American rating the European countries

American rating the European countries

>Utopia tier
Poland - 99% white, no muslims, very catholic, high living standards, non-whites are beaten up
Russia - over 90% white, strong white Christian leader who wants a future for Russia, nationalistic traditional population with backbone, barely any muslims, Orthodox Christian, essentially a white stronghold we whites have to keep in reserve for when things to go hell in the West
Belarus - same as Russia
Ukraine - same as Russia
Serbia - based people who removes kebab in an instant

>OK-tier, good for now but only gonna get worse later
Czech Republic

>Irrelevant muslim shitholes

>Cucked countries
Netherlands - capital is a nigger shithole
Belgium - all muslim neighborhoods in the capital
Spain - more muslims coming
Italy - same as Spain
Norway - only slightly less cucked than Sweden, still a lot of muslim immigrants and growing
Denmark - look above
Finland - look above

>Ultra cucked, no way back now
Sweden - straight white men are vilified, no-go zones all over the country, rape capital of the world, muslim niggers growing rapidly, white women are raped and groped, government are libcucks
UK - sharia law in some parts, muslim mayor of the capital, terrorist attacks every week, pathetic people
France - the capital looks like Africa
Germany - white women getting raped left and right, young white boys are getting beat up by muslims at school, election is only between two jews who wants more muslims to Europe, a shithole all in all

Basically, the only hope for the White Race is gonna be in Eastern Europe. I hope they stay strong and traditional.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is the worst shit i have seen in days



Are you kidding? those places are third-world shitholes with very high poverty and HIV rates

absolute state of you

clueless amerifag

All these people from utopia-tier countries still go to work to cucked and ultra-cucked countries

Moreover post-soviet people have literally nigger mentality

All of those Utopia's are shitholes and they'd beat the shit out of you the second they heard your accent you dumb burger

>American rating the European countries

>>Utopia tier
>Poland - 99% white, no muslims, very catholic, high living standards, non-whites are beaten up
>Russia - over 90% white, strong white Christian leader who wants a future for Russia, nationalistic traditional population with backbone, barely any muslims, Orthodox >Christian, essentially a white stronghold we whites have to keep in reserve for when things to go hell in the West
>Belarus - same as Russia
>Ukraine - same as Russia
>Serbia - based people who removes kebab in an instant

>>OK-tier, good for now but only gonna get worse later
>Czech Republic

>>Irrelevant muslim shitholes

>>Cucked countries
>Netherlands - capital is a nigger shithole
>Belgium - all muslim neighborhoods in the capital
>Spain - more muslims coming
>Italy - same as Spain
>Norway - only slightly less cucked than Sweden, still a lot of muslim immigrants and growing
>Denmark - look above
>Finland - look above

>>Ultra cucked, no way back now
>Sweden - straight white men are vilified, no-go zones all over the country, rape capital of the world, muslim niggers growing rapidly, white women are raped and groped, government are libcucks
>UK - sharia law in some parts, muslim mayor of the capital, terrorist attacks every week, pathetic people
>France - the capital looks like Africa
>Germany - white women getting raped left and right, young white boys are getting beat up by muslims at school, election is only between two jews who wants more muslims to Europe, a shithole all in all

>Basically, the only hope for the White Race is gonna be in Eastern Europe. I hope they stay strong and traditional.

As a Brit, I can safely say that we all would remove kebab. [spoiler](The tasty doner kebab that we get from the local chippy.)[/spoiler]

>kekistani flag
>braindead american


>kekistan flag
>absolutely abhorrent post
Checks out.

>Am*rican nigger mutt thinks he has any idea what goes on in Europe

Kill yourself

Always appreciate a chance to use this image

lol if you think slovenia is anything but utopia tier you are retarded

Romania has about 45k muslims who settled a long time ago in Dobrogea,that's about it.Our population is 21 million.

you fucking autist, let him believe you are shit
less burger immigrants

I agree with Britannia.

>"I have my knowledge about Europe from Sup Forums memes" the post
Let me guess, you're also pagan, pan-European nationalist and take pride in "European" achievements because they are white and so are you.

All your Utopia tier are shitholes which I would choose last to live in

burger immigrants dont come to this country unless theyre wealthy so i welcome those

slovenia is amazing, i think theres quite a few job opportunities especially in the computer science job market

i would never move from here

t. 2nd generation bosnian immigrant


>Kekistan flag
Checks out

>Hungary not a heaven tier

What about moi?

Because youre a spoiled western brat

Pretty accurate description.

>15% muslim
>barely any
kiddo, I...

Living on $100 a month isn't utopia.

>kekistan flag
>utterly shit post by some uninformed American teenage LARPer

Checks out

>Russia - over 90% white, strong white Christian leader who wants a future for Russia, nationalistic traditional population with backbone, barely any muslims, Orthodox Christian, essentially a white stronghold we whites have to keep in reserve for when things to go hell in the West
Rofl. Russia is 20% muslim citizens + 20 millions of migrants. Nationalism is dead (thanks to Putin). Pro-Islam as well.

I thought americans don't give a fuck about Europe?

I like that more

>Russia - over 90% white, strong white Christian leader who wants a future for Russia, nationalistic traditional population with backbone, barely any muslims, Orthodox Christian, essentially a white stronghold we whites have to keep in reserve for when things to go hell in the West
>Belarus - same as Russia
>Ukraine - same as Russia
>Serbia - based people who removes kebab in an instant
An you now. These east european shit holes are WORSE than muslim countries.

Same thread:

Back to school Burger, everything under 95% white is shit

Nigger americuck most cucked in the world rating.

That's adorable coming from you.

Tell me about Estonia. They seem to be quite traditionalist and overwhelmingly white. I've seen some chart stating they have the highest amount of blue eyes in the world. Would it be a good place to emigrate to?

Why do you fags always post these tired ass threads? I've got enough garbage to hide every fucking day without you unoriginal cunts. Fuck you.

I've been to almost whole Europe and Slovenia IS a heaven on earth if you compare it to others. For now.

>mfw 98% white
>People call me a slav because Latvia used to be occupied
I bet every fucking 'Murican is less white than me.

The Baltic States in general have a lot of Russians thannks to the occupation. But if you don't mind those dirty shits, yeah go for it

This is the most reddit post I've seen all month

Russia best, everything else is compared in how similar to russia they are

Cant mossad the assad kikes

Right, if you like your neighbours to have HIV and for them to be drunk 24/7

Isnt that true freedom?

>Utopia tier
Svalbard stands alone.

By the way, all Americans have able to use the land as they see economically fit being beneficiaries of the Svalbard treaty.
We can even live there if we want, visa-free, for unlimited duration.

Who wants to go up there with me and found the city of Ancapistan?

I've been to Russia multiple times, it's a complete shithole, most of the Russian population don't know who's their fucking president

That sounds highly unlikely considering Putin has been in power since 1999

Shut up, slavnigger

just not true
stupid edgy Sup Forums mongs wrong again

There are schools that teach that Lenin is their leader and that communism works. Might have been drunk teens tho

Kek, ukraine is going to be filled by rapefugees to let the EU happy. Also, mudlsimes fighting in Azov because muh russia agression

Keep crying niggerlover

Ok then bud

Amerifat knowledge

>t. 2nd generation bosnian immigrant
of course its a foreigner thats fucking us over by telling people to come over
go back south you cunt

How would you even know?

>"kebab removers"

Fucking kek they couldn't even beat the Albanians

What about Austria?

>Bully our prime minister
>Not even mention us on Sup Forums discussion

Ratched burgers, the day of retribution is near!

>98% of primary school leavers decide to continue their education, and 88% of secondary school leavers go on to tertiary education.
Since most Slovenians go to universities and want high-paid jobs we need some cheap labour. And it's much better getting them from Balkan than taking in some migrants from Africa.


kys nigger

> And it's much better getting them from Balkan than taking in some migrants from Africa.

Why would Mujo go to Slovenia if he can go to Austria?

>only 30% say they're christian
>church attendance lower than even in bongland


absolutely disgusting

It's not we have a gyppo infestation

>most atheist place in Europe
>highest HIV rate in Europe: 1 in 12 inhabitants is an AIDS-infected queer
>has conscription to train and indoctrinate the male population into anti-White terrorists ready to kill and die for ZOG
>provides training, equipment and weaponry to jewkrainian bagel nazis who kill White children for money
>obidiently furthers the EU's agenda by pushing degeneracy and anti-White policies
>gleefully accepts hordes of "refugees" who get free reign to do anything they want without fear of legal reprecussions
>treats Russians (who, ironically, built the place and are the only ones keeping the economy going) like absolute shit, depriving them of even the most basic rights and routinely threatening to genocide or exile them.Speaking Russian in public is considered a felony and will earn you a beatdown from the police
>constantly provokes Russia by holding "military exercises" (with live ammo) right next to the border
>elected an atheist feminist womyn president with ties to Soros' Open Society foundation

>Non white are beaten up

That automatically doesn't make it a utopia

i think your ok tier does not even need to exist, there all utopia tier who believe in traditonalism, and germany is trying to preserve itself, right is on the rise there

lol, what a shit.
You're out of your mind, balt.

>having a Kekistani flag
>not being a fag
pick one pls

it's a too little country to provide their own opinion and sovereignty. In other words, they will always be a someone's bitch.
Now it's EU bitch.

Because of the language barrier probably. You should ask them, not me. And it's still closer I guess.

Matr kaj so te oprali.
Fuck off back to your shithole faggot

Only 75% white, because it's a multi-ethic state.
Traditionally poor. There are some chances that you will be lucky and become an oligarch. Very strong state kills identity of the personality. Law doesn't work.
>Belarus. Nowadays it's a Russia's satellite state so they have same policy
>Ukraine. 0/10 tier. Worst post-soviet country. Even Kazakhstan is much better. Most poor, most corrupt, no prospects, nothing. But may be it will become a good european country in future(no), they want in EU and hate Russia, so why no?

>Serbia. All south slavic states are half-turks. My dad is bulgarian and i know what i'm say.
>Poland. May be yes, don't know much about them

>Irrelevant muslim shitholes

99% club oh yeaah boiii

typical americans thinking they know shit

A latvian talking about a complete shithole.. my sides are in orbit