How cucked is France? How french people see its future? Would be nice to get examples from french press about political correctness laws and stuff like that, to get full picture about this country. Merci
We're not 54% White, we don't have an official pride month, we don't have BLM and you can't give hormones to your son to turn him into a girl
frog eating faggots
Macron is married to a Rothschild banker who is 34 years older than him.
I had no intent to insult any frenchman. Just to get full picture about your homeland.
>Macron is married to a Rothschild banker
No. He was a Rothschild banker
Any laws like one in Canada with gender pronouns? I am interested in stuff like that. In actual states involvement in PC.
But we are the most atheist and least white people of Europe.
Give it 15-20 years.
>Any laws like one in Canada with gender pronouns?
Fuck no.
We don't even have a real neutral in our language. Everything is a he or a she
"Do what you want but vote for him"
The day just before the second turn of the election, this was the headline of the most subsidized newspaper in France.
This is what I am looking for.
>do what you want bu vote for macron
Fuck me. May God bless you people with a victory, may He bless us all with one.
France just set up a "no-go zone warning app"
It shows all 66! Sharia Law areas in France...this says it all.
Is there a website version of the app for people who aren't homosexual phone users?
You're already nearing a 10% Muslim population and have a Rothschild puppet as your leader for the next 5 years. By the time you're an old man you'll be begging to return to the days when 54% White was an insult. Assuming of course you weren't beheaded at the feet of the Eiffel tower for not paying the jizya before then.
>tfw you are french
>How french people see its future?
Beware of foreign born in France shills opinion posting here.
Everyone in France is a homosexual. So no
I just want to visit Versailles before it gets bombed.
If I can, even Chambord.
That's about it. I used to be a huge Ouiaboo and while I still am for all the history before the revolution, I no longer want to walk around the cities or even learn French. I'm so disillusioned by the their appeal because they aren't French anymore. You threw your history away, and now even your own people.
We're not as cucked as anglos on some issues like SJW faggotry, but totally cucked on immigration, colonial guilt and statism. The ruling class is following their own agenda with zero fuck given for anyone else but them. It's a mixed bag.
Just think about. Sacrifice your own liberty just to get cheap work force.
>How cucked is France?
as cucked as it is possible within borders of sanity.
Not as cucked as Sup Forums claims. The suburbs of Paris and Marseille are absolute shitholes, full of niggers and Maghrebi scum. But there are still HUGE swathes of the country that are very traditional and conservative. Also, worry about your own country, burgerboy. You mongrels aren't exactly looking too hot right now, even with your God Emperor.
Catch-22 at its finest
Omlette du fromage
>How cucked is France?
Really cucked, with a minority of not-so-cucked people.
>How french people see its future?
I'm extremely pessimistic...or maybe I'm just depressed :^)
Most people are angry, yet they vote for the same faggots who ruin France since the beginning of the Fifth speaks for itself.
(not saying FN is a good party, tho)
>Not as cucked as Sup Forums claims
So fallen capital and few major cities, white birth rate on the decline opposite to shitskin birthrate and fully cucked political class is 'not as bad' ?
Yeah there could be also civil war so it's not that bad.
Sandnigger detected.
Rich, coming from a bong
at least we aren't as bad as america
they elected this guy
Well, we have a shiton of commie-tier newspapers in France : L'Humanité, Libération, Marianne...
The only (real) right-wing magazine in France is Valeurs Actuelles, and I love this magazine, because it really pisses commies and cuckservatives off.
>this from Canada
Come on, Sup Forums, it's like getting called "a faggot" at a gay pride
He would truly be ashamed...
No : the situation here is WORSE.
Not that I am worried about any particular country, just interested in the homeland of postmodernism.
Just about right
Ignore him lad, you guys are alright. Not as if we have room to talk. You guys are tougher than you think anyway, just need to scrape away that faggot rust that's seized you all up.
At least you have something, I don't think there's any real right wing stuff over here.
Can I get a source on that quote? Would be great to redpill my French gf.
That fake imbecile
All me :^)
I like you, Britain, and I wish you the best.
Honnêtement, j'ai eu un doute, l'espace d'un instant. Venant de lui, ça m'étonnerait même pas.
Cause your Muslim masters wouldn't tolorate the degeneracy.Good for France!!!
>I like you, Britain, and I wish you the best.
Learn from us froggy-kun!
Calme-toi. Comment dois-je savoir ca?
oh wow
We french need to get our balls back and throw out this fucking muslim. to do some war to destroy french stereotypes
And yet, as bad as it is, millions of your fellow Poles still live there. As well as Britain, Germany, Scandinavia and Holland. Just goes to show what an absolute shithole your country is. They'd rather live in our "cucked" countries, surrounded by shitskins, than their shitty homeland. Just think about that for a second, Jakub. Your countrymen would rather forego living in an ethnically homogeneous nation, (something we Western Europeans would kill for) in order to live here. Just goes to show how subhuman and inferior you Slavs are to us. Even with every demographic advantage, your countries still lag behind ours and always will. You'll NEVER be able to build, what we've built. Sad.
>Just goes to show what an absolute shithole your country is
Don't take this route, for fuck sake because they will BTFO you every time. Yes, Poland is a scabby shithole but it belongs to the Poles and they have the balls to make it known. They beat the shit out of Muslims, burn down their businesses and so on. They may be poor but they're not slaves like us. Poles moving abroad is smart because they get to send home loads of fucking money to help rebuild what the Commies destroyed.
>You'll NEVER be able to build, what we've built
Ours will fall and they will build something far greater because they were men. Have some fucking respect for those who are better than you.
>inb4 "hur durr nice proxy polefag"
May 1968: Nous ne voulons pas d'un monde ou la certitude de ne pas mourir de faim s'échange contre le risque de mourir d'ennui.
Aren't you bored in 2017 ?
We are fucked in socialism.
I am engineer. My boss pay 5800e/month, after employee contributions and income tax, I have 2300e/month left and I still have to pay property tax (even if I am only renting) which are around 1000e/month and there is 20% VAT. I am considered in top 15% richest in France with this salary.
For info: 300 sq feet flat is around 800e and 400sq feet is around 1000e/month in Paris. Transportation is 70e/month. Food around 400e/month.
I am trying to move to the US and try to get the American nationality under Trump reign.
FYI, Liberation is a leftist newspaper. Even more leftist than CNN.
>second most beautiful flag in the world
Such pretty colours.
>employee contributions
And what the fuck is this?
Jesus Christ. That's worse than us. 400sq for $1000e? That's like Jew York shit.
>And what the fuck is this?
Payroll tax
It's the hypocrisy of EE's that really grinds my gears. They'll call us cucked (which tbf we are) and yet they're all DESPERATE to live here and scrounge off our gibs. Poles in particular are two-faced, back-stabbing Jews. Presenting this veneer of being the "Defenders of Europa" and yet they all fucking love the EU. Maddening.
You have to understand their perspective mate. They come out of of a Commie beating with nothing to their name and the easiest way to rebuild is to venture around the world gathering resources and sending them back home. To them the EU is not something they love but something they can milk, and they are doing a damn fine job. If I was a pole I'd move to Britain or somewhere else and work for a decade to send enough money back home so that my family can start a good business and be wealthy, it's just a smart move. It's not their fault we're an easy target, that's ours and we should be mad at ourselves only.
Some taxes taken directly on your salary to pay for national healthcare (500e/month is taken each month for a shorty healthcare -- you have to add a compulsory private insurance for 60e/month), national retirement (1000e/month even if everybody knows that it will be bankrupt by 10-15 years) and unemployment (250e/month), pay debt of the social security (300e/month) + many other stuff.
After this, at the end of the year you have to pay for income tax.
>shitskin birth rates dropping
>illegal immigration down 76%
>revival of nationalism
>right to bear arms intact
>travel ban in effect
We've still got lots of shit to clean up but we're actually trying to make things right here. Meanwhile, you guys are drowning in mudslimes and Macron is aching to open up the flood gates. France will fall to Islam.
>top 15%
you're wrong though, you're top 30% something like that, just read the stats today.
And it's nationwide stats, if you live in Paris, you're probably below top 50% departementwide, sorry to bring this down to you.
>500e/month is taken each month for a shorty healthcare
Fucking expensive that innit? You pay a lot of fucking tax, bloody hell.
What are you doing, goy? What don't you move to an auto-entrepreneur contract? It will be fun.
You don't know France. My GF started a side business: 2 months to get the legal approval to start it. You have to pay for many shitty stuff and a lot of regulations are here to be sure that people don't work too much.
Also, it is more easy to divorce in France than to lay off an employee
I thought about starting a conservative media or shit like this but I remember that 20% of the population voted for international commie Mélenchon and another 20% for nationalist commie LePen
>I thought about starting a conservative media or shit like this but I remember that 20% of the population voted for international commie Mélenchon and another 20% for nationalist commie LePen
It'd be good not just for your own people but for foreigners to know more about the state and workings of France. If you started something good like that I'd use it for sure, I know a lot of people outside of France would.
So best solution is to leave this country and let it burn.
Also, when ou see à French flag, remember that you have a high probability that the guy is a leftist son of a whore. Most people in France talks on arabs and blacks but I swear I have seen many white trash worse than American niggers
I dont know situation in France, but in general right wing media is on the rise in pretty much all western nations.
The name is not "medias" there; but "hyenas".
Great, are you looking for news with a conservative view on events or more papers explaining the French system and how much tax you have to pay, etc. ? (French administration is such a mess).
Are you also looking for explanation on political parties in France?
I know that many Sup Forums people are pro-LePen but she is not a Trump at all. She was born in a castle, never worked and had a commie program. If you look at her program she wanted to create a ministry of "economical transition" to avoid that companies such as AirBnb or Uber destroys hotel and taxi monopoles for example.
Also in which langage do you think I should do it. In english for foreigners or in French? I thought one moment to do it in English and explain how Western countries work.
I only know as a redpill media
Really redpilled though, they know the real (((enemy))) of France and french people.
Western European*
I wish I could visit France when it was not an Islam republic.
Make it both languages. And yeah, Le Pen is a commie.
I'd enjoy seeing the various happenings of France covered from a conservative perspective. I think you could benefit from daily reports of such events and leave breakdowns of the french systems and political parties as series of their own.
Would you be doing this on YouTube, your own site, combo or something else entirely?
Yeah but there are seen as a complotist media which is in part true because they share some kind of NWO without proof. I think that media such as Breitbart are credible because they gives names, proofs and links. Égalité et réconciliation make me think more about new world order and illuminati videos that were mainstream on YouTube 6-7 years ago.
I am more looking about a French Breitbart + some articles explaining the French system for people willing to work here (I think it will remove any will to come again here -- I remember articles of refugees saying they were leaving France because economy was too shitty).
>How french people see its future?
What future?
Yes absolutely, there's not great access to mainland news in Britain so it'd be nice to have something reliable. I'd say do it in both French and English, that way your native guys can read it fine and most of the rest of the world can also read it because English is so universal. That'd help get you a bigger footprint.
I don't know what kind of content specifically I'd suggest apart from simply a conservative French angle on the events in France - politics, attacks, scandals and so on.
It all really depends on your chosen medium, will it be a website?
Go shill you trash website full of faggots somewhere else.
The circumcision ping-pong is finished.
He wasn't shilling it, I showed interest in something he didn't really see a point in doing and now he's trying to get ideas. Fuck off medic.
I thought more about a website.
I have a good work as I graduated from French top school (I can expect to earn my life once I can travel abroad for my work).
However you can lose our job for conservative views in France so I prefer to remain anonymous at the beggining, and I think it is easier with a website than with YouTube
Daily reminder that Blacked was created by a Frenchman.
>We're not 54% White
How the fuck would you know, Pierre? You're not allowed to compile any manner of ethnic data in France.
However there was that one statistic graph detailing how 74% of Parisian infants had to be checked for sickle cell disease. And my dear baguette, whites can't have sickle cell disease.
Heh what is it you punk?
You don't know shit; go fuck a baobab; these faggot just make money on brainwashed French.
100% cucked
>France is no longer France
t. God Emperor Trump
A website would be good, favourable in fact. Do you have any ideas about it so far, have you thought about what direction you want to take it in?
Shut up and go launder money for some Saudi prince or African dictator
You show your real face scum.
>However you can lose our job for conservative views in France
mfw Piero San Giorgio got shoad for being ... a prepper. France, like most of Europe desu, feels claustrophobic, you have to watch your tongue at all times, it's exhausting.
this looks damn based. It reminds us french don't have to be faggots.
France needs more of this.
Very astute take on things. Made me re-think the situation! Rule Britannia brother! (If we can get a look-in that is kek)
I thought to just start to analysis current news made by MSM with a conservative eye and call their leftist propaganda + write some article on taxes, regulation, job market, French companies and Europe. More business oriented. But it is so shitty that just giving true numbers could be seen as conservative propaganda
It is very based, just lost their credibility to the public by sharing some very very conspirational article.
Also Alain Soral is less influent since his picture of him showing his dick to a black girl via text has leaked.
Before you heard about him every time on Internet
Holly shit.
Evidemment, si tu vis dans ce trou à merde qu'est Paris, viens pas te plaindre du loyer. Pour les 400 balles de bouffe, arrête de bouffer japonais ou au resto, apprends à faire la cuisine...
Tant de non-efficience monétaire me dégoutte. Si tu peux virer ton cul d'ici, ça sera une perle. J'attends juste que tu reviennes pour te faire tes soins hospitaliers remboursés quand tu voudras pas payer 10 000$ pour une fracture.
>But it is so shitty that just giving true numbers could be seen as conservative propaganda
That doesn't matter, if you don't make enemies you're doing it wrong. Let people cry all they like, your audience will come.
>write some article on taxes, regulation, job market, French companies and Europe
This sounds good, it'd be nice to see a conservative economic viewpoint that doesn't always come back to "we need immigrants or economy go die die". The economy is something so overlooked recently but it paints an important picture of the reality of things.
Are you a writer yourself, have you done anything like this before?
You French aren't faggots, you're the only people in history who could ever give us a beating without it being luck.
Basically this shitty French guy tells me that I should be happy to pay 80% of my income on contributions, income tax, property tax and VAT because we have the best healthcare system in the world (which is expensive, inefficient for a top country and doctors and nurses are paid like shit -- I know nurses working 70hr/week for 1600-1700e/month).
It is the leftist ideology which is in every frog mind. He is highly probably on welfare btw
>70hr/week for 1600-1700e/month
Fuck me sideways, that is bad.
Never been a writer but pretty good at analysis (mostly on oil and gas markets). I read a lot of French newspaper and have started to see through their bullshit and leftist arguments which are by the way always the same. For example, during the 2009 crisis, they all bring economists to tell to the French public "Hey guy, a State can go on debt forever, it is not a corporation or a human person, do don't worry". Today we are at 2000B$ of debt (100% GDP), with only 330B$ of income through taxes (even if everybody is taxed at 70-80%) while the State spend 400B$. So we have an annual deficit of 70B$ each year and Macron wanted to increase welfare while cutting deficit, which is somehow impossible but nobody in the media told him it was bullshit.
Yeah if you are a nurse, policeman, fireman or teacher, you will never have more than 2000eur/month. Teacher don't work a lot but nurse are working so much due to cutting in budget and workforce. But somehow they manage to find the money for welfare