Brit/pol/ - Quintessential Edition

>Labour rebels vow to continue single market fight

>Corbyn's purge of the blairites continues as he sacks 3 cabinet ministers from their positions for voting to stay in EU single market

>Six face charges over Hillsborough disaster

>No final Grenfell death toll "this year"

>Northern Ireland secretary warns over talks deadline

>Immigration detainees (illegal immigrants) bring legal challenge to what has been described as £1 an hour "slave wages"

>Number 10 reveals public sector pay cap under review - after Theresa May "hears the message" that voters are "weary"

>Man hit by bus while walking street, proceeds to walk into pub and have a pint

Other urls found in this thread:


>theguardian com/uk-news/2017/jun/28/immigration-detainees-legal-challenge-slave-wages

Do any of you keep in contact with your normie past acquaintances? What do they say?

Mr bot pls



>niggers have started delivering my parcels
>it used to be white people
>this shit has begun to spread to my area

never ends does it


the British right wing is dead
deader than dead

Maybe if you didn't treat us all like cunts we wouldn't be quitting left right and cetnre.


>treat us all
back away plebian filth, maybe if you didn't act like cunts and stopped coming at awkward times then not even waiting more than 2 seconds

D'ya think Jesus really did visit Britain?

Don't be mean at this hour.

>ideas are for everyone

Who else here sitting /inthedark/?

funny how people are overworked when labour is devalued by 500 million people having the right to work in this country


Join the Vanguard!


what are you doing that for lad

Can't, if you have 100 deliveries that all need to be delivered, you can't wait 5 mins at one door waiting for the lazy cunt to get out of bed.

I always done my 2 knock rule, I knock once wait 10 seconds, knock twice wait 10 seconds, then go try one neighbour and only knock once (if there is a car on the drive) if no car i'll just fuck off.

Some companies literlaly have a machine telling them how long they have to deliver the next parcel (dpd) so they'll only try once.

If you want your shit 100% that day go to a shop laxy bastards

No, they're brewing.

They know they can't speak, and that is making them very mad.

Rockbusters answers:

First clue:
That Scottish lady sees her bloke go off with another woman. That Scottish lady sees her bloke cheat on her.
Initials: A M
Answer: Ay, me man! Aimee Mann.

Second clue:
I'm making a sculpture out of cooked metal. I'm making art out of metal, right, that I've cooked.
Initials: R S
Answer: Rod (like the metal) stew (cooking) art (sculpture). Rod Steward.

Third clue:
It's autumn, but he only moves one leaf. It's autumn, and he only moves one single leaf.
Initial: R
Answer: Rake one. Raekwon. Yeah?

Tune in tomorrow night for more Rockbusters and more shitty prizes.

heaven forbid it spills over, we'll get a Tommy Robinson-led non-violent march for inclusivity with all our black mates and those based Sikhs

Thank the good Lord we still don't post our children then. I wouldn't trust niggers or shitskins to not damage Whitey in transit.

got black out blinds too so i can sit in the dark during the day :^)

will i get pokemon cards if i join

Don't forget the Israel flags. British men don't want to be lectured by a wog.

high tech them blinds m8

enoch here, enoch there, enoch everywhere

Top effort mate, loved it last thread. Try and weasel in a Jamaican fella or two next time.

>Anh Nhu Nguyen, of no fixed address, was charged with five counts on Thursday evening, Scotland Yard said.

how are you senpais...

Cheers, and that.

Jamaican fella might make an appearance tomorrow, we'll see. Night.

how do they know? weren't there loads of illegal subletting there

alright mate. playing some gwent

Why won't the tripfags just stay gone lads? They've not been as bad lately but it would be nice if they just left us alone.

you going to do any sound effect based ones?
born slippy

I didn't understand that game in TW3. I just refused to play it.

Royal Mail get £10 an hour M8.

You know what, I just might. Not for the moment though.

well 600k nigs and wigs gotta go somewhere right?

gwents piss easy mate. just play nilfgaard and use spies/decoys

Royal Mail work oddshift hours though. They'll do like 4 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon, they're still only getting 80 or so a day.


Britons are too unskilled to be taxi drivers and delivery men so we need to invite 750,000+ 3rd world immigrants a year to do those jobs for us

I just didn't know what I was doing and I couldn't be bothered to learn...

It's because most guys in the industry have families and don't want to work 6am till 8pm and work on christmas day. 3rd worlders do.

I had one Brazilian tell me that he didn't give two shits about being kept till 8pm or later at work because he only had a shitty flat share to go back to. Sometimes he would sleep in his van outside work.


Gwent is hilariously easy once you take one entire minute to learn how to play

Night night m8

>"Constitutional changes shall restrict the powers of the monarchy"
Count me out mate

Just woke up at 11pm lads, what the fuck is going on with my life

>hitler may be genocidal but this is bullying

it's not that hard mate.

i'd bully her bum (the writer, not abbott)

If I ever meet you in real life I will you you the hardest headpat you have ever had.

Reset your sleeping pattern or you'll be fucked if you ever get a job.

And yet Labour voters have no problem with ripping the shit out of the Tories at every opportunity. Typical left-wing hypocrisy.

woke up 4pm , usually jog at half 3am and go to sleep at 8 am

*teleports behind you*

What's it like jogging at 3am, i usually run at like 10/11pm and that's eerie enough.


How can black people compete?

don't pat too hard desu or you will break my neck
I suspected that was the case. oh well

What is this? Robot Wars for supersonic ants?

>walk into post office to make a delivery. standing in the fast track que
>notice that the employee who's dealing with fast track is a nigger
>look around at the other employees
>2 more niggers, 1 indian, 1 misc
>person in front of me is an autistic nigger
>he's arguing with the nigger employee and is saying he can't write the address on the label because of his disablility
>take my other headphone out of my ear to hear the conversation more closely
>nigger employee refuses to write the address because 'it's not my job'
>this debate goes on for at least 3 minutes and neither one is backing down
>employee ignores the autistic person and comes up to me and offers to scan my item
>autistic also looks at me
>make velociraptor sound at the top of my voice and proceed to beat both of them to death

>not amputating that limb

masaka - he's using THAT ???

h-he's fast...

lads.. my lewd animation loop is nearly done i am pretty excited

Should I go and do some graffiti?

stencil or freehand? if stencil, do a karen

Huh, this got me thinking...

GCHQ honeypots have really gone downhill

i lucked out, most of my acquaintances (who i engage with once every 4-5 months) is either redpilled by their parents to begin with or faux-normies who drop the mask once the actual normies aren't around.

Just a can of spray paint I bought from B&Q recently because I'm a bored cunt and I want to daub a penis somewhere because it would be funny

How exactly are GCHQ going to find and arrest me from a post I make on Sup Forums? They'd have to hack into Sup Forums's servers to get my IP address, or they could contact my ISP I guess, but did you know that ISPs are only legally required to keep documents of the sites you visit, but NOT what you do on those sites (so the things you post to websites, they're not legally required to keep that)

Maybe they do still keep that

But this is all presuming that GCHQ would investigate someone who is mentioning the prospect of painting some graffiti. It's hardly the crime of the century is it? Don't you think they have bigger crimes to concern themselves with?

And even if they did catch me... I don't care

Evening lads.

Down to the last two beers, how's everyone else doing?


>how exactly are GCHQ going to find and arrest me?
don't turn around now

>not over buying in case of THE THIRST.

Had a chinese while watching Love Island and now tucked up in bed, living the dream

It'd be the police who'd be interested in graffiti lad.

m8 where are the Jaffa-cakes? this shift is bad enough without you eating them all.

alright. playing gwetn and trying to finish the sister path in Summertime Saga. Also looking at my lewd commissions

Finally watched TDKR tonight with the missus. Seen the first 15 minutes dozens of times, but never watched the whole thing...

did you start laughing in the opening scene? be honest...

>It'd be the police who'd be interested in graffiti lad.

Okay let me pose another question if people here don't want to be seen as endorsing graffiti

Should I go and have a cycle into town at 2am in the morning? I just found an abandoned place on google that looks quite cool and I might go check it out

Again, the reason is boredom

I hate doing nothing

It bores the fuck out of me

have a wank, learn to draw and make pron

Should you? No idea.

I'm not gonna live your life.

More importantly what are you considering painting? Is it something like "ANIME IS GAY" then more power to you.

You know who else was bored?
You should watch what you say on the internet m8

Has the puff dog meme died yet?

>anonymongs disprove yktd's gf, circa 2017


Evening lads.

I thought it died pretty much right after it started, no?

Was at a pub and rowdy lads called me out for being a fatty. Faced up to their table and the lad who said it to his mates was "I didn't say anything mate" and was clearly embarrassed. They proceeded to loudly call "Fatty" out on the floor, not in my direction, but yeah. Friend's silent, one friend talking me down from fighting. Staff tell them to get the out. Doorman shakes my hand and thanks me for not kicking off and that he'd have helped me 1v5.

I still feel like a pum boys. I'm annoyed at myself for getting riled. I'm annoyed at myself for not fighting. I'm annoyed that I'm even thinking about it while they don't care. I'm annoyed I even considered fighting while drunk in a pub on a friday like a degenerate.

Fuck. Loose weight you fat cunt.

I fucking hate kids like that, would've loved to kick ten bells out of someone like that at that age.

>I still feel like a pum boys. I'm annoyed at myself for getting riled. I'm annoyed at myself for not fighting. I'm annoyed that I'm even thinking about it while they don't care. I'm annoyed I even considered fighting while drunk in a pub on a friday like a degenerate.
I think you should more annoyed that you're a fat, lazy cunt who gets angry with people who point out your glaring mistakes.

You should have waited until one of them went to the toilet and opened him up in there. Or put a glass through his face.

fatties are the most disgusting worthless people

Imagine how good that free punch felt though, I bet it felt fucking amazing to sort that little fucker out once and for all. I bet the prick was a right annoying little nob, I can tell by his voice.

>tfw can't sleep because I keep thinking about what i'd do if I won the lottery and it's making me nauseous

Some of your grandparents probably died for this.

Too much porn is very bad for you.

I fucking hate anime but I don't think I would make graffiti about that. Even mentioning anime means you're an autist

Maybe I'll go start the fourth Reich

how much would you give me xx