Drumpf should be ashamed

Drumpf should be ashamed

is she having a stroke? wtf does any of that mean?

>the daughter of a failed politician who invaded countrys and armed terrorists
Pick one.

>virtue signal boo hoo hoo story

Grandparents are not a close enough relation to gain entry because of the muzzie ban. She's talking about that

Makes about as much sense as drumpf

Are they related

Yeah! Shold have been 8 Muslims countries, fucking slacker.

>a failed politician who invaded countrys and armed terrorists

Like Drumpf is doing right now?


she means the travel ban, by the way

President Donald Trump seems to be succeeding quite well.

No mention of Daddy Clinton?

What the fuck is a lodestar? Fucking goddamn yankees and their big ass fuckin' kike words.

>kekistan flag

know how I know you're just a shameless troll?

Who talks like that?

Too bad Ivanka is a liberal pussy. It would be interesting a race between these two twats.

the insufficient Musliban lodestar was her grandmother?

Man can you cry any harder? OUR President (yes he is your President too kumquat) is doing great the American people are winning and will keep winning get over it Sandnigger lover


>The daughter of the wife of the rapist that was once president.

I know it's a killstreak in call of duty

Without looking it up, I'm going to guess it's a magnetic meteorite.

She makes Trump's tweets sound coherent. Not an easy feat.

Thanks asshole now I'm in the mood for tiny little oranges

Once you look it up you will be alarmed that she listed her mother.

Does she really think she's going to be a stryng empywyred wymyn madym prysydynt someday?


At least Clinton has that clumsy autism cute thing going for her. Chelsea is just a bitch.

>Drumpf should be ashamed
Is Israel ashamed for not wanting Muslims and niggers?



oh, like the rest of the world?

Muh based muslims
Alt light really is on the same level as SJW

>failed politician
he's the president

>invaded countries
name one country he has invaded

>armed terrorists
taiwan is not a terrorist nation


>1 post by this ID

>my grandmother was my lodestar
how do you do, fellow humans

It's a nautical term; guiding star

Funnily enough, pagan religions go along with Christianity much better than Pisslam or Kikeism

>is she having a stroke?
Yes, it's hereditary

Is Steve Harvey her meemaw? What the fuck is going on?

I love when overschooled, spoiled rich kids attempt to sound intelligent, and end up coming across as incoherent.

tfw she posted without her handlers checking first.



fucking 1%er yacht-speak

Beep boop. I go to sleep now just like human. Hahah. Yes. Good night. :)

>haha the embarassment in chief (tm) made a typo on twitter i would never make a typo because im so smart therefore i'm smarter than DRUMPF DRUMPF is sooooo dumb haha

Is she arguing for or against it?
