Nigger says "whitey keeping us down!"

>nigger says "whitey keeping us down!".
>Sup Forums says "jews keeping whitey down!"
What is the difference?
Why is it taken more seriously when a white person says it?

>implying anything anyone says anywhere is taken seriously

Blacks just misidentify jews as white is all.

Acting like a victim outright is stupid, no matter who you are. But it's a fact that Jews are behind certain political movements and control a lot of industries, not to mention having significant political influence. The real redpilled blacks are those that realize Jews are a problem too.

>Sup Forums says "jews keeping whitey down!"

only cluckheads say this, i'd be willing to best most whites think jews are conspiring against them, not that they are keeping them down

One of us is right. The others are niggers.

most whites on here i mean

The truth is it's not whitey or niggy or jewy keeping anyone down. It's just capitalism.

you're right. nazis are the white niggers.

Aren't there just as many high IQ whites as Ashkenazi Jews? I thought the issue was that even when you control for high IQ, Jews are still over represented
> could be wrong tho

so what? that means whites aren't trying as hard as jews are.

That's the same thing, you dumb leaf. That is what niggers mean when they say "whitey keepin niggahs down".

Because most white people don't actually think Jews or any third party is responsible for their own failures, and have better lives to show for it

They're both correct.

Because the white race as a whole has actually greatly contributed to the species, it would be of extreme catastrophe to lose them.

Meanwhile blacks have contributed the least, they are the lowest tier the human species has to offer; as a whole. They are their own worst enemy, they are their own destruction, they hold themselves back etc.

This is also true

The difference is that niggers are in white america

Whites are not in jew america, they are less than 2% of the population. this is a white country


We definitely do not think anyone is responsible for our failures, and we are much more capable of self responsibility this is incontrovertible… However it's clear to say that it is of no coincidence that the only countries to accept mass immigration of different races and ethnicities (in some cases, cultures that are completely antithetical to the arriving countries culture) are predominately white countries!

Homogeneous Society is the best society!
> as long as you are of European descent and maybe a few exceptions with the Mongoloids.

how fucking suppressed is your damned intelligence to not just fucking openly accept the fact that both of those are factually correct. why it doesnt raise fucking red flags to you is beyond me at how adamant ""people"" are at suppressing ALL discussion on ((()))

>What is the difference?

When it's niggers talking about "Whitey" or "the man", they're actually talking about Jews. So, they're both right.

When feminist are talking about "the patriarchy", they're actually talking about the Jews as well. We all share one common enemy.

>what's the difference?
Niggers never took down a European super-power by simultaneously tricking the capitalist west and Soviet east into invading the ancestral homelands of the white race.

People care about their own problems more than the problems of others. This gets amplified as cultural lines are crossed and different peoples have different standards for behavior.

White man loves his rules and demands hard ounshmneta for those who break them.
Black man loves his respect and extracts quick vengeance on those who violate it.

Jew loves his sheckles and believes anying that gives Jews in ganeral and him in particular him more sheckles is good.

Because Porky keeps the divide up.

Niggers don't mean a god damn thing. They're utterly fucking worthless.

You are almost there. Follow that chain higher.


>Jews do bad things, we shouldn't let this keep happening


>whites do bad things, gib money white people

niggers are trying to get others to not try as hard and give them breaks for their chimp outs

White people just want other White people to stop letting Jews control them. We're only naming the problem so other whites be on our side

People have specific ongoing gripes with degenracy and subversion. Blacks certaiy had gripes. Ones which have been aggressively addressed.

Jews owned the slave ships that brought over Africans during the Atlantic slave trade.

When nogs blame whitey, they are actually misdirecting their anger that should rightfully be aimed at the Juden. Of course, it doesn't help that the Juden are shapeshifting chameleon-like creatures.

Not just that, they believe the jew when he tells them all the lies necessary to reign them in front of his chariot.

difference is one is being serious

and the other not so much.

> taken serious

You do realize that Sup Forums and stormfront are seen as a complete joke