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This is powerful

Why do our cops always shoot first talk second while this cop talked down someone with a knife?

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You try doing that next time some 6'5 big pulls a gun on you and tell me how it goes.

>Frail 45 year old Asian man
Let's see em do this with a hyped up 20-something negroid and see if they get the same results

21 foot rule. A person under 21 feet can attack and stab someone with a gun before they can react, shoot, and stop the attack. Bullets are not magic, they poke small holes in people, and unless there is a spinal shot, a person armed with a knife can stab and kill people within 21ft.

This is a great feel good story, but this is the exception, not the rule, and for every one time this works out this way there are 1000 other times where it doesn't, and had the guy ended up stabbing a passerby or rushing at the cop and stabbing him shit would have hit the fan, and we would be having a whole different conversation.

this 100x knives are exceptionally effective weapons in much longer distances than people think.
shill/slide thread or just a fucking retard burger

The murdering doctor was a feral black man, thats why.

Of course he needed to be put down. Are you 12 years old?

Pic related
Link related

Here's the archive

Because he weren't black and could be reasoned with?

Because most random criminals aren't going to act like this when a cop tries to be nice to them. Don't fucking pretend cops can do this in every scenario.



Based nordbot

In Thailand, being a police officer is a fairly prestigious job. In the U.S. it's the C- kids that are the ones who become cops. The average police officer here is not a smart person.

And the average knife wielding nigger here is a feral subhuman that's not interested in negotiation.

Depending on the city, your cops have to deal with realy fucked up creatures.
Also the current state of criminals being able to get a guns plays a big role for shoot first and ask questions later.

Not denying that some of your cops are pretty trigger happy, but lets face it, it is a shit job depending on your location, which could cost your life/health at a certain point in your carrier and I would rather pull the trigger than get shoot down by some nigger on parole who can not get his shit together.

It isn't worth risking lives for an idiot threatening to take lives, you fucking god damn retard.

what the fuck even is this article? couldnt have just presented the facts without making a shitty buzzfeed tier list out of it?

And they still didn't kill that animal...

This says very much about whatever southamerican country this is from...

This would have happened in the USA and that guy is impossible to be alive.

90% of the time a nigger gets shot there is already a tussle going on

Yeah I browse r/watchpeopledie daily, people like officer get killed all the time.

Should have shot the fucker

This, I don't care if he is mentally ill, imagine that he kills someone, what then? wht do you tell to the family of the dead person? "Sorry but he was mentally ill and we didn't kill him and then he stab your husband"

One thing is to be civilised and the other is to be stupid. Like in video. One cop dead, some others almost dead and the fucker is alive.

LOL. Where the hell was this? Pussiest cops I've ever seen. I wish more died purely because they are incompetent.

The cops in that video are hillarious. They can't shoot down one guy that is 3 meters away, the fucker almost killed all the cops and still they didn't shoot him well to kill him.

if that cop keeps acting like that he will be dead soon.
just takes one nigger

>or just a fucking retard burger
>meme flag
you have to go back.

It's a scrawny middle-aged Asian dude in a police station filled with cops.

That's slightly different from a 20-something gorilla in an urban environment with only one other guy backing you up.

No you wouldn't be talking about it at all since people don't find it remarkable.

like and upboat if this video touched your feelfeels

wtf, do nigs really hate whites that much?
I prefer American policing

>Mentally ill


Yea this meme needs to die. "Oh he was on drugs/mentally ill/ emotionally distraught"

Doesn't matter. Other people are pushed to worse points and don't go around trying to murder people. Just kill them, they are defective and at fault, there are over a billion humans on the planet.

>Muh slippy slope
No. The right of people to not get fucking murdered is more important that the safety of a loose cannon.

you must go back

there's a big difference.

Officers are not obligated to sacrifice their lives for stupid, violent people who don't understand the concept of consequences.

>do nigs really hate whites that much?

Yes. From illegitimate birth they're convinced that every single hardship they are at fault for is actually because of the evil magical whitey who does everything in his power to make sure that they can't make money or be successful in life.

They're told they're at a disadvantage for being black, and that if they fail it's ok because it's because of racism. They're told they can't get ahead because every single white person all around the world hates them, either openly or 'passively'. They have an excuse and a crutch from day one and they abuse the fuck out of it due to there being a political party that's going to tell them everything they want to hear.

It's just a proof asians have higher IQ compared to nignogs. Can't talk with someone who doesn't listen.

1:30 cop throws a dog into a car

My man, don't take shit from nigger cops.

pic related

Post it in response to the twitter nigger in OP post.

British expat in Thailand here.

I can tell you that the Thais are a version of Asians that still have empathy. Imagine the Chinese but they actually care about human lives. That's the Thais.
They're pretty fucking lazy but other than that great people and a great place to live.

2 men from the same culture and ethnicity were able to resolve their differences nonviolently.
>really makes you think

>my sides

>1:30 cop throws a dog into a car
finally a sane use for biological weapons

Meanwhile someone throws a newborn from a third story appartment in downtown shit-kong.

Their size doesnt matter when they have a gun

Are u expecting us to defend the cops in the US?>>>reddit
departments around the US have this video shown to officers for 'training'
It changed law enforcement for the worse

Police do try that, but whoever they're talking to doesn't listen.

guy will go to prison, get out, and stab someone. shoot the fucker while you can.
eat shit you hippie minority faggot. cops will always be held in higher regard than fucks like you

>talk to strange tweaker with knife
>He stabs you anyway after you let yourself get too close


>Strange tweaker walks up with knife
>Pow pow pow click

I feel like it's easier to feel a sense of community and culture...when everyone shared the same culture? There's a large racial, class and generally just culture divide among people in North America.

Most cops are shit... They believe in the badge and protection their fellow cops more than citizens if they arent blatently fucked up. Look up cop tasing a guy in handcuffs.

If you're a cop and you can't draw your sidearm and fire upon an assailant to the point of subdual in that time you deserve to get stabbed as many times as you do.

Better shoot cops that come within 21 feet of me then. Since I don't trust government which is run by Jews and all Jews need to be gassed...

>he thinks spics don't hate nogs even more than whites do

Cops are a representation of the citizenry.
If your cops are shit, chances are your citizenry are shit too.

>that 1 kill throat stab
jesus what did that cop with a stick think he was doing? would of been more effective to bash that guy with with AK


Because knife's are deadly weapons too, even more so in the hands of a chimp that cannot be reasoned with. Look up knife victims, some user had a very good pic related to where I'd rather be shot after seeing it

>tfw you've survived so many knife/blade attacks that everyone else's pleb LARPing is pure entertainment

Knife is a little slower, but really big, reusable, magic bullet.

Chinks dont value anyones life, not even their own.

this guy knows what he's talking about

Also samurai honor and cowboy law revolved around the draw out. If you draw then you intended to use it.