The white race will look back at this point and praise Poland for its necessary precautions in saving the white race
Whites saved by mongrel Slavs. How ironic
no, the international kike will screw poland and western cucks in the future will blame poland for "ruining nationalism"
It pains me a great to deal to see that in this modern world we look to Polacks as reasonable and civil Europeans.
We're living in hell.
Lol looks like hugo boss is still making uniforms
The fuck? Only in the last 100 years have Poles been seen as incompetent. Before then they had a nice country with aesthetic European architecture, many scientists, with beautiful women and Poland has defended Europe from muslims many times while other europeans were too busy wanking each other off. It's really no surprise they come to Europe's rescue once again.
so ten dollars instead of five?
Polish women are literally God tier. I'd chose Poland over America any day of the week.
>this is god-tier in leafland
I suppose it's probably better than the chinks you must be used to
Accept immigrants too japan
>tfw Poland erects a gun wall
We managed to fend off Germany and Russia in pincer attack longer than France defended from Germany (and they had UK to help).
We managed to not lose our national pride for 50 years or communism, never forgeting who we are (and let's not forget who sold us to Stalin).
... fuck you.
What's the average 56% american look like?
They will then see if they cleaned the toilet as supposed to.
>military parade with sharp-looking soldiers
>goblin woman is walking between them
It is such a humiliation for Poland to have a woman as leader.
p00landers are literally untermenschen. they always fall for all the globalist's tricks the hardest:
>OY VEY the western countries have your back against the nazis, for sure Poos, just go head and have your little anti-german pogroms n sheeeeit I'm sure that's gunna work out great
70 years later...
>OY VEY those evilll ruskies, you gotta arm the fuck up Poos what are you w8ting for, they meddling all over the place and soon gonna pogrom yo ass?! FEAR; LOATHE; BUY (((AMERICAN))) WEAPONS and pogrom them first!
"ayyyy hol up hol up we gotta increase our defennse spending by like, a lot, p00bros!"
god... kys p00s
>polan invades germony
like pottery
Says you with merkels faggot nigger lovin ass.
HA! We always knew your current fuhrer have a dick.
Also she is just a puppet, real leader is KaczyĆski.
I don't think few used german tanks and dozen of helicopters will make the difference.
Amount of nuclear weapons stored in Kaliningrad is enough to destroy Poland twice.
Any reason you are posting russians while talking about Poland?
I am sure it will, Czech Republic, Hungary and Bulgaria.
The plan to replace European people cannot work if all the nations of Europe do not comply.
What does the west think will happen when they are majority non white and war breaks out?
Poland will win.
Easy fella, he was just relaying what opinion people have had for one reason or another. I think it was polish immigrants who didnt speak english that created the pollack joke memes.
Good one.
>can't refute me so you change the subject and resort to ad hominem
Just admit that Polish """women""" are ugly whores, and you were wrong.
>What's the average 56% american look like?
Pic related is averaged from that 56%. Not a 10/10, but she's a hundred times better than any Polish slag.
Toilet cleansing is just exercising before ethnic cleansing.
But Sasha for once in our history we are not doing it to defend from Russia (hell our goverments hate each other, and poles hate russian goverment and vice versa but in last 10-20 years animosity between poles and russians faded... we generally like each other or at least do not hate each other).
We are doing it to defend from our "western allies".
Poland has very nice looking uniforms, I like the mountain troops with capes
>anti-german pogroms
What did he mean by this?
That better not be sarcastic, or Ill fuck you up with my ciupaga m8
If Poland plays their cards right they can get loot from the US, EU, and Russia. Turkey even figured it out. Promise all sides to do what they want. Collect billions. Reneg and ask for more.
Oh wow a full week longer than France. Face it pole, compared to the pre-Industrial era, the Polish military has been severely lacking.
So this makes Poland the 3rd most precious Nato ally(4% of GDP plus border with the Russian puppet state). War over Poland again?
This is what we do since 9th century. Works as a charm.
Doesn't Poland already have like 300x bigger army than entire europe combined?
Are you really believe into this?
If tomorrow NATO decided to strike Kaliningrad to "contain russian threat" your government will happily agree and polish planes and troops will be in the first wave.
And germans, brits and you other allies will sit behind your back and watch how your troops get obliterated by nuclear fire.
Almost every homeless person in Germany is from Poland, screaming "KURWA" from the top of their lungs all day.
Now I can't think of polish people as normal, I imagine everyone in Poland is just piss drunk, smelling like shit and yelling "KURWA"
But I honestly do hope they will prevail over EU and encourage other nations to do the same.
>Polish """women""" are ugly whores
Get a passport or something you dumb fat burger and go travel the world - start with east europe. You never know, you might loose some weight and learn a thing or two.
Pooland used to be cool with em. Now you're just lame smalltimers again, caught in your foolish tribal worries
but the youth can make a change still and break free from the chains of oppression and capitalism
How about you get off the computer and stop watching pornos, you dumb kangaroo fucker.
I already posted the average of Polish women, and it comes out as an ugly whore. Stop falling for the stupid fantasy meme that "slavic women are goddesses". It turns out to be complete bullshit if you actually do some fucking research.
>half cape
damn sexy desu.
We were fucked in the ass for 123 years by three different countries, our people fought for those three countries for mere chance of freeing Poland, managed to get independence, Silesians were fighting to get Silesia back to Poland, Poland had a goddamn war with Soviet Union year after declaration of independence and after all that bullshit we had like 18 years to rebuild our fucked up and mixed infrastructure.
I think my people back then did a pretty good job.
they'll gonna make winged tanks
Fuck them Lukasz, you poles are alright.
Stop giving away our national secrets reverse Poland!
Are a fucking psychic?
guess my name senpai
Seems like you haven't noticed that Poles on Sup Forums are one of the most anti white posters
we wuz hussarz n shiet
if Poland cared about its own defense it would remove American bases and missiles first.
Go gas yourself or something
so now you can tell that a woman is a whore just from the look of her face?
ohhh the marvels of science
>Whites saved by mongrel Slavs.
>mongrel Slavs.
You wut?
I bet poles look at germany and think to themselves "who's laughing now, faggots"
Poland should buy Submarines which (((NATO))) can't abuse.
They are building a few tanks, and that's good.
But investing into the F35 was a big mistake.
I honestly hate how everyone uses the hussaria imagery when talking about us. Both by poles and foreigners.
It strikes me as lazy as fuck. Yes, we get it, hussars were cool, and all, but for how long do are they going to be the only thing Poland is known for. It's seriously getting on my nerves.
Let's be real though, Poland doesn't have a future tying itself to the West.
Until I see Polish government trying to form an Eastern European coalition like they tried before WW2, I'm extremely skeptical to everything they do.
This could just be populist bullshit. Besides, buying American means you need Americans to maintain it.
Proper course would be developing native arms industry.
>implying that USA doesn't earn anything with its military expansion and NATO expansion -
The countries just need keep its obrigation of 2% GDP ro military spending and manpower. And that's all.
You don't be a commie or a jew conspiracy theorist.
Mongrel =/= Mongol
I'll fight for POLAND!
Poland would have had immigrants if it was not for this, the Communists did something good after all
>Loyalty to socialist Poland and imperialist Israel is not possible simultaneously. (...) Whoever wants to face these consequences in the form of emigration will not encounter any obstacle." The departing had their Polish citizenship revoked
this is old news
we are getting shitskins trough subversive "humanitarian corridor". officially its for medical treatment, but its just fake jewish meme to flood Poland with shit.
remember Poland has zionist gov and all this nice propaganda you can see is effect of them bending as they are told to
Are you fucking retarded?
Where is the equipment bought? In 90% of cases for smaller countries, it's from America.
So American arms industry earns.
>The globalist EU pressures Poland (a sovereign nation) to accept terrorist welfare-gee moozlimz.
>Poland justifiably resists.
>Violence along Polish borders ensues.
>Article 5 our asses into WW3.
Fuck off LARPER!
You don't own Japan and you don't tell them what to do you fucking animal!
Oh, fuck off nigger I just chose some random derogatory for women.
>surely these cherrypicks will defeat his scientific averages :^)
I literally read it as Mongol. But anyway, all nations are mixed to some extent.
Then if I am alive. I'll help Europe kill all kikes and commies and mudshits. I'll even go help if I am 80!
*tips rogatywka* ;)
your "average" shows Americans as white meanwhile en.wikipedia.org
Read again before calling me retard.
>[American user] implying that [his country] doesn't earn anything with its military expansion and NATO expansion.
>yfw Poland invades Germany in the upcoming race war
>The United States Census Bureau defines White people as those "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who reported "White" or wrote in entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish.
NATO is a sham, it doesn't benefit anyone, even Americans. The only people that gain from it are the international jews that run the government and the arms industry. NATO only defends shekels, not people.
Im guessing....Marcin!
I'm hiding in your closet xD
It was lacking sure, but keep in mind that the the second RP was only around for 21 years before WWII started. Many defences were poorly executed, some werent even constructed because lack of money. Even poorly equipped, outnumbered and surrounded by enemies our army still had its moments.
France on the other hand was attacked from a small front(italians did jack shit it doesnt count), had colonies to boost the economy and had help from the brits. Not to mention one of the greatest armies at the time.
And we still survived for longer than them.
Good luck poland!
They don't want us to know just how bad they made it!
This place isn't even A the G and it never will be. To many KIKES in government and to many shit skins with in our border.
Best hope now is let mudshits bring in some terror nukes to get the happening rolling. Then we whites for sure will start killing them ALL! Including the KIKES but the will be eliminated off the earth completely. Mudshits will just have to go home. Libshits will join their KIKE masters in the ovens!
Mixers can go live with niggers in Serra Leon. The race and CULTURE THEY CHOOSE! You know cannibalism, mud huts, and lots O' RAPING!
Blacks so advanced n shit! When in white man land. Won't be that way forever and it shouldn't be this way now!
>face morph done by some stormfronter
>scientific average
There will be no white race, faggot. Poland should stop being racist xenophobic and accept refugees. Otherwise they can give all that EU money back and fuck off back to being dirt poor white nigger trash.
Says the rape baby of potato niggers.
This is why I always recommend others to do the opposite of Denmark.
We're like super goyims.
We got rid of our submarines because Nato couldn't use them.
We got rid of our small bases and military installations in Denmark, because Nato can't use them.
And we downsized our ground troops to be better goyims and buy more F35s, because Nato thinks F35s are very useful in the middle east.
Always do the opposite of what we do, and you get better military for the money which isn't usable in the middle east.
That's what happens when a country keeps their faith.
Poland to Muslims: " Here, Jesus is our King so get out "
>EU money
Thats called war reparations :^)
If they do save it all they have to be let in.
Fuck off Viennacuck
Maybe you can build a series of trenches with the first being large enough to sink a tank. Im sure Russia can arm you and even send some soldiers if it involves fucking the EU.
And when a country doesn't keep its faith they still don't get muslims and get guns like Czechs do.
Compared to balkans women even roaches are god tier
America has Polands back. They don't have anything to worry about from the Russians. Germany however is fucked. It will burn to ashes and America will piss all over the ashes.
This seems to be the case.