters if he's so damn upset
y u mad tho?
must be a virgey virgin hehe
>doing anything without his government's permission first
good one
haha trump is so EPIC! lmao he trolled them so hard
Trump 9 - MSM - 6 (69 reference)
the freference comes from the 9 after trump and the 7 6 before MSM so its 69. thats a 69 joke which is a seuxla position. 69 lol LEL LE LULZ
>only showing relationship to older ratings
>not to other shows ratings
Our Troll in Chief :3 God bless him!
Aliens don't exist, though... It's the fallen ones living in the depths of the earth. Don't be deceived, they're going to try to use aliens to cause global chaos and steal their power back but it's either bluebeam or literally satan and his legion of fallen angels
I don't get this meme and I am here all day every day for five years. Wtf
Same boat. Let the kids have their things.
Maybe it's somehow related to:
I love Trump but he clearly never learned the lesson "Treat others the way you want to be treated."
No one should be surprised that the left comes after him so viciously.
ITT: russian provocateurs pose as people who actually like trump
found the nigger
>he's one of the most redpilled people alive right now
While I don't doubt it, he could simply have the pill bottle and reading about what the pill does instead of actually taking the pill and feeling the effects.
>I know taking acid causes hallucinations but have you ever actually tripped before?
joe and mika deserve it desu
most annoying attention whores on TV
muh married trump bashing news team
Have you considered the fact that none of those things actually exist?
no refunds.
Fuck off shareblue
Ah so it's just more leddit cancer. Great.
hows that healthcare bill doing?
The left can't meme.
Xlumpfkins BTFO
My youtube channel had 2 views last year. This year I have 3 views, I gained 50% viewers this year.
See how easy this is?
>the whole world is crashing and burning
>meanwhile babydick drumpf is watching the tv
how can people still respect this awful leader?
You must not remember Bush years very well. Being a gentleman and being nice to them doesn't work. I'm glad that he is trolling the shit out of them.
It doesnt mean just because he's president that the fbi, cia, nsa, military, nasa, have to share shit with him. i don't know where this this concept came from, he still gets his most of his news from the msm for fuck sake.
i think all presidents are kept on a need to know basis.
Congratulations user! Keep up the good work
It kind of does mean they have to, daily briefing etc. Are you stupid or shilling?
>rural suburban pua reporting in