American rating the European countries
>Utopia tier
Poland - 99% white, no muslims, very catholic, high living standards, non-whites are beaten up
Russia - over 90% white, strong white Christian leader who wants a future for Russia, nationalistic traditional population with backbone, barely any muslims, Orthodox Christian, essentially a white stronghold we whites have to keep in reserve for when things to go hell in the West
Belarus - same as Russia
Ukraine - same as Russia
Serbia - based people who removes kebab in an instant
>OK-tier, good for now but only gonna get worse later
Czech Republic
>Irrelevant muslim shitholes
>Cucked countries
Netherlands - capital is a nigger shithole
Belgium - all muslim neighborhoods in the capital
Spain - more muslims coming
Italy - same as Spain
Norway - only slightly less cucked than Sweden, still a lot of muslim immigrants and growing
Denmark - look above
Finland - look above
>Ultra cucked, no way back now
Sweden - straight white men are vilified, no-go zones all over the country, rape capital of the world, muslim niggers growing rapidly, white women are raped and groped, government are libcucks
UK - sharia law in some parts, muslim mayor of the capital, terrorist attacks every week, pathetic people
France - the capital looks like Africa
Germany - white women getting raped left and right, young white boys are getting beat up by muslims at school, election is only between two jews who wants more muslims to Europe, a shithole all in all
Basically, the only hope for the White Race is gonna be in Eastern Europe. I hope they stay strong and traditional.