Anyone have dual citizenship? If so what countries

Anyone have dual citizenship? If so what countries

Usa and Poland here

Usa ad canada

USA Israel

I'm a Jew, so I automatically have citizenship to Israel if I decide to return to my homeland.

USA and NK

U.S. and Poland as well.

I stole someone's passport a couple years ago so I suppose I have dual US citizenship

MEXICO and US (meh)

German dual citizen here
It's useless but i can vote in the general German election i guess

Europe and Kekistan.



UK and NZ. Plus I have an NRI "passport" for India. ( basically, I can stay there indefinitely without the need for Visa.

Don't come here.
Thank you.

Come back home, white man.


Hehe me too bro. Dad's from Poland, been living in Poland for 2 years. Pretty based.

Brazilian and Italian.
if i wanted to i could change one of them to austriac or paraguayan (i really want the austriac one), but it seems to be very complicated.

Somalia and Syria, Obama paid me twice to come here

Ohio and North Carolina

Polish and Dutch


I could be a Czech citizen if I filled out the paperwork, as well.

All of you fucking traitors should be shot.

Austria Canada

Russia and US.
I'm not a hacker, I swear

America needs to end this dual citizen bullshit. You are either American or your something else. You cant be both.


Try triple, pleb.

Some of us were born with it user.

Spanish and French. Dad met mom in Andorra, they had vacation time

Did you eat paint chips as a kid?
Be honest.

Bitch I will come and go as I please

Are you retarded?


czesc kolega, hoe gaat het?

aus nz

And people wonder why Americans are so retarded with people like you in the gene pool.

Usa and Nigeria

U.K. and Spain

Polish and Russian

So u can speak French,Spanish and English? If so impressive.

Germany and Italy.

2006 was hard.

Canada, croatia, UK, Korea.

Fug with me

Also catalan :3

Which one?

Qualified because of wife

Since my mother is German and I was born there, I could have. But back when I was born Germany still had mandatory military (I think) service and my parents didn't want to have to deal with trying to send me back if we were living in America so they opted out of it.

They have gotten rid of the mandatory service thing since then, but now Germany is going down the shitter so I don't see a reason to get it.

Duel citizenship is cancer. Become American, or GTFO back to Poland.

We must end socialism or we will continue commiting economic suicide. Our demographics are failing because of a shitty socialistic economic system.

Nah, I was born here, Ill stay here and keep my Polish citizenship incase the niggers and spics take over.

Pick a country or I will scream.



Guess which 2 passports can go in the trash

And i can only speak Swedish and English....
What the fuck am i doing whit my life.......

France, Australia.

Gf is from somewhere in Eastern Yuro so I guess if we ever have a child, he/she will have 3 citizenships.

is that true?

Man... One advice I can only give you: don't limit to your native and standard int. languages, learn other shit like italian, spanish or german (they ar like shit-tier difficult languages to learn, trust me). Recently I'm learning portuguese cuz of a friend from Madeira coming on vacation to Spain.

yes, i've researched it. pretty easy for a natural born jew to get it.

goyim can also convert and get citizenship. converts have to get a letter from rabbi, and also usually need to regularly attend services for like 1+ year beforehand

Canada and Bangladesh here. I wouldn't really consider myself a citizen of BD though, since I moved here when I was a year old, and I've only been back a couple times to visit.

tied to the (((land)))


Born in Poland to Polish Parents and became an American Citizen through them in June 2004.

I'm learning german. Speak fluent English. I expect to speak German decently within a few years. What should I learn next Sup Forums? I'm thinking either Russian or Japanese.
>figure both will be hard as fuck
Japanese would allow me to have some mobility in the orient, only other decent place on earth apart from white countries, but Russian would give me the triple threat of English, German, and Russian meaning I could speak in pretty much every European country.

that's a good goy, stay on my land.

outside thar be dragons

i stand with poland.

>Japanese would allow me to have some mobility in the orient,

basically no one speaks japanese outside japan. maybe a bit in taipei and honolulu, but even then nothing to rely on that english wouldn't be 100x better for.

also, if you want to learn german, go to germany and just start talking to people. otherwise it's not going to happen.

Dominican Republic and U.S.A

Rosetta Stone. I have it and spend an hour everyday so fuck off with your defeatist attitude.
>anyone with meaningful input have something to say?

aka the two best countries in the planet, lmao.


>Rosetta Stone

are you the user that said he would be moving there and abandoning argentina?

try and stop me DP