>Still paying money to the power company jew
Invest in some panels, a battery and an inverter and you won't have to pay for electricity all your life.
>Still paying money to the power company jew
Invest in some panels, a battery and an inverter and you won't have to pay for electricity all your life.
its always cloudy here i doubt i'd make any power
Just steal power
>don't buy that thing
>buy my thing instead
I wonder who could be behind this post
I wonder who..
>won't have to pay for electricity all your life.
only after 5-9 year when the battery is busted or after 20 years when the panels degraded so far you don't even get 50% of the previous power output.
Oh or when the sun doesn't shine strong enough for a few days.
funny thing you could do that when you are near a high voltage power line, build a coil big enough and place it near it, bam free power.
Solar power - biggest lie ever.
Or do you live in the fucking desert? Even then this shit's not efficient enough.
Also maintenance costs.
its high summer here and has been raining for a week, would you reco mend?
That setup wouldn't be enough to power a calculator here.
No sunlight here. Very sad.
Maybe having a wind turbine. Would have to be council approved or live out in the countryside
What are you trying to insinuate? I'm trying to save you money. Everybody NEEDS electricity, you can either pay monthly for it all your life or pay it one time with periodic repairs. Find Jewishness in this and I'll post a picture of my wife's titties.
I had a rural friend who had a neat setup with some cows and a trough to catch their shit while they were eating and the shit would slide down into some cistern kind of thing from which he was able to extract enough natural gas for cooking, refigeration, electric lights, etc.
p. neat and you'd get about 6 gorrillion green points for not letting all those cow farts cause man-made global warming.
Let's see those titties.
>catching cow farts
You'd need some sort of tube attached to their rears. But harvesting and fermenting shit and using the methane byproduct seems good.
But that means I'd have to be a farmer. Fuck that.
Either air or hydro for me.
you are an embarrassment to your flag, fag.
Or wait until the prices fall even more.
What the fuck are you talking about OP solar is not cost efficient enough to go trough the trouble yet.
Meh don't have enough for the upfront cost. Plus I'm on nuclear so it's about as cheap as it gets. My water bill is more than my power.
Solar is bs tech to distract people from developing nuclear power to its true potential.
Solar will never pay for its self.
OP with American coal mines re-opening and oil companies drilling... It might no longer be worthwhile to utilize solar.
these are things to take into account too
only after 5-9 year when the battery is busted or after 20 years when the panels degraded so far you don't even get 50% of the previous power output.
Got a source to back that up?
I'm not being a dick, I legitimately want to read about this.
photovoltaic solar cells produce when it's overcast. I can't remember if it's reduced by much, but that's probably just a quick google.
^ this
Well, it might pay for it's self, years into the future and with a completely different technology.
the initial invetsment is too staggering still, i want to power a home forever for 5,000 dollars
The blades on wind-mills can produce low frequency noises that cause nausea and make life hell for people living near them.
It is apparently a very real occurrence--so if you are going to live near a wind-mill you might want to make sure the engineers use the right design and materials to eliminate vibration.
hydro-electric power sounds great, but who has a river big enough and can build a dam just to power one building?
Panels degrade over time, it's a known fact. The manufacturers are likely required to list power output at X amount of years. I think I remember seeing 80% output after like 5 or 10 years.
Solar is neat for a boat or an RV but pretty shit tier for residential power generation. We just don't have the tech yet.
For how little my electric bill is, versus the uptime and response on my network whenever there is an outage, I'm happy to pay what I do for usage and someone else to maintain it. I refuse to feel bad about paying for this utility, when I absolutely get my money's worth currently.
Gotta get rid of that Mah nuclear waste taboo.
Modern Nuclear plants run by qualified personal are quite safe. There are steps that can be done to mitigate the risks of melt down and fallout.
Normies don't know what power they are missing out on.
Another thing is, if you're going to go chasing energy production pipe dreams, why not shoot for safe distributed nuclear?
A process that can't be used for weapons or turned into a bomb would be the ideal.
Throw money at nuclear, damnit.
That Wendelstein 7-X plasma containment experiment looked pretty damn fantastic.
This is made up by people who cry about "muh scenic view".
It's actually worse than 80%. My family installed solar panels in our vacation home in the middle of nowhere Montana. After 9 years, they are producing about 65% of what they were in the beginning.
Solar is good for low energy requirement appliances though. It's easily to set up a little cell with perhaps a battery to run your TV or something while camping. Or perhaps even a single person living by themselves off grid tier.
Thats what we always thought. People saying its totally safe until the next accident happens.
Nuclear is highly subsidised. The government payed for the development and it pays for the removal of the trash. We still haven´t found away to remove it safely forever and until we will we have to staff and maintain storage facilities.
The big problem with solar is still the storage. The panels are already quiet cheap to get but having to buy batteries every 10 years for 5grand isn´t really cost efficent unless you are living in the middle of nowhere.
I wonder if the glass/plastic cover over them is scratched up?
That would certainly affect optical transmission.
If it's just glass or plexiglass you could probably replace the cover over the panels.
I don't think it is, at all.
I think it is very real and whole towns of (white) people in bumfuck nowhere aren't making up stories to get the wind power out of their town.
I live in germany and I am surrounded by windmills from every angle possible.
This is the first time I heard about this low frequency shit.
it already pays for itself
by the nature of the problem it wouldn't be present in all designs.
If it has poor vibration dampening or the harmonics are just right it would vibrate and cause a massive problem for the people living near it.
your literally ignorant
if you exclude the storage yes.
As an electrical engeneering student I am a big fan of solar but one big problem of renewables that is rarely talked about is shortterm changes in demand.
A sudden spike in demand is compensated by the rotating mass of generators in in big power plants. Renewables don´t work that way, not even windpower because the turbins are not directly connected to the grid.
So it is just a problem of specific turbins and not wind power in general?
Goldman Sachs and China much appreciate your purchase of rare earth elements
Where exactly do you use rare earth metals in a simple solar setup? just curious
where do you live
How much do burgers pay for power? My last power bill was $1200 for a quarter. It was summer and i had air conditioners going alot.
K*rd detected
As a single guy, I've had it as low as about $35/mo living in an 800sqft apartment and about as high as $120/mo living in a 2br 1600sqft house. I don't use air conditioning.
So it comes out roughly in league with other utilities, car insurance, internet, whatever, as long as you're willing to grant a pretty wide margin -- gas for instance is could jump $100/mo in the winter more than in the summer.
there are different typs of degradation. Normal age related degradation is usually a rule of thumb, calculated with 1% per year
But depending on the quality of the panels you can have up 35%+ degradation in just a year or so
In short, you get what you pay for. But the top rated panels are so expensive you can get power from your local electricity supplier for decades and invest the money you haven't spent on solar panels.
A good unit here is ~10k € here, the kWh is 0,15€, avarage consumption per household is 3500 kWh/a -> 525€/a, you can get ~20 years of power until the solar unit is amortize
Every setup I hear about takes 20+ years to get their monies worth.
Take the Geothermic Pill. 60% of Energy in Iceland came from the ground in 2009, and you can apparently set it up pretty easily for private use.
why can't pc's look like that little blue box? so fucking sexy.
Op fails to deliver.
Solar panels are MORE Jewish than normal power.
And just as damaging to the environment. How do you think they're constructed? Where do you think they get materials?
How much power can I get off a washing machine windmill vs a standard rooftop solar installation? Wind seems more viable.
A cousin of mine has some kind of a modest geothermal setup for his home. I think mainly what it does is keep his house cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter to the point where he got ROI I think in about half the time of a comparably-priced solar setup.
funny thing, one of the best "sands" (highest purity of Silicon) is found in the polar region of Norway, its shipped around half the globe to china to be made into solar cells. Also the refinement of the sand to silicon takes around 1,5-2 years of the energy production of every cell made. Meaning the first 2 years you just produce the power that was needed to construct the cell.
If you make an actual life cycle analysis of solar cells its one of the worst environmental impactors out there, right behind lithium batteries.