Honest thoughts on Turks?


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Anzu and kebaps are the only good thing your race ever produced

Ottoman turk is just a greek with asian clothes.

What the fuck I love Anatolian Turks now gib qt turk girl

NOW now what about turkish delights, and ottomans (foot stalls)
dont be a bitter jap now.

Well, turks from turkey aren't even real Turks, ur just mized race mutts that are mostly just middle eastern. Your cousins, the Kazakhs, are just Mongolians that tried larping as Turks and then got Russified instead. There is pretty much no such thing as a real Turk, we would have to travel thousands of years to find one. And stop being muslim if you are really a Turk, the true god of the Turks and Mongols is Tengri.

>Turkish delights

Those are good but keep in mind that Japan made Sushi, Ramune, Pocky, and animu. Japanese user has no reason to want turkish delights.

Bro tier.

Kazakhs never larped as turks, we literally have turkic language. We share our ancestors and are in good relationships with Turkish people. We are not mongolian either, the only thing we share with them is race and nomadic type of life style which we had like 100 years ago

Stop being so insecure and aggressive, and I'll think about talking to your kind.



I think it's cool how they're the only nation that can survive a nuclear holocaust and live 7 days without a head.

So Turks are Greeks who got RICED who got KEBABED who got CAMELED basically....

>honest thoughts on Turks?
You will be at war with the west within our lifetime.

t. Ahmad

Go ahead and cozy up to your invaders then, you boiling morons. I guess all those wars to keep your country free from getting kebab'd were a complete waste of time.

how tf did you get photographs from hundreds of years ago? so this is the power of turky??!?

Daily reminder, roach.


There you go, that literally makes you Mongolian. Thanks for the (You) Kazakhstan, it's rare to draw you out from lurking. How are things in Kazakhstan today?

Also, legitimate question, how many Kazakhs regularly speak Kazakh? The few Kazakhs I have known really just spoke Russian and sometimes pretended they knew Kazakh to not look Russified.

Well, to be honest, not much. We have a huger russian diaspora so switching languages between kazakh and russian is mandatory. Things are quiet. Nowadays kazakhs look up to learning chinese

I find it a bit amusing that the Kurds are rapidly out breeding the Turks, and will make Turks a minority in their own country in ~2 generations.

Also Anzu is a cute.

I live in a majority nigger place in the suburbs of Paris and turks are the only civilized people there. They're not always screaming in the bus, throwing trash everywhere, their kids are polite and they're not always asking for money or food.

Yes, because there is no such thing as a genuine Turk in modern times, they are all mutts that are larping and made the mistake of adopting islam whether by force or by choice.

they won't

Go back to

Does this look like an invader to you?

Did Trump finally make anime real?

zyklon b

>turkish father
>german mother
Best of both worlds.

Odds are kurds will be genocided before that happens.


Worst people on the planet.

Bunch of backward shitstain Ottoman inbreds going around telling everyone how European they are.

they ruined town of salem for a while but then the tos people fixed it so theyre fine in my book

>end up with a jacked up looking half breed worm

I know right.

worthless scum.

Uzbek here. I'm glad to see that Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are becoming closer thanks to our new president. The future is golden for us, brother.


GO back bing an example, along with the iranians, for all the muslishits.
Turks I met IRL are based in general.
The only time I had a problem was in Frankfurt, I went there to buy stuff with my GF in a grocery we were looked like aliens.
Nonetheless, she said she took got a coffee in one of their places alone waiting for me and she was treated respectfully.
The same a friend of mine in Cologne, she said that she has no problems around turks, just with arabs and other garbage.



>be me
>visit Turkey
>people think I'm Turkish and always start speaking to me in turkish
>I can understand like 70% of everything they say
>I tell them I'm Uzbek and they treat me like they've known me their whole life

Love the turks. They are brothers.

They are actually very friendly towards kazakhs too. Turkic people in general. It's nice to see them remember their roots and treat us as blood brothers. I would like to visit Turkey someday





Anzu sucks Jap cock

And soon fascism will rise in America and you'll be ash

>only 60 million Turks
>try to genocide their 20 million strong kurdish minority

I'm sure that will go well

>Best of both worlds.
At least post a image of """decent""" half-breed - without crossed eyes/strabismus and don't have those hobbit ears.


That's a cute boy. It's too bad I'm not gay.


But user, as long as the boy is cute and his penis is feminine enough it's not gay. Fugging Anzu in his little boipussi would be totally straight.

I wish you would all die.

Interesting, why has Chinese become important to Kazakhs? I understand they are your neighbor, but is there a political reason for learning Chinese?

Topkek, especially the ones from the "European" side of Istanbul.

Turkic people ruled over the original population and hardly mixed in. They just forced their culture on the people.

That guy on the upper-left needs to be bug sprayed immediately

What happened to all the Armenians?

Steppeniggers should stay in the steppe.

Is he a moslem tho?

>if you want to see how the mankind developed back



Christian Turks are based though. Why would you support literal Marxists?

>hating on /our guy/ baba koksal

Pretty sure they didn't even invent kebabs, they just ripped it off some Greek shit.

It was Hittite actually



muslim dogs that destroyed germany


Post yourself white boi.
You tall the talk but don't walk the walk hehe.

Once you compaire a beautiful Kyrgyzstani or kazakh girl to a unibrowed, gold toothed turkish woman, you'll know what ever similarities they may have had were bred out a 1000 years ago, praise allah.

>unibrowed, gold toothed turkish woman

Mongol Turkics look like Koreans and can be hit or miss.


flag checks out

degenerate faggots anime is not real

literal kike puppets

most turckroaches cant speak english

shitskins. nuke.