She was truly beautiful.
She was truly beautiful
Other urls found in this thread:
A beautiful muslim bride.
She made the mistake of trusting an Anglo.
Another acid attack (against Muslim) happened by the way
She has a gofundme page. Send her your shekels
Link pls
I can guarantee you the attacker was some butthurt cousin or brother of hers. Whoever he was, he was a MUSLIM.
>giving money to a sandnigger lover. Buy her a hijjab and piss off, kike
lol nope
The bitch had it coming.
Go poop somewhere else please.
>mix the race? lose your face
people are taking body mods too far desh
this is how it start the burka shit
"anonymous" attacks secular Muslim women and the only solution is .... burka
win-win for the dark-age elites who bring millions Muslims to Europe .
who will speak for rights if you don't have rights by definition like Muslim women ?
Probably a muslim or a muslim sympathizer.
No sympathy.
>a jug of milk with a beard
See fat
deport the tuskan raiders
This is that same chick in the other thread where a seal was kissing her cheek right?
She's gonna be so thankful for someone fucking her that she's gonna be a very good lay.
I'd still haram that ass.
Part and parcel of living in the big city.
how does it feel knowing that the national anthem of the country you are living in is basically a song about the native people of the land jamming bayonets down your throat and cutting your body into 4 pieces and burning it?
What a milkdrinker
fitting tear tattoos for when his cellmate Bubba is all up in his insides
Did she get peacereligioned?
I'll send her a Qo'rang covered in pig shit.
Strangle, Anglos typically sexually service men and women of a darker persuasion. It's the Aryan blood that they crave
It's like these people don't even have a brain
Tf? I'm not German
Nah. Hate crime
Racist white with acid...
Hang him. This is behaving in a non white fashion. Untermensch behaviour
captain france swiftly comes to islam's rescue! THANK YOU CAPTAIN FRANCE
>killing your enemies is bad
You should be hanged instead, scum.
See (This)
Not only it tarnish the right wing but also it's a sandnigger-tier behaviour.
>Tf? I'm not German
In 1792 your sand-and-feces-caked ass wouldn't be mistaken for a German but this is 2017 and you are quintessentially tanned German enough to become a (sub)human pincushion
Don't be a cunt. A white like this behaving like a Muslim needs an example made of him.
>it's a sandnigger-tier behaviour
>t. expert with a lifetime of experience
Why are you on my ass like that?
yes, he should be locked in a room full of hundreds of angry Muslims and then the room should be completely filled with acid, that would be fitting punishment for this asshole
Let's be honest, he's a criminal scum that was probably being paid by somebody to do this.
Paid by a muzzie probably huh?
Hahahahha kill yourself
Yes, you stupid French cunt.
>Why are you on my ass like that?
oh, what a stinging vitriolic reply
I have been burned by your sizzling bubbling hot rebuke
I am so embarassed by face is red and hot, feels like it's burning up with stinging embarrassment
Oh, I have lost face. I have no face after this
The scars will be with me forever
He needs to be executed
acid attacks are one thing we don't want more of. totally horrific and despicable.
This level of denial
pic related
yes, he should be thrown down a well with dozens of Muslims waiting for him at the bottom, their pockets full of rocks to throw at him.
And then 20 more Muslims should be thrown in after him so they can catch him if he tries to escape by climbing the walls
Exactly. Muslim or not this is degenerate.
What is with the shitty threads?
1 pic + 4 words
Sage this shit
Regardless, he doesn't deserve his white skin.
This is the new Sup Forums clickbait
A) Acid attack your who're daughter yourself
B) Pay a criminal to do it
I wonder if the guy was shia and she was sunni. Your attempt to fag it up before the details are out are hilarious. Go fuck a goat.
We call it acieeed
Only a burger would think like that.