This is swimming pool in China. Left side is for those who paid more

This is swimming pool in China. Left side is for those who paid more.

looks like lake water
I wouldn't pay any money to swim in chink piss and shit

The water is fucking green.

Yeah, at my local pool it's like $5 extra for lap swimming. Most people just use the family swim area and float around on tubes like they are doing in the picture.

The only concerning thing is the water quality

Fucking disgusting.

Why the fuck would anyone go to a nigger-tier public pool when there are lakes and rivers literally all over the place?

At least piss is sterile. The thought of how much human feces is in.that water almost made me heave.

Looks like paying more gets you better activities
Gee wiz, whooda thunk it

This isn't politics or news.

a so they're not human?

Why does it matter, both sides are swimming in literal piss

china hate thread?


Because freshwater lakes have ecoli and other bacteria, particularly after it rains and all the manure from the farms runs off.

Public pools are loaded with Chlorine to keep them sterile.

Spam thread. Check the archives, this gets posted a lot. Report and hide.

They probably just let in water from a nearby lake and chlorinated it.

>Europoor makes thread about inequality
>Americans instantly observe that *everyone* involved is swimming in filth


houses in america. left side is for those who paid more

>so fucking what

OP probably meant to point out that chinese are the jews of asia


OP confirmed for a faggot

sage for spam thread. stop posting this

>still filthy gook soup water
glad to be less affluent in a white country instead of king of shit nigger mountain

>China is communist
Retards actually believe this

>no stop lights, someone has to literally put cones up, which don't stop a truck from just plowing through anyways

Your posting with a LGBT flag, we don't consider you a human either.

>THIS is not human

This shit is considered a repost even by fucking 9gag standards.


>filthy gook soup water
uma delicia

S a - -


Imagine groping cute chinese girls in revealing swimwear...

thats some final destination shit

The real problem is that there's so many of those fucking locusts, I hope there's a plague in the future that just wipes out 80% of china and india.


Fuck man that's God damn horrifying. Fucking chinks.

I would never go to the pool if the water looked like that, goddamn

do you want to fy with Air China?

AIDS cant kill disgusting homos like you fast enough

dude it's green because they're yellow.

wtf I love communism now

>driver stops

Nah, thats not China.

why are you so angry
focus your anger on the dirty chinks instead

>calling a petri dish of aids "human".

I snorted a bit.

anyway here's another normal day in china


not sure about the US, but in china the lakes and rivers are saturated with heavy metals

actually there are clean pools in gyms, but the gyms cost about $100 a month and are only in capital cities / main economic hubs

but actually i taught at a university in china, and the pool looked like OP's pic, but they closed it down and no one ever swam in it. they're not all retarded, just many of them.


What was the next step of his masterplan?


they dont have time or care to stop
humans have no vaule in china, it's all about the state

I'll focus my anger to speed up the migration of muslims.

That's Taiwan m8

holy shit, that's kinda terrifying