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I'm just a bit worried. Im watching tv and suddenly they play a commercial about "what to do in the event of a missile attack by North Korea". Basically: Option A - If you are near a building run in and stay away from windows. Option B - If you are not near any buildings squat and put your hands above your head like a little bitch.

I'm not trying to say this is going to happen but when you realise that this may become a reality at some point its a little unnerving. I would appreciate arguments to suggest that the former is more likely. I dont have the standalone footage of the commercial but here is a segment from a news clip that plays it:

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Makes me think of that 70's video
>what to do if Russia nukes us.
You think there could be some better tactics, not just 30 seconds of panic inspired bullshit.

I live in Shbuya (so as central as it gets in Tokyo). If they nuke us i accept the fact that im fucked, i just hope im with my gf and family. i dont want to die alone, that is my number 1 fear.

a little reassurance would be great, I just cant stand the fact that we could be glassed by a third world country whos main export is meth and counterfeit $100 bills

Yeah nah you're fucked m8

As if they have any reason to nuke you. If they nuke anything, it's US base Okinawa, in retaliation to an attack. As if this isn't just fearmongering and manufacturing consent so they can pump more of your money into weapons made in US. if there's a nuke, there's nothing you can do except die, that's the point.

Had to go and find it. Apparently is from the 50's.
Don't live in fear. Likely nothing will happen. Like said, they want to kill us, not you. So military bases are more likely targets.

Your quiet days of teaching english to cute japanese girls are over.

Day of the noodle when?

I hope you get nuked. It's your fault Germany lost you rotten cocksuckers. And you're a pathetic english teacher.

Maybe next time wait until spring you krautniggers?

Tac nukes aren't all that accurate or effective. So you lose a city or two. They can be replaced with improved versions.

In serious war millions of people die and are maimed. Just like anime but you get to see it up close.

Taking cover is actually pretty smart, because BLAST damage causes many casualties who would otherwise survive if under cover.

Now go study REAL civil defense. I'm kind of looking forward to the Nips eating a few nukes and collapsing their society so I can get my roundeye dick wet in the desperate female (or sufficiently twinky trap) survivors. So hot.

We actually conquered almost all Russia, but fighting on two fronts is what destroyed the 3rd Reich. Maybe if Japan decided to attack Russia instead of the USA we wouldn't lose.

>If they nuke anything, it's US base Okinawa, in retaliation to an attack.

If they miss the rock, it won't do much. If they aim for Japan or South Korea a miss still gets bonus kills. Learn to primitive missile systems.

>or sufficiently twinky trap

Gas yourself.

THAAD or SM-whatever will get it before it reenters anyway. don't worry about it.

They did. They got utterly BTFO at the manchurian border.

Oh really? Pathetic, Japan needs to get nuked more. I wish Uncle Adolf didn't have such useless allies.

You should've let Spain join.

Not an expert on the Civil War but didn't Franco refuse to join?

I have more faith that Japan or South Korea has a good system to help city dwellers than the US does.

adolf picked literally the only race equal to whites as his ally. talk shit about nips, get hit.

the nips sure got hit hard, twice

There will 100% be a war with NK this year.

Screencap this.

Maybe before, they proved themselves to be subhuman degenerates that ran right into the battlefield to get mowed down by the machine gun. They were as useless as Italy.

>leaf education
Three times

Japan and its people are badass. Way better than those syrup suckers

>get BTFO and cucked at the end of WW2

Show your flag then. And let's see if you've fared any better than they have.

Ya know, my good nihonjin friend, in French trainstations, there are big pictures saying : "What to do in case of a terror attack"

Hide from the guy, call the police, don't make noise, etc...

I dont travel by train anymore since I broke up, but I'll see if I can take a picture of it.

I'm german, I think you would understand by now. And like I said we lost because we have slant eyed subhumans being useless and dragging USA to the fight.

No point. You are a dumbass queer who is spouting retardation.

>its a little unnerving.

That's the whole, and only point of this all.
The north korea missle scaretactic is just a (((distraction))) from the multicultural infestation that is fast approaching Japan in the next 3 years.

"That's right goy, these cold-war era incapable north-gooks are the real thing you should be scared of!"


Not only will there be a war, it will be longer, more brutal and more difficult than anyone expects.

Deny it all you want faglet, death is coming.

>mfw i am going to Japan soon
I hope that fat fuck does not blow me up.

>got spared the btfo bomb because you got btfo'd before we considered using it
We should have used it on y'all too, maybe it would have kept y'all from becoming the cucked nation you are now

if they're showing warning videos on TV it's only a matter of time now.The ultimate of happenings, how I yearn for thee.